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Are all fears really imaginary?

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@Leo Gura Why did you say all fears are imaginary? Aren't some fears genuine?  For example you might fear losing your job and one day it might happen because of one wrong decision.You fear losing your mother but one day she will die because of health issues. You fear getting covid but it's obvious the virus is still there. How come all fears are imaginary maybe some but a lot of them are genuine. 

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What you imagine hard enough will be true for you. There's a difference between imagined, made up fears like the fear of activating DMT in your brain accidentally by looking at a visualization, vs actual fears like being chased by a pack of wolves.

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fear is not the sensation of crashing a car. fear is the warning sign before the impact.


as far as clarity is concerned, crashing a car is imaginary until it happens.


if you'd like to do spiritual work, you might be skeptical of the reality behind these warning signs.

fears might be unhelpful, and they might be giving feelings of unnecessary, unwarranted stress

"Holy fuck. Holy fucking fuck. That body of yours is absurd." -Sri Ramana Maharshi

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