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Thought Art

Gabor Mate: The Myth of Normal (Trauma and illness in a toxic culture)

1 post in this topic

Here is a great talk about trauma and illness in our culture. The book itself contains many clues around why certain public intellectuals do so well, why there is so much addiction and mental illness in our culture. 

There is also a lot of great discussion around the mind body connection and illness. He also talks about oneness of all beings. He also discusses the difficulties and ignorance of modern medicine and how it ignores how trauma and emotions affect healing and illness. He talks about how discussing these these can end doctors careers so they either don’t practice what they know works or hide their practices from colleagues. 

I’ve included this song because of its lyrical and emotional content.




To the wall of our room
Yeah, you chained me like a dog in our room
I-I-I-I-I-I-I thought that's how it was
I thought that we were fine

Then the day was night
You were high
You were high
When I was

And dying for
With no light (no light)
With no light



Tied to my bed
I was younger then
I had nothing to spend
But time on you

But it made me love
It made me love
It made me
Love more

It made me love
It made me love
It made me
Love more

Uh, oh, oh-oh
It made love

Do what she said
The words she said left out
Over unto the sky where I'll soon fly

And she took the time
To believe in
To believe in
What she said and

She made me love
She made me love
She made me
Love more

She made me love
She made me love
She made me
Love more

Love more
Love more (made me love)
Love more (she made me love)
Love more

Edited by Thought Art

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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