
Can a sociopath like Andrew Tate become enlightened?

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Is it possible for a sociopath like Andrew Tate to be enlightened? This is a direct response to Leo's most recent video about Andrew Tate.

What really changed my mind about him is the fact that he pimped out his own girlfriend and was heartless enough to exploit them through fake tax reforms. Like I can't even imagine how sociopathic you have to be. I didn't even think his actions were so fucked, I had to really visualize myself in his position to realize how heartless you must be to pimp out your own girl.

Can a sociopath like Andrew Tate ever get enlightened or follow spirituality? It seems to me that psychopaths and sociopaths literally cannot go into spirituality as they are biologically wired in such a way where they just can't empathize with anyone.

Is there anyone in this forum who is or knows someone who is sociopathic and follows spirituality? 

A direct question to Leo and people more experienced : If you had to try, how would you begin to introduce a sociopath into spirituality?


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Plenty of deep parts of awakening don’t relate too directly to or require empathy. It is theoretically possible, but it is not likely to happen as the individual is likely too unwise to stop shooting themselves in the foot with their bad foundation. 

Edited by BipolarGrowth

What did the stage orange scientist call the stage blue fundamentalist for claiming YHWH intentionally caused Noah’s great flood?


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Angels' University?

I don't think so.

Edited by Gesundheit2

Foolish until proven other-wise ;)

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@UpperMaster A sociopath is formed by life events so they should be able to unwind there ego just like anybody else. It seems highly unlikely that they would have any interest in doing so though. 

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It will require a lot of work.

Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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You are imagining Andrew Tate. 

(but also, Linktree @ joy_yimpa ;-)

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14 minutes ago, Yimpa said:

You are imagining Andrew Tate. 


Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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The core issue is one of truth. Tate fundamentally doesn't value truth so his chances of Awakening are next to nill.

He could always reform himself. But that would require admitting that his whole philosophy was toxic garbage. So don't hold your breath for him.

Maybe a few years is prison will change his heart.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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54 minutes ago, Carl-Richard said:


Yes, Andrew Tate is undoubtedly, unequivocally asleep xD

(but also, Linktree @ joy_yimpa ;-)

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It is easier for a Camel to Go Through the Eye of a Needle than for a rich man to go to heaven.  To be enlightened you have to be poor or weird. 

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A narcissist will never sacrifice his own ego to understand nonduality.

If he take psychedellics he would only stick to the "I'm GOD" effect of the trip and foirget the other valuable lessons. This would boost more his ego, making him an unbearable asshole.

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Yes, going to prison and find God! A classic transition from stage red to blue :D:D


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@UpperMaster I'd get them to do shadow work first. If you look into the work of psychotherapists like Otto Kernberg and Frank Yeomans it is possible. I just imagine it must be a massive ball ache to try and do.

If he has NPD, which I think is certainly a possibility, the issue is that the NPD psyche maintains a grandiose narrative as a defence mechanism against underlying feelings of pervasive shame. Kerneberg argues that this underlying psychic structure resembles BPD.

Therapy requires unwiring this narrative and exposing the conscious mind to this underlying structure, which the psyche will greatly resist.

The NPD mind functions very differently from the healthy mind, as it is very developmentally stunted.


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1 hour ago, Ulax said:

@UpperMaster I'd get them to do shadow work first. If you look into the work of psychotherapists like Otto Kernberg and Frank Yeomans it is possible. I just imagine it must be a massive ball ache to try and do.

If he has NPD, which I think is certainly a possibility, the issue is that the NPD psyche maintains a grandiose narrative as a defence mechanism against underlying feelings of pervasive shame. Kerneberg argues that this underlying psychic structure resembles BPD.

Therapy requires unwiring this narrative and exposing the conscious mind to this underlying structure, which the psyche will greatly resist.

The NPD mind functions very differently from the healthy mind, as it is very developmentally stunted.


It is weird because in some sense narcissists have a competitive advantage as they are more self confidence, but the same narcissism hinders their growth significantly in areas like spirituality. 

I wasn't aware about Otto Kernberg and Frank Yeomans, I'll look into it

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8 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

The core issue is one of truth. Tate fundamentally doesn't value truth so his chances of Awakening are next to nill.

He could always reform himself. But that would require admitting that his whole philosophy was toxic garbage. So don't hold your breath for him.

Maybe a few years is prison will change his heart.

Alright. But Leo, if you were to attempt helping a psychopath realize truth (forget Tate, I'm asking in General), how would you do this?

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5 hours ago, Shawn Philips said:

A narcissist will never sacrifice his own ego to understand nonduality.

The most hilarious part of this forum is posters pretending that Leo is not a narcissist himself. That's how deep the cult programming is here. xD



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Enlightenment is not in any way dependent on the apparently good, bad, healthy or unhealthy conditioning of a human character.


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34 minutes ago, SeaMonster said:

The most hilarious part of this forum is posters pretending that Leo is not a narcissist himself. That's how deep the cult programming is here. xD

Bro, there are levels to this shit xD

Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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