
Anyone Enlightened Yet?

27 posts in this topic

I'm on the path as many of you and its exciting. Rocky but pretty amazing.  I just wanted to know if anyone here is "enlightened" yet? 

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8 minutes ago, Erlend said:

I'm on the path as many of you and its exciting. Rocky but pretty amazing.  I just wanted to know if anyone here is "enlightened" yet? 

What's your definition of enlightenment? As you may know many people have different views on what enlightenment is and if when "enlightened" is there really anyone there who could claim it?

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– Swami Chinmayananda

Namaste ? ?

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5 hours ago, Erlend said:

I just wanted to know if anyone here is "enlightened" yet?

Everyone is :)

Why do you think you are not?

My Blog : : Pure Experiences : : Pure Knowledge

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5 hours ago, Erlend said:

I'm on the path as many of you and its exciting. Rocky but pretty amazing.  I just wanted to know if anyone here is "enlightened" yet? 

I am sure that this forum has lightened up a lot of people, to different degrees.

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People like to equivocate when you ask them about enlightenment. :D 

I haven't met anybody enlightened on this forum. But there are a lot of people here who had enlightenment experiences. :) 

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I've always figured that above a certain level of development/consciousness and you probably wouldn't be spending time on a forum lol. So this is mostly a collection of seekers.

Edited by Arman

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Im lit/awake brother,  on my way to work :D

Train is the best place to become enlightened.

Edited by Dodoster

-1/12 is Infinity 

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I have had a couple of enlightenment experiences. Once at a deep meditation retreat in meditation 


 once in the morning at home, and the glow of it lasted a day or so. I was doing a contemplation workshop at the time. 

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8 hours ago, Erlend said:

I'm on the path as many of you and its exciting. Rocky but pretty amazing.  I just wanted to know if anyone here is "enlightened" yet? 

There is a problem in answering this question because some of the core facets of enlightenment include the understanding that all concepts are false (including enlightenment) and the self that maintains these concepts is also false.

So, to say “I am enlightened” is false, to say “I am unenlightened" is false, to say “I’m not sure" is false, to say “I have had an enlightenment experience" is false AND they are all equally true.

To make matters worse, there are many other facets of enlightenment to be discovered after the core ones have been realized. Enlightenment is the same for all enlightened people but there are different levels of embodiment of “enlightenment”; some people have embodied it more than others and have come to deeper levels of understanding.

When enlightened people recognize this, they will be more reluctant to say “I am enlightened” because they know the there is always more to uncover.

To make matters worse still, there is a lack of definitive consensus around these understandings because it is so rarely explored and because the people who explore it don’t usually try to communicate their findings. If they do, their communications are deeply flawed because all concepts are false. Any definitive consensuses and road maps that may exist are locked up in esoteric traditions away from the general population.

I would say that there are a lot of people on here who have come to some degree of insight into Truth, but I doubt anyone will say they're fully enlightened.

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9 hours ago, Erlend said:

I'm on the path as many of you and its exciting. Rocky but pretty amazing.  I just wanted to know if anyone here is "enlightened" yet? 

An enlightened person won't come up and tell you that, "I'm enlightened." The person would be too humble. That's part of the definition. You could tell by the person's actions.

Here's a story:




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So Jed McKennas is forecasting, that one under 10.000 people, who are on the path, is enlightened. Lets assume Jed McKennas prognosis is right.  Therefore there is a high probability, that someone here in this forum must be fully enlightened. Nevertheless the probability is very low, that this enlightened person reads this thread

Edited by OBEler

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1 hour ago, OBEler said:

So Jed McKennas is forecasting, that one under 10.000 people, who are on the path, is enlightened. Lets assume Jed McKennas prognosis is right.  Therefore there is a high probability, that someone here in this forum must be fully enlightened. Nevertheless the probability is very low, that this enlightened person reads this thread

Not quite.  His prediction is that less than one in 100,000 people take to the idea, and one in 100,000 of those people make it.  Leaving only around 40-50 truth-realised people on the planet at any given time (I haven't done the maths to check if that adds up, by the way).

But that's only his statement.  Others say other things.  Don't trust either of them, don't worry about it.  Focus on you.

I can't really see that anyone who's made it would have any interest in a forum like this, unless they have an extremely generous sense to help people they can't be certain really exist to reach a state that's no better or worse than any other (in their perspective)

So I doubt anyone here is

Edited by Telepresent

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@Telepresent no thats wrong. Jed McKenna wrote:  "one in ten thousand take to the idea and one in ten thousand of those actually make it, meaning one in a hundred million."

Besides that, you are saying one of is enlightened. So going after your statement, no one on this earth would be enlightened right now, there are less than people living on this earth

Edited by OBEler

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Yep, sorry, you're right.  Got my figures wrong!  That's what I get for going from memorey...  Bleh!

Still, the takeaway is the same, regardless of the maths: I'm not sure what anyone who is enlightened would be doing on a forum like this.  I just... I struggle to understand what purpose they would have here.

Thanks for keeping me to account, though - (I'm so worried I'm coming off as patronising here and I really don't mean to: I'm trying to be very honest in my life now hence this ridiculous disclaimer!) - it's good to be called up as a false prophet :P

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Wouldn't say I'm enlightened but I'm starting to understand what enlightenment actually is through experiences I've had, rather than clinging to the ethereal concept.

To say you wouldn't spend time on a forum when enlightened is a bold statement to make IMO. Yeah, you might not spend time debating enlightenment with people, but Leo's content/shadow work in general is still be extremely useful once you've had that realisation. One would probably get a lot more out of it. Besides there's nothing at all wrong with going on forums.

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On 03/03/2017 at 7:53 PM, Marc Schinkel said:

To make matters worse still, there is a lack of definitive consensus around these understandings because it is so rarely explored and because the people who explore it don’t usually try to communicate their findings. If they do, their communications are deeply flawed because all concepts are false. Any definitive consensuses and road maps that may exist are locked up in esoteric traditions away from the general population.

I want to clarify what I meant by this after having watched the most recent video Understanding How Paradigms Work (incredible episode). I did not know there was a term called "paradigm" but that's exactly what I want to use.

When enlightened people try to communicate their findings (if they even attempt to) they have to speak about it through the paradigms in which they and their audience sits.
When other enlightened people hear this, or when people who've had enlightenment experiences start to take these distorted interpretations on, it can sound as though there is a lack of consensus between different traditions. 
Enlightenment is a deeply humiliating experience for the ego, and leaves the "enlightened person" much more humble than when they start.

This combination of factors makes it less likely for people to walk around all day saying "I'm enlightened" because if you've had any genuine spiritual experiences your paradigms have been kicked 6 ways to Sunday and you'll be very comfortable in the idea of keeping quiet and very open to the possibility that there could be more to discover, wherever you're at.

On a side note, I remind myself constantly that I am likely to be humiliated by reality many times in my lifetime. I do this so that when the next day of humiliation comes I don't have to suffer it so much. 

Reality is probably going to fuck me up for writing something like this, in this way, with this mode of thinking ^
That's OK.

Bring it baby. ;) 

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This is relevant as fuck xD



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