
How To Make Ones Life Purpose Clear Enough To Be A Driving Force In Ones Life?

7 posts in this topic

I have had this vague life purpose of mine about coming a revolutionary and taking certain actions to reduce 1st world corruption in our society.

Whenever I think about goverment/goverment affiliated corruption whether it be about a Homeless housing crisis, the education system, how the economic system works and other such things annoy me thouroghly and bring up an anger within me which make me want to take action. Especially when I see a video disucssing the bullshit of the school system or and how the economy works (this video in particular pisses me off )

I am not entirely sure of how legit this video is but my gut feeling tells me that there is SOMETHING really wrong with how money works, and whether this is what the problem actually is or not, I dont really know for sure.  But I defintely feel like there is something wrong.

I have this notion that if I dont become a revolutionary, who else is?  I have had this thought that if I dont do anything, the world could potentially be fucked, and there in it is my duty to fulfill this role as a revolutionary that will actually make changes that stick. I could possibly change the course of history for all I know.


So many people just talk and they do nothing. What frustrates me even more is that people who both talk and back up their talk against corruption with actions is that their actions lead to pretty much nowhere, no major change occurs, everything is just as corrupt as it was when they started their acts against corruption. I am sure some people have one the fight against goverment corruption, the corruption I am talking about here is large scale 1st world corruption such as in the banking sector, the health sector. The corruption right under our noses, alot of people seem to ignore.

What do I do?  I have this feeling it is a duty to do something about reducing goverment corruption because I can, and if I dont act against it, who will? Who knows, the world could be possibly fucked if I dont do anything. Is this worth pursueing or should I let someone else deal with goverment corruption.

Surely if I dont become a revolutionary and reduce major 1st world corruption problems someone else will......right?

This is where I am at dillema, if our world was more sunshine and rainbows and was self-actualized with a whole new education system that isnt bullshit and whole new money system that isnt highly expolitable , perhaps I wouldnt be thinking about this help.

Help me with this, please. I really dont think I have any other desire in terms of life purpose, I mean I think video games are cool, but I don think it would be as fufilling as doing something like changing society from the top down, or making a whole new no-bullshit education system, and perhaps it is my duty anyway because in the realm of possibility, it could be possible, no matter how minute the fraction is, that it could be so that if I dont take action. The world could possibly be fucked if that happens to be the case.

I have a previous post about this revolutionary purpose from 1-2 years ago, I was, simpler minded back then (I was around 13), but still have that same sort of vague kind of being opposed to corruption. Ive been looking for something to really drive me anyway, Simply waking up in the morning thinking "revolutionary" is a bit to vague to really push me out of bed with power, with determenation. I think I actually I have discovered my lifepurpose a bit more deeply by writing this thread, but seeing I have wrote all this, I will post it anyway to get those of you in this community your input, Thanks.Please help me.

Edited by Lorcan

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@Lorcan wow. That's lofty. Godspeed. Get a law degree. Watch Where to Invade Next. This is a cause you might need to be willing to die for. That's one serious rabbit hole you're looking into. They don't fuck around. However, I believe you can it. 



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2 hours ago, Nahm said:

@Lorcan wow. That's lofty. Godspeed. Get a law degree. Watch Where to Invade Next. This is a cause you might need to be willing to die for. That's one serious rabbit hole you're looking into. They don't fuck around. However, I believe you can it. 

I would be willing to die for a noble cause,however thats just me in the here and now sitting in the comfort of my bed saying that. Getting shot, blown up, or stabbed cant be too bad, getting tortured however........ Hopefully if I choose to take that path I will have the bravery to face the possibility of a very painful death. I just did some negative visulation on that there. Hopefully I dont get tortured if I choose that path.

Maybe a law degree could be something to look into.

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1 hour ago, Captain Flint said:

Imagine someone else actually revolutionized our world and solved our corruption problems. Imagine that THERE IS REAL PERSON who managed to accomplish such a noble deed. And that person WAS NOT YOU. Would you feel that you wasted your life then? Would you feel that you lost an opportunity to be a part of great dream?


The obvious first step to take is to study how society works. Some questions to be asked:

  • How money (economics) works on large and small scale?
  • Why do we have goverment? What are relations between people and goverment?
  • How society is rulled politically? What are relations between different countries? 
  • What is corruption? Why does it exist? When and where does it thrive?
  • Is corruption a part of "human nature"? Is it a part of our culture? Is it a part of political system? May be, our education is to blame?

May be you are interested in these questions so they can push you out of bed?


For overall picture, start here:


Then I recommend you to study classical university texbook "Politics" by Andrew Heywood.


Well... I personally am DYING to know how society works. ARE THOSE STORIES OF ILLUMINATY/CONSPIRACY REAL? Who rules our planet (if any)? How does it work? How I can influence on this process?

If someone else solved our corruption problems, I would be over the moon. I would then set my life purpose to something to do with probably one of my hobbies. Like I said, I think video games are cool and have had ideas for some badass videogames. So if the world wasnt corrupt out as it is and/or I was born in anywhere between the 1960s-1970s I probably would of pursued something lije that.

But seeing its now the year 2017 (nearly 2020) No Hugely Major Historical events like World War 2 or anything and goverments are corrupt as fuck, fossil fuels are running out, climate change and there is probably a list of other stuff. Basically, the world is fucked, If I keep good health and am lucky enough, I will get to see the world in 2100 , Holy fuck,2100. Holy, shit.

My instincts are telling me that the history books arent just going to stop at World War 2 and Cold War, oh no, not happy ever after, everyone lives in harmony, no. In between 2020-2100 some serious shit could happen, and I will live to see it. And just looking through my history book, the  vast majority of chapters are about Civilizations and Wars, most of civilizations in the book, were at war.


When 1st world goverment corruption is right under our noses, becoming a revolutionary  in a way to eliminate or highly reduce the corruption and reform society seems alot more fufilling then creating some badass video game.(in a world that is possibly going to plunged into chaos)


These questions are intriguing , the ones you have listed. I will look into these. Im getting a clearer idea on my purpose now.


Edited by Lorcan

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Your goals are noble and lofty. Great. Keep going. But it's gonna be pretty hard to survive and express the truth in a politically correct world !

  1. Only ONE path is true. Rest is noise
  2. God is beauty, rest is Ugly 

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