
The Youtuber Started A Death Cult

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Why is EVERY generic Youtube cynic/skeptic bro some early 20's dipshit who hasn't accomplished anything in life, but somehow give off the impression they know everything xD? They all have the same sarcastic, passive aggressive cadence in their voice too. As well as having this disarming charm that they could be your friend, but God forbid you ever hear what they say behind your back. The worst kind of rat.

I swear this criticizing random people and bitching about culture shtick is the easiest grift you can do online. All you need is a decent mic and clever gamer tag and you could get 200K subs in less than a year. All your content is already made for you by millions of people out in the world trying to create something of this life (whether it's "good" or not).

Also I didn't want to say it at the time, but I think enough time has passed. From what I read there wasn't any publicly available proof that that certain person committed suicide, unless they disclosed some evidence privately that I wasn't aware of.

It all coincidently happened around the time Connor Murphy was having his psychedelic induced mental breakdown and hardcore trolling this forum and harassing Leo with videos. Connor literally said, "I am going to fake my own death". Then a short time later the suicide drama happened on this forum. I'm not one for conspiracy but that is just my theory. I'm completely open to that not being the case though.

Edited by Roy


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It's funny, nobody ever listens to the part where I say: "Don't ever hurt your physical body, and your life is a miracle and a gift."

I released a video specifically saying this called: The Dangers Of Spirutual Work

I didn't release that after, I released that before any suicide.

When Conor emailed me saying he was gonna kill himself, I spent an hour on the phone talking him down. I didn't do that after, I did that before any suicide.

People are free to kill themselves any time. That's none of my business. I teach God, which has nothing to do with suicide, and there is no confusion about that in my work. No sane person listening to my work would get the idea that I am telling you to harm yourself. Why would I teach about health if my plan was for you to kill yourself?

These "death cult" accusations are so disingenuous and bad faith it's preposterous.

Edited by Leo Gura

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11 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

It's funny, nobody ever listens to the part where I say: "Don't ever hurt your physical body, and your life is a miracle and a gift."

I released a video specifically saying this called: The Dangers Of Spirutual Work

I didn't release that after, I released that before any suicide.

When Conor emailed me saying he was gonna kill himself, I spent an hour on the phone talking him down. I didn't do that after, I did that before any suicide.

People are free to kill themselves any time. That's none of my business. I teach God, which has nothing to do with suicide, and there is no confusion about that in my work. No sane person listening to my work would get the idea that I am telling you to harm yourself.

A large portion of your community is what we could label or call “not sane” though or rather unwell / immature, etc.

It’s ultimately their responsibility to upkeep themselves and keep themselves safe. I believe this. 

I also believe it’s your responsibility to use your platform in a way to not spread thoughts/ideas/beliefs (you call them teachings) that could be dangerous in “the wrong hands” or rather do so carefully / maturely.


Edited by Lyubov

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16 minutes ago, Lyubov said:

A large portion of your community is what we could label or call “not sane” though or rather unwell / immature, etc.

Not a large but a small. Don't exaggerate.

Yes, those kind of people get drawn to psychology and spirituality because they are suffering, so normal and expected.


I also believe it’s your responsibility to use your platform in a way to not spread thoughts/ideas/beliefs (you call them teachings) that could be dangerous in “the wrong hands.” 

Of course. And that's what I've always done by elaborating every trap of this work. I do that in almost every video. Most teachers don't talk about traps as much as I do.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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Turkey Tom. Very Popular "Drama" YouTuber.

Their entire schtik is just attracting audiences and viewers with the most toxic stories regardless of whether the stories they tell are even told in an accurate or unbiased manner.

Their the YouTuber equivalent of sleezy tabloid magazines.

Rule of thumb:
Avoid watching low-integrity sources of media.

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@Leo Gura

I know Leo is probably going to dismiss the video as biased and whatnot, and he may be right however there is one clear conclusion that this video and others show: There is a serious problem with Leo's teaching style and demeanour that puts off normal people and even drives away spiritual individuals who want to learn. There are many people who talk about spirituality but only Leo is branded a dangerous cult leader. Actualized has a serious image problem.

Remember that people make decisions on whether they like someone not on logic but the vibes they give off. When I showed actualized to a super spiritual girl I knew her response was 'Ok this looks dodgy' which is a real shame because she could have benefitted a lot from actualized. There are way more harmful channels that get less hate because they aren't as off putting. As interesting as the content might be, when someone exploring your videos for the first time comes across a 2 hour video on why you're more enlightened than anyone else because you plugged DMT, it's really not a good look. Not just for yourself and actualized but spirituality and psychedelics in general.

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Leo does say wild things ahah 

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@spiritual memes I get what you're saying dude but I think that the way Leo teaches is very valuable as it is.

His present style will inevitably push away a lot of folks but I think also changing the style would also push away a lot of folks. 

Edited by Ulax

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34 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

These "death cult" accusations are so disingenuous and bad faith it's preposterous.

This specific guy has a history of making false accusations in the name of being "edgy".

I remember when he called another YouTuber a pedophile just because he felt like it.

To be fair, he apologized when said YouTuber told him he can very well sue him for that if he wanted to.

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23 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

Of course. And that's what I've always done by elaborating every trap of this work. I do that in almost every video. Most teachers don't talk about traps as much as I do.

@Leo Gura Ye dude I've noticed you put out warnings quite frequently. This youtube dude is the equivalent of a tabloid newspaper imo.

I agree with the comments he makes about being kind of heartless in some of the comments towards the suicidal people but not the rest of the vid.

Edited by Ulax

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@spiritual memes How would you like to see Leo change his image?

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@Ulax I'm not complaining about the content of what he teaches, just the style in which he teaches. For example the tone in which he speaks and the way he addresses the audience and the I'm more awakened than anyone else schtick. I think the present style is pushing way too many people away that would have otherwise benefitted a lot.



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@spiritual memes I agree with you on 'I'm more awakened than you' rhetoric. I don't really like it either, and find it frustrating and irritating/ cringe.

Regarding the tone, I actually quite like the tone. I think when done well its raw, gritty, provocative and cuts through to listeners.

Also, this type of tone reminds me of a lot of RSD instructors, and I think its very effective at resonating with people who feel disenfranchised. I think lighter, more friendly communications style don't really get through as well to those sorts of folks imo.

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Omg… the you tubers whole channel is toxic. Imagine living your whole life thinking about and spreading filth and then judging others ahaha

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@Thought Art Ye seems like the dude is projecting a lot of shame and disgust onto others, by the look of his video catalogue.

Still tho, there are likely some kernels of truth included.

Edited by Ulax

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Yea, I have made it into the video talking about e-bikes! Great xD

And the guy is quoting Joseph Maynor's posts to Leo and siding with Joseph, so cute, they match each other.

Edited by Girzo

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Just now, Ulax said:

@spiritual memes How would you like to see Leo change his image?

A more compassionate, less snarky tone. Less belittling the audience. Explaining extremely high level spiritual concepts with more nuance that are harder to misinterpret.

 For example, listen to some Alan watts, Ram Dass and Rupert Spira lectures and just note the difference in which they speak use words. That is not to say that Leo should mimic their styles, but its clear that they have something that Leo doesn't. I.e. they can all talk about the same thing but only Leo sounds like a crazy cult leader.

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