Rafael Thundercat

What is your main source of world news?

6 posts in this topic

I usually dont watch Tv, YouTube is where I watch stuff, but there I prioratise education vídeos. Just looking for great channels for to be informed of the main stuff. Suggestions? 



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I literally use this forum for the majority of my news lol.  ... I've never been a "news junky" or that into it.


allsides.com is a great website that gives news from the political left, center, and right to give you more balanced consumption.  

I think it also has like breakdowns of each news article in terms of biases, common information warfare and propaganda tactics, etc..  

There's many other like it given in a "Sensemaking Companion" Rebel Wisdom gave out.  

"Just a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down"   --   Marry Poppins

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@Rafael Thundercat Hey dude.

At the moment, I'm trying out using the guardian weekly (Its a magazine and i have a subscription for it) as well as pod save the world. Pod save the world is, for me, the best news channel on YouTube.


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It's actually Facebook newsfeed... I followed some news channel on facebook and occassionally use facebook to get the major news.

I don't like to go BBC.com to get bombarded with too many unwannted news.

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Various new feeds. I like Democracy Now, and various channels.

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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