
Quote From Eckhart Tolle - What Does It Mean?

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In the book "The Power of Now" Eckart Tolle says that "The secret of life is to die before you die -- and find that there is no death." Can someone explain exactly what he means by this?

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He means that you have to see through your false sense of self (the ego) and realize there is only one being that exist (god, consciousness),

That this thing is essentially you, and therefore, you can't die, you never will, and you never did.


Edited by Shin

God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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If you begin inquiring and researching yourself and reality, eventually you'll see that death is a concept, because your being 'alive' is a concept. You and reality are one big causation that you have awareness of. The factor that has the awareness is a personal question, in the sense that you are your own reality. Nothing is actually alive or real in the traditional sense.




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1 hour ago, Zingo said:

die before you die

Those of us who are meditators will readily understand that the process we enter in meditation is very similar to that of dying.

For example, in meditating as in dying we close our eyes (generally); we drop the effort to control and instead relax. In doing that we are leave the outer world for the interior one. Even if others are sitting meditating with us or by our deathbed, we leave the world of ‘the other’ for a state of aloneness. We move from activity, from ourselves as ‘the doer,’ to that of complete inactivity, to simply being. Our identity as a body, a persona – created by the various positions we may have held, the relationships we are in, by what we have achieved and so on – becomes irrelevant when we move into our inner world.

So meditating provides a natural and a simple way to consciously ‘die before you die’ – to rehearse dying. And of course the more familiar you are with entering meditation the easier it will become and the deeper will be the effect.

 Die Before You Die means, the death of the ego and the possibility of a real life. Jesus says: "Unless you are born again, you shall not enter into my kingdom of God." -- but the rebirth is a state of no-desire, a state of no-mind, a state of total stillness, unburdened. Put all aside. Regain, reclaim your innocence, your childhood. 

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@Zingo 'Death' is the end of an illusion that there was someone. Your sense of self is an illusion, thus there is no one to die, thus no death.

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@Zingo Death is like a stock market crash of the self. It only effects those who have everything invested in it.:D


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