
Modern women are selfish?

62 posts in this topic

@Leo Gura Don't you think it's harder for men to form meaningful relationships with females let alone getting laid with them because modern women are selfish and entitled? Because of this reason they end up following toxic people like TATE and bilzerian. I used to be super nice to women before but the nicer I was the worse they treated me because of this I became more arrogant and started standing up for myself for which they respect me more now.  


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Everyone is selfish to a degree. Western men are also selfish in that they chase women with little care for them as actual human beings with feelings and emotions.

Honestly it's not even worth thinking about this kind of thing, just continue developing yourself into an attractive dude

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Toxic women will not respect you. 

Good ladies respect good guys and expect respect in return. 

Simple logic. 

If I see a good guy I respect him even more because I know he is a rare find. 

Good guys are a bomb. 



 Be careful being too demanding in relationships. Relate to the person at the level they are at, not where you need them to be.

You have to get out of the kitchen where Tate's energy exists ~ Tyler Robinson 

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1 minute ago, Tyler Robinson said:

Toxic women will not respect you. 

Good ladies respect good guys and expect respect in return. 

Simple logic. 

If I see a good guy I respect him even more because I know he is a rare find. 

Good guys are a bomb.

Then why good guys struggle with girls a lot more than bad boys? This is not rocket science...

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33 minutes ago, Antor8188 said:


@Tyler Robinson female only complain about guys judging them on their physical features have you seen how selfishly women treat men who look average it's 10x worse.  No wonder we have school shooters and incel terrorists.

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31 minutes ago, Antor8188 said:

Don't you think it's harder for men to form meaningful relationships with females let alone getting laid with them because modern women are selfish and entitled? Because of this reason they end up following toxic people like TATE and bilzerian. I used to be super nice to women before but the nicer I was the worse they treated me because of this I became more arrogant and started standing up for myself for which they respect me more now.  

Modern women are selfish and they're taught to be. Men are taught to be simps, sacrificial and push overs. This is why men like Tate are popular because they remind men that they're people too and have the right to pursue their own interests. 

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1 hour ago, Antor8188 said:

Don't you think it's harder for men to form meaningful relationships with females let alone getting laid with them because modern women are selfish and entitled?

No, it's simply because you don't socialize.

Stop inventing excuses when the answer is always you.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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If you think appearance is a problem, then it goes for both gender. 

If anything else is a problem, then it's something you can work on. 

Most men are rejected due to lack of social calibration alone. 

Being a social active man will cause tons of women to notice you and want you. 

What will not cause women to pay attention to you? 

  • Not talking to women 
  • Not texting and chatting with women 
  • Not having a goal in life 
  • Not respecting women
  • Living in your bedroom all day and playing video games
  • Not having a job or work
  • Watching porn all day 
  • Fantasizing, deluding self and constant theorizing on what women are, philosophizing on women psyche without putting real effort into attracting them 


The above will not help you get women. 

Work harder. Complain little. 



 Be careful being too demanding in relationships. Relate to the person at the level they are at, not where you need them to be.

You have to get out of the kitchen where Tate's energy exists ~ Tyler Robinson 

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@Antor8188 Depends on whether they're running in the rat-race. If they are, then it'll take the form of 'hypergamy', where they're looking for the richer guy. This tends to be a complaint of Stage Orange guys who are materialistic themselves. 

But, if they're out of it and they see that materialism won't make them happy, if they're spiritual and they have an understanding of femininity and they're able to embody that, they won't be selfish. 

This is not very different from men, honestly. Everyone who's running in the rat-race is fundamentally selfish. 

Edited by mr_engineer

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48 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

No, it's simply because you don't socialize.

Stop inventing excuses when the answer is always you

Most guys socialize and have normal healthy social lives, it is not that simple. Approaching 200 girls a month might work but it is not natural at all, humans never mated by doing mass approaching. They mated by normal socialization like normies do. Yet most normies struggle today more than ever. I ve spoken with dozens of guys that have normal healthy social lives, they all struggle to some extent. The pickup solution may work but it is not natural and does not scale well if everyone does it as you have said it yourself.

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2 hours ago, Karmadhi said:

they all struggle to some extent.

Dude, what you don't understand is that having pussy on tap was never a thing unless you were a king.

Most guys who lose a girlfriend will need years to replace her. Guys struggling to get sex is the norm even if they are moderately social.

If you want an abundance of sexual options there is nothing natural about that. That is a highly artifical scenario which requires special design and effort. It's not enough to just be social, you must be insanely social, out every night hunting for girls. That or become a celebrity.

Getting laid was never easy. Which is why guys found one girl and got married for life.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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10 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

ude, what you don't understand is that having pussy on tap was never a thing unless you were a king.

Most guys who lose a girlfriend will need years to replace her. Guys struggling to get sex is the norm even if they are moderately social.

If you want an abundance of sexual options there is nothing natural about that. That is a highly artifical scenario which requires special design and effort. It's not enough to just be social, you must be insanely social, out every night hunting for girls. That or become a celebrity.

Getting laid was never easy. Which is why guys found one girl and got married for life.

That is not the issue of most guys though. Their issue is to get a decent girl (not necessarily super hot) to be with them. This desire to fuck 100 girls is very immature and only applies to specific guys, usually with past traumas. 

What I meant is to get a girlfriend, date her, become single for some months and find someone else through your normal life. 

Also, getting laid these days is easier than ever. Just use Tinder, with the right pictures you can get options. I made a whole thread about it but in case you dont have time to read it, I have met many guys in my city (other PUAs) that get like 1-2 dates per week by using Tinder. They are normal looking, they just have very good pictures, pay platnum and have good text game. Also these same guys used to get almost no results until they changed their pictures so it is not like they re these Giga Chads or anything like that.

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21 minutes ago, Karmadhi said:

That is not the issue of most guys though. Their issue is to get a decent girl (not necessarily super hot) to be with them.

These issues are directly related. You cannot quickly find a replacement girlfriend unless you are screwing new girls every week.

Finding a decent girlfriend will take you years unless you are highly social and dating all the time. Just because you only want 1 girl does not make it any easier. Harder actually, because you are unwilling to build a funnel of girls and your skills are rusty.

It's a numbers game even if you only want 1.

Of course online dating can allow you to "approach" 100s of girls quickly. I was talking about about real life.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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41 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

These issues are directly related. You cannot quickly find a replacement girlfriend unless you are screwing new girls every week.

Finding a decent girlfriend will take you years unless you are highly social and dating all the time. Just because you only want 1 girl does not make it any easier. Harder actually, because you are unwilling to build a funnel of girls and your skills are rusty.

It's a numbers game even if you only want 1.

I know many guys that replace girlfriends after a few months because they know people. The idea that you need to talk to 100 girls to get 1 only applies to cold approach, not through warm approach and social circle. Most guys date from social circle and it does not take years, usually months if they are open to it. Also I am talking about a guy with good social skills, not a broken incel that has 0 game.

41 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

Of course online dating can allow you to "approach" 100s of girls quickly. I was talking about about real life.

It is so effective that it makes cold approach seem inferior. To me it is the equivalent of taking a plane over walking or 5 meo DMT over meditation.

Why walk to another country when you can take a plane to get there faster? Why meditate for 40 years to access truths you can by a few trips of DMT (you have this yourself).

Same logic: Why do 100 approaches to get 1 date when you can get it from Tinder while taking a shit at your office? 

"You need to be handsome to get results from online dating" is a myth, at least to get decent girls. To get legit hot girls it is another story but my argument was about a decent girl, not proper hot girl. Most guys dont care about getting hot girls just like most guys dont care about becoming a millionare, they just want a decent job.

Edited by Karmadhi

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13 minutes ago, Karmadhi said:

broken incel

Sorry, I just couldn't help myself.

Foolish until proven other-wise ;)

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5 hours ago, Antor8188 said:

@Leo Gura Don't you think it's harder for men to form meaningful relationships with females let alone getting laid with them because modern women are selfish and entitled? Because of this reason they end up following toxic people like TATE and bilzerian. I used to be super nice to women before but the nicer I was the worse they treated me because of this I became more arrogant and started standing up for myself for which they respect me more now.  


Wish them Salvation from afar ??

It is not wise to associate oneself with such beings...

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29 minutes ago, bloomer said:

@Tyler Robinson

Imagine thinking respecting women helps you get laid lol

not respecting woman = kid and not a man. It's also the way to get with low consciousness woman that are a reflection of yourself

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42 minutes ago, bloomer said:

@Tyler Robinson

Imagine thinking respecting women helps you get laid lol

Yea sure keep disrespecting women and you'll get some low quality women to sleep with you and that way you can be proud of yourself that you got laid. If getting laid is your only concern. Sure. 

But if you want a high quality woman to even look in your direction, then learn to match the standards needed. 

Or else stay with your low quality company you find. 

The same principle applies to everything in life.

You want something really good. It won't come easy. 


Edited by Tyler Robinson


 Be careful being too demanding in relationships. Relate to the person at the level they are at, not where you need them to be.

You have to get out of the kitchen where Tate's energy exists ~ Tyler Robinson 

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