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Radioactive Plume Over Europe

4 posts in this topic

What do you know about this?!
Found this video


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One look and that channel and it reeks of ego paranoia and the guy managing it is obviously not sane. But this brings up something which i think needs to be said. There are a lot of people on this forum who obviously need a course in critical thinking skills and source criticism, because i see a lot of these links being posted. They are nothing more than a distraction and a delusion of egomaniacs who are unable to accept reality. Its great to be open minded, but you need to find a balance. Being too open minded will just waste your time on garbage like this, while being too critical will make you dogmatic and shortsighted. Thats why balance is key, or else you will waste a lot of time on delusions.


One quick search on google shows that the radiation levels which are discussed are way lower than what is dangerous too humans, you're welcome.

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@AxelK I don't care about the channel, I care about the fact that there's a radioactive plume over Europe and if there's a radiation exposure I want to know what caused this. I don't know where you are located but the country I live in is one of the affected ones so I want to know what the hell is going on.

I didn't know one could be "too open minded". I see absolutely nothing wrong with critical thinking because it's sad if we'd just blindly believe all the stuff that's being shoved down our throats (I am referring to pretty much everything, politics, religion, etc.). Seeing/hearing both sides of a story is crucial in order to take a well informed decision on which side you would like to stand on, if any at all.

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@Annie My point was that you should care about the channel, because it is the source of the information. Shitty sources = Unreliable and often false information. One quick search debunked his whole fear mongering story, As i said the article says that the levels are not toxic, and the website is a valid source.

And if you are afraid of radiation exposure i have bad news for you. You are constantly being exposed to some form of radiation, but the levels are usually so small and insigificant that you will never notice it. This is one of those cases. And i actually live in one of the "affected" countries and this exposure doesnt concern me at all. If you want to lose sleep over this, thats up to you. But i would strongly suggest double checking sources that make extraordinary claims, so you dont have to put yourself through unnecessary stress.

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