
does anyone else gatekeep knowledge?

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I gatekeep a lot of powerful stuff I have learned like books, videos and courses. I gatekeep Leo, other youtubers, powerful books, etc. I think I gatekeep because I don't want my friends to learn this stuff and get better results from it than me. does anyone else do this? is it wrong to do this? is there any deeper meaning behind this? how can I fix this selfishness 

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I’ve done the exact opposite and shared sources to plenty of people, and I’ve found that the chance someone makes any progress at all is low. Most people don’t stand a chance. The biggest limiting factor is that they won’t even have the interest to stick with anything long enough for it to work. 

I’ve stopped sharing anything at all about awakening to people in my normal life because it’s a giant waste of time that leaves you misunderstood and them likely more stuck in their bias than before. 

Edited by BipolarGrowth

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7 minutes ago, BipolarGrowth said:

I’ve done the exact opposite and shared sources to plenty of people, and I’ve found that the chance someone makes any progress at all is low. Most people don’t stand a chance. The biggest limiting factor is that they won’t even have the interest to stick with anything long enough for it to work. 

I was gonna say, no one around me even cares about this stuff lol

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Yeah I used to gatekeep a lot of stuff. Now I will share them with my loved ones and friends. It doesn't really matter since life is short.

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I am repulsive enough to normies as it is. No need to gatekeep me, I have already done that work for you free of charge. It's baked into the cake. You're welcome :D

Edited by Leo Gura

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15 minutes ago, iceprincess said:

I think I gatekeep because I don't want my friends to learn this stuff and get better results from it than me. does anyone else do this? is it wrong to do this? is there any deeper meaning behind this? how can I fix this selfishness 

I think this is fundamentally coming from a lack of self-love and self-worth. You think you're gonna lose something fundamental about yourself if you share it with other people, and that you won't have anything unique to offer anymore. You've attached too much of your self-worth to this stuff.

You need to get in touch with all your unique quirks and your authentic self, and start loving and appreciating that. There's more to you and life than results and knowledge.



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1 hour ago, iceprincess said:

how can I fix this selfishness 

Try to do the opposite a couple times and watch how little effect it has.

You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink.

1 hour ago, iceprincess said:

is it wrong to do this?


1 hour ago, iceprincess said:

is there any deeper meaning behind this?

Yes, you have a fear that you could do some introspective shadow work on.

Something about people surpassing you, getting left behind, not being as good as others? Losing something, losing control, getting lost? Not doing it right, other people seeing that you don't know what you're doing? That you're secretly worthless? Or that no one is interested in you, no one values what you are interested in?

I can't tell you what it is and where it comes from, but you can find out and perhaps by doing some work on it, you can release yourself from that fear, and spend less mental energy on gatekeeping.

Now wouldn't that be nice.

Edited by flowboy

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A good friend of mine did the opposite of that when introducing me to this whole thing. He was autistic and and I'm naturally open minded. Had any one of those two ingredients been absent, I wouldn't be here lol. This type of stuff can easily become overbearing lol.

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@iceprincess  I flow in what the moment asks me. First is to use intuition and listen to what people need. If I feel that Leo stuff will help I share, sometimes I share a book that helped me in that issue or a link to a podcast pr a music video. No worries of someone grow more than you. I would feel happy if any one in my influence circle could experience mystical states and experience deep transformation in their lifes. The more happy and healty people are around me better everything is. 

Fixing selfishness. That could be the title of a SelfHelp book.

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