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Federico del pueblo

In my dream last night my 3rd chakra got activated

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It wasn't activated in real life, but just in my dream.

In the dream at some point I spontaneously started to focus on that solar plexus area above the navel (for no apparent reason). Then I suddenly felt a huge physiological shift.

A sensation of bliss and joy started to spread from that area throughout the entire body and into the brain and it felt so good that within my dream I had to make some noises with my voice like "aaaaahhhhh" (kind of similar to when you have an orgasm).

Then I woke up. I still felt a little bit of that good sensation but then it quickly vanished.

Now I'm wondering why I would have such a dream? It seems a bit too specific to just be some random dream incident, even though I often dream of the most random and illogical things.

I haven't done a single "chakra meditation" in many months, so it's totally not like chakras have been at the forefront of my mind at all.

What do you think of this?


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