
What Can We Eat That Isn't Poison?!

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I just finished watching @Leo Gura's video on heavy metal detoxing - thank you for saving so many people Leo. It really scared me to learn that I have almost every symptom, and to a crippling degree, of heavy-metal toxicity.

I've been really cleaning up my diet for the past year;

  • I stopped drinking cow's milk for fear that the cow's hormones were being passed into the liquid
  • I stopped eating all non-fish meats for fear that their drugs and hormones were in the flesh
  • I drink only fresh spring water, but I'm concerned that the plastic bottles they're sold in fill the water with microplastics
  • I'm afraid of eating vegetables and fruits because even the organic options are either GMO or taste like pesticide

I've essentially just been eating wild Alaskan pollock and spinach; my reasoning being that if anything, wild fish wouldn't be pumped full of toxins and hormones. Now learning that sea food should be avoided due to their heavy metal content, I feel backed into a corner. What CAN we eat? What isn't poison?

I know there is certainly a spectrum of toxicity; eg a cheesecake is probably a lot worse for our bodies than a GMO apple, but when we're trying to be our best, surely there is a completely healthy plan for avoiding all toxins.

Very keen to hear new opinions on this! Thanks

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Meat is one of the safe things to eat.

Fish is worse than meat.

Look, you will never get perfection here, the point is just to avoid the obviously highly toxic stuff. Don't get anal about this.

GMO is not a toxin.

Spinach is ironically one to semi-avoid since it's hard to wash.

You can get an apple and scub it with a brush or place in a vinegar bath. You can also peel them.

Edited by Leo Gura

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3 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

GMO is not a toxin.

That is debatable.

"Not believing your own thoughts, you’re free from the primal desire: the thought that reality should be different than it is. You realise the wordless, the unthinkable. You understand that any mystery is only what you yourself have created. In fact, there’s no mystery. Everything is as clear as day. It’s simple, because there really isn’t anything. There’s only the story appearing now. And not even that.” — Byron Katie


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This is good if you havent seen it 



My personal preference a: as high quality animal based foods as possible. Grass fed grass finished beef, pasture raised eggs, high quality goat cheese, etc. 

For carbs fruits ( mostly bananas ) , legumes, maybe rice. I used to avoid oats and wheat like a plague but since i fixed my gut issues i can have them no problem. 

This gut has pretty good eating habits and recipes ( thats the whole playlist) . Allways adapt to what feels good specifically to you. 


Warning : this guy fell down the conspiracy theory  rabbit hole so be careful not to get infected. 

Pd: the highest quality foods diet can get expensive. You may need to adapt to your budget. Having a good income obviously helps. 



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Become a breatharian.

13 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

Meat is one of the safe things to eat.

Mmm you eating an animal that has eaten probably worse than you. How is that safe?¿

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4 hours ago, Javfly33 said:

Become a breatharian.

Mmm you eating an animal that has eaten probably worse than you. How is that safe?¿

The animal's organs filter out much of the toxins from the meat itself. The meat is also calorie dense unlike eating buckets of lettuce.

Edited by Leo Gura

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5 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

The animal's organs filter out much of the toxins from the meat itself. The meat is also calorie dense unlike eating buckets of lettuce.

Would you say there is much difference between organic and non organic meat besides the amount of vitamins and minerals? 

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4 minutes ago, mmKay said:

Would you say there is much difference between organic and non organic meat besides the amount of vitamins and minerals? 

It's hard to say.

I always buy organic meat if it's available.

I noticed for example that I get zero acne with organic chicken but some occassional acne with non-organic chicken of the same brand. So now I always buy organic chicken. But isn't some rigorous science, just my crude experiments.

Edited by Leo Gura

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I've been studying this a lot recently. Dr Gundry (he was a top heart surgeon etc, and private physician of many billionaires) lectin free diet seems like the safest bet to me. Lectins are plants defense mechanism: proteins that bind to carbohydrates that damage our gut, the most famous being gluten, but there are 1000's. Non organic meats etc have higher lectin count due to the fact they are fed lectin food, while organic free range meats have virtually 0: this explains why people have such success on carnivore diet. 

Here is a simple yes and no list, you will be shocked that even what you consider healthy foods like peanut, legumes, tomotoes etc are super high in lectins:

Here he is on Tom Bilyeu podcast


Have you ever studied his work @Leo Gura

Edited by bambi

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1 hour ago, mmKay said:

Would you say there is much difference between organic and non organic meat besides the amount of vitamins and minerals? 

Yes there is in lots of things, check Gundry work:



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20 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

Meat is one of the safe things to eat.

Fish is worse than meat.

Look, you will never get perfection here, the point is just to avoid the obviously highly toxic stuff. Don't get anal about this.

GMO is not a toxin.

Spinach is ironically one to semi-avoid since it's hard to wash.

You can get an apple and scub it with a brush or place in a vinegar bath. You can also peel them.

@Leo Gura

Why do Indian spiritual leaders repeatedly emphasize the importance of being vegetarian? It's interesting because Sadhguru has stated that if he had to choose a type of meat, it would be fish. Why do think they have those opinions. I mean they pretty much include vegetarianism as necessary when following spiritual path. Like bruh.

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You can eat fruits and vegetables. There is a garden and a lot of apple- trees around my home. No polution, no chemicals, Just pure nature. But most of the people don't have that...

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2 hours ago, bambi said:

 Have you ever studied his work @Leo Gura

I have heard the lectin theory. Not sure how much I buy into it.

I don't eat beans anyway. As for tomatos I have never felt a problem from eating them.

But who knows? If you eliminate every food that someone on the internet claims to be bad you will be left with nothing to eat.

1 hour ago, UpperMaster said:

@Leo Gura

Why do Indian spiritual leaders repeatedly emphasize the importance of being vegetarian? It's interesting because Sadhguru has stated that if he had to choose a type of meat, it would be fish. Why do think they have those opinions. I mean they pretty much include vegetarianism as necessary when following spiritual path. Like bruh.

Our conservastion here was limited to the matter of toxins and heavy metals. There are way more factors to a healthy diet.

Sadhguru is talking about very different factors which align with his Hindu culture and yogic ideology.

Eating plants is a very healthy thing, assuming your plants are not full of toxins.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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3 hours ago, bambi said:

Here is a simple yes and no list, you will be shocked that even what you consider healthy foods like peanut, legumes, tomotoes etc are super high in lectins:

If lectins are so bad, why is it that foods that contains them (such as the ones you listed above) are pretty much unanimously associated with reduction of premature mortality, cancer (including GI cancer) and atherosclerotic heart disease, the number 1 and 2 killers of man and women above 60

Steven Gundry is a quack - his book is riddled with anecdotes, mechanistic studies and speculation. He does not value the hierarchy of evidence, he ignores all meta-analysis and systematic reviews pooling together nutritional data and he is notoriously cherry picking low grade evidence.  All he really cares is selling his overpriced supplements to people who usually have FODMAP maldigestion or dysbiosis issues. lectin problems are a covariate of systemic issues that are usually related to microbiome disruption and need to be fixed through temporary elimination and gut sealing protocols. I am surprised that he still has not lost his license to practice cardiology. 

If lectins were harmful, humans would have did out 5000 years ago when Egyptians & Chinese started growing wheat. 


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1 hour ago, Michael569 said:

If lectins are so bad, why is it that foods that contains them (such as the ones you listed above) are pretty much unanimously associated with reduction of premature mortality, cancer (including GI cancer) and atherosclerotic heart disease, the number 1 and 2 killers of man and women above 60

Steven Gundry is a quack - his book is riddled with anecdotes, mechanistic studies and speculation. He does not value the hierarchy of evidence, he ignores all meta-analysis and systematic reviews pooling together nutritional data and he is notoriously cherry picking low grade evidence.  All he really cares is selling his overpriced supplements to people who usually have FODMAP maldigestion or dysbiosis issues. lectin problems are a covariate of systemic issues that are usually related to microbiome disruption and need to be fixed through temporary elimination and gut sealing protocols. I am surprised that he still has not lost his license to practice cardiology. 

If lectins were harmful, humans would have did out 5000 years ago when Egyptians & Chinese started growing wheat. 


But tons of people are lectin intolerant: gluten. 

Can you link the studies please. Calling someone a quack is redundent to me, I dont enjoy this communication style, tons of people in history have been labelled 'quacks' that later were accepted to be non quack. Quack just means it goes against societal norms, thats not relevant to me personally

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Lectins are not a problem. Also, I don't have any problems eating beans, problems from beans just means you're poorly adapted to fiber or are eating too much fat.

Meat is low in carbohydrates which is the natural energy source for humans that cures fatigue. It's high in potentially cancer causing animal protein and heart disease causing fats that increase your blood fat levels. It also is high in cholesterol which is bad for some people. 

Difference in acne between two different brands of chicken could depend on many things. It could be that one is higher in B12 or fat which both can cause acne.

The solution to not having to eat 25 lettuce heads for lunch is to smash down a banana blueberry smoothie with added sugar for breakfast. Boom 1000 calories of high quality energy for body and mind. High in vitamins, fiber, phytonutrients, sugar, water, it's the wombo combo. Tastes amazing. And low in cancer & heart disease contributive properties.

Edited by Asayake

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