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To reach Truth you must reclaim your authority

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To have absolute truth, you have to create it. That’s what makes it absolute .it’s produced by an absolute authority. You can’t “reach” that, like a discovery, because it requires conscious choice and action for its existence. When you’re searching for something, you’re relating to it as if it were grounded’s existence is independent of yours.

But that’s not how absolute truth works: absolute truth depends on you, you’re its parent. You can’t find it, you have to give birth to it.

How is that possible? Because humans have an often untapped and poorly understood capacity to claim absolute authority in a limited domain. There’s rules in this arena, you can’t just make up any old truth and have it become true: that’s called "pretense" or ‘'self-deception'’.

To produce actual truth, you have to play within the limits of your authority, and before you can do that you have to hold your authority firmly in both hands  recognizing its validity and nature.

Most of us can’t do that until we’ve revoked the authority that we’ve unwittingly granted to others. When you see that you have the potential to be an authority but have given it away without noticing, then it’s fairly straightforward to revoke it and take it back, although that does require some courage.

What’s the domain of this authority? In fact it covers most of the ‘big questions’ about life, like “who am I?” and “what does it all mean?” and “what’s the most important value?”, etc. These are questions that cannot be answered satisfactorily by mere searching or inquiry ..the absolute and trustworthy answers all require you to exercise your authority as a “meaning maker”.. a being who is a conscious agent aware of the scope of the power implied by their capacity for choice, aware of their role as the source of meaning in their own world.

All other forms of truth are conditional: the truthfulness of such truths depends on conditions which are outside of you, and if those conditions change or don’t apply, then that truth stops being true. But the truth that you create is absolute, because it depends only on you.


my mind is gone to a better place.  I'm elevated ..going out of space . And I'm gone .

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@Jannes thanks ?

my mind is gone to a better place.  I'm elevated ..going out of space . And I'm gone .

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