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Rejection made me more confident

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@Leo Gura it's really counter-intuitive but rejection from 2 night games made me more confident.why is that lol?  I thought it would make me feel shittier but I'm more confident than ever. What's the mystery behind it.  I am less insecure about my looks and personality.


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I know You're expecting Leo's response but I hope others' answers are okay too.

By confronting fear and experiencing rejection openly You realize that actually rejection is okay and there is nothing to be scared of. The feeling of overcoming fear and coming out the other side is exhilarating. :) 

You gain confidence because when You overcome your fears You realize that You can do all those things that were previously impossible for You. You can be rejected and You're gonna still be fine. This is what confidence is - a feeling of self-assurance arising from a recognition and appreciation of one's own capacities, abilities, qualities (definition from Google).

Edited by Sincerity

Words can't describe You.

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Another reason is because you gain experience talking in a certain way and saying the same lines over and over again (not that you will earn money anyway). Familiarity breeds confidence.

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1 hour ago, Antor8188 said:

@Leo Gura it's really counter-intuitive but rejection from 2 night games made me more confident.why is that lol?  I thought it would make me feel shittier but I'm more confident than ever. What's the mystery behind it.  I am less insecure about my looks and personality.


It's because you're not taking every individual woman so seriously anymore. Good mindset to be in when you're sleeping around. 

However, things may change when you start trying to get into a relationship. Because what your girlfriend thinks about your looks and personality will be everything. And, treating her as 'disposable' will turn into a cope. 

I'd suggest you work out those insecurities before getting into dating, honestly. If you want a smooth journey to having a relationship. 

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3 hours ago, Antor8188 said:

I'm more confident than ever. What's the mystery behind it

Have you been eating more protein lately?

I left this forum because a moderator has a problem with me talking positively about myself and giving advice. This reflects the forum as a whole. This place is negative, bitter, hateful and anti success. If you don't notice this that's because you're one of them. I hope some of you benefited from my posts. Take care.

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