
What is your opinion about the Rings of Power

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It is on Amazon prime. 

I was a big fan of the LOTR series but after that I was not feeling it. 

I didn’t like the Hobit series which was made after the LOTR series. I thought it was childish. And now they have made Rings of Power which is a mix bag of the Hobit series with SJW sauce on top of it. 

So disappointing but I can’t help but to watch it. It is like an awful car crash. You know you shouldn’t stop and look but one can’t help oneself to stop and look. They screwed LOTR harder than StarWars. 

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4 hours ago, StarStruck said:

It is on Amazon prime. 

I was a big fan of the LOTR series but after that I was not feeling it. 

I didn’t like the Hobit series which was made after the LOTR series. I thought it was childish. And now they have made Rings of Power which is a mix bag of the Hobit series with SJW sauce on top of it. 

So disappointing but I can’t help but to watch it. It is like an awful car crash. You know you shouldn’t stop and look but one can’t help oneself to stop and look. They screwed LOTR harder than StarWars. 

   RING OF POWERS is the culmination of stage orange capitalism and industry pursuit of profits over integrity and vision, and stage green extreme wokeism, SIJ hippie Karen complaints and vision injected into LOTR with little skill and talent. Both excesses of stage orange and excesses of stage green fantasy is what you get here, a BASTARDIZED CORRUPTED LOTR! Just because business need to survive and gradually pander to stage green woke and LGBTQ people, doesn't mean you should blanket a work of art with 'rainbows' when based on stage of development, cognitive and moral development, personalities, states of consciousness, ego development, other lines of development in areas of life, ideologies indoctrinated and other developmental factors dictate that a certain type of art needs to be done in a certain type of way, not what you're political fetishes and predatory capitalism dictates.

   It's not just in western modern movies getting this treatment, but western comic industries and animations as well as other fields related or loosely related, getting too politicized and marketed too much by big tech and big companies to try to cater to everyone when a medium caters to some or to a few. Eastern movies, anime and manga industries have survived this wave and remained mostly integrity and cohesion much more than western counterparts. Thy don't froth in their mouths with political outrage and craze like in the west, and focus their skills development where it counts, enough said. Even some manga with political themes handle them beautifully and artfully respect the story structure and manga drawings. In the west it's almost the opposite, it's disappointing and childish immature handling of art it makes me sick!.

Edited by Danioover9000

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