
Getting into programming without a CS degree

4 posts in this topic

Has anyone done this here? How did it go?

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Yup totally doable, there's very little red tape in this industry. I'm completely self-taught and have been working professionally for over a decade. Relevant previous thread: 


Edited by thepixelmonk

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3 hours ago, thepixelmonk said:

Yup totally doable, there's very little red tape in this industry. I'm completely self-taught and have been working professionally for over a decade. Relevant previous thread: 


Do you think this is the industry to be in to ensure remote work going into the future? 

I enjoy this work. But I also largely got into it because it seems to be the best field to be in to be fully remote going into the future. 

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Yes, I did it. And it didn't take me that much effort. Toughest part is getting the first job and building confidence on yourself that you can do the job. 

In regards to your remote question, well as a lot of tech jobs yeah it will have its fair share of remote opening jobs. But I think on-premises jobs will also be there. If you search enough you will one. 

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