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Awareness Alone is Curative.

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Awareness Alone Is Curative.

A year ago during a psychedelic experience I became aware of tinnitus and was able to gain insight into it's nature. Tinnitus, like thoughts, is essentially the sound/light of neurons firing. As it turns out, I Am The Source of the ringing, and careful attention to The Source causes the sound to tune up or down in pitch and volume. It's as if I had found the radio knob in my brain and was looking for a clear signal amidst the background noise.

Tinnitus and visual snow are an opportunity reach higher states of  consciousness. The ringing and visual mandalas are best seen as catalysts or pointers for healing. They are your higher frequency understandings as interpreted by your lower frequency understanding mind.

Awareness Alone Is Curative.

The body is a radio receiver for thoughts coming from cosmic consciousness. Quite literally starlight from the Sun and deep space are revelations from your future self. Once you internalize this, you'll never view your mind in the same way again.

Tinnitus can be healed by way of meditation. Listen to the totality of what you can hear, seeking the balance between outer sounds of your environment and breath, the inner noise of your mind, and the ringing. Take interest in these fields of awareness, and show them your love by recognize that they are One hearing, with nothing separating the inner and outer awareness. You will come to find that these regions of the mind can be assimilated and as you inquire you will discover their nature, you will learn how to hear again. You will begin to undo the discord by learning to love this sound unconditionally in its cohesion. Hear the ringing respond to your intention, however subtle, and you will start to tune in to this higher understanding. Follow the change in pitch and volume, and watch as it becomes more or less harmonious. Show it compassion and understanding. The ringing will slowly fade, and in it's place will arise a higher understanding of sound. You will notice then that you can notice more sounds, and in higher fidelity detail than ever before.

Awareness Alone is Curative.

Visual snow too, seen with the eyes open or closed, is the visual form of tinnitus and provides exactly the same avenue for growth. Accept this visual snow into your heart, keeping an open mind to it's presence and simply watch it unfold before you. As you meditate on the whole of your visual field, notice as this visual snow will begin to dance like a psychedelic mandala as your mind begins to "play" with the higher understanding. Over time, as you remain mindful of breath, the visual snow will become increasingly subtle and a more vividly detailed image of the world will come into focus. You will begin to see your awareness of the world improve, and that you're able to absorb and hold more of your environment into your awareness at one time.

Awareness Alone is Curative.

The breath is extremely important to the healing process. Calm and mindful breath patterns signal to the mind that this is the normal state of awareness, thus raising your default state of consciousness. This is why meditation while in heightened states of consciousness is so important. You are learning, from direct experience, to normalize a higher state of consciousness. Meditation, psychedelics, (and to a lesser extent, weed) can be used in tandem to raise your default state of consciousness. The more progress made in meditation, the more integral you are to the rising collective consciousness of the planet.

Awareness Alone is Curative.

Edited by tuku747

Brains DO NOT Exist.

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