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My 21-Day Water Fast Experience

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3 years ago I did an 8-day water fast and it was HELL. Weakness, low blood pressure, toxicity coming out of every pore, pain and burning all over my body, very rapid and unhealthy weight loss.

Last week I completed a 21-day water fast and it was a magnificent, extraordinary experience. A safe, comfortable journey with very little pain, weakness, or weight loss.

Never in the 21 days did I feel like I was forcing, pushing through with brute force. Rather my body was telling me that it was safe to keep going.

The benefits and discoveries have been endless and hard to put into words but, rather than listing those, I'd like to share HOW to get to the point where a 21-day water fast is relatively easy and painless.

How is it possible that 3 years ago I felt like I was dying on day 6 of the fast and now on day 20 I still had good energy?

Well, the answer is simple. Fasting is the most aggressive form of detoxification and it is very unkind and dangerous to fast if you have a highly toxic body.

I do not recommend you fast for longer than 3 days if you: -eat meat regularly (even a couple times a week)  -eat dairy regularly -eat large amounts of starch -take or have taken lots of drugs.

Easy ways to know that your body is highly toxic: -you need deodorant -when you go to the bathroom it smells -you go to the bathroom less than 2 times a day -your tongue is coated when fasting -your stomach is not flat all day -you experience gas and bloating -you need coffee to have energy -can't feel great after 6 hours of sleep -need or crave stimulation from meat or highly acidic foods

3 years ago when I finally found out that man has undoubtedly the physiology of a fruit eater and that fasting is nature's process of healing, I thought "let me jump right in".

Oh boy was I wrong! If you have been eating a regular diet and overnight start a high-fruit diet or fast for long periods, you are in for a rude awakening. 

Detoxification can be brutal and highly stressful, the process will be too fast and possibly damage your teeth, hair, organs, and weight loss will be hard to manage.  

You are essentially forcing your body to get rid of huge amounts of mucus, pus, acids, poisons and waste accumulated over decades, in a short amount of time.

It can be dangerous and, in fact, you can easily find many examples of degeneration in the vegan and raw vegan community. Very unwise people who wants things quickly.

For me, all this was solved by one page or rather one single paragraph by Arnold Ehret.

Ehret was aware that man is a fruit-eating ape but he was also aware that we have gotten so far away from nature and we are so toxic that you should never attempt it overnight.

Here's what he said in 1920:

"Everything is perfectly performed by Nature through evolutional, progressive changes, developments, and accomplishments, not by catastrophes. 
NOTHING IS MORE INCORRECT than the mistaken idea that a decades-old disease can be healed through a very long fast, or a radically extended, strict fruit diet.
Nature's mills grind slow but sure.
My experience over 20 years, covering for the most part the extremely severe cases of all kinds of diseases, has proven that a carefully selected and progressively changing TRANSITION DIET is the best and surest way for every patient to start a cure, especially for the average mixed eater."

That is exactly what I did, over the past 3 years I have gone from 20% fruit to 80% fruit, from large amounts of fat (very good at suppression, needed when body is toxic) to a very low amount of fat, from 80% cooked to 80% raw.

That is how I go to the point where now I can easily juice fast, water fast, and generally need to eat very little.

My body has transformed completely with no degeneration, no cravings and no violent radical changes. If my body asks for some beans or a piece of fish, I will still allow it to have it to this day. It happens very rarely at this point (one time over the past year) and it is not a problem at all.

There is no rush, it has to be comfortable, not forced. And when you do it, the reward will be immense, unmeasurable.






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great write up and congrats on completing this ... will be good to do this 2-3 times every year

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