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Empathy & It's Interpretations:

3 posts in this topic

I've been contemplating the nature of empathy & it's counterparts, finding many fascinating interpretations. I'd love to hear other's interpretations of empathy. 

What are your thoughts on empathy?

What is empathy to you?

Why is empathy important from your perspective?

Why is empathy unimportant?

Is there such a thing as too much empathy?

How does empathy relate to selflessness?

What does it mean to be empathetic, to you?

Can one lack empathy completely?

How does empathy correlate with love?

What are the pros & cons of empathy?

Whats the difference between empathy & sympathy?

Can empathy be experienced without love?

Can love be experienced without empathy?

To what point does empathy become obsolete?

Can one truly have empathy?

What prevents empathy from being experienced?

Is empathy inherent to humanity? Is it learned?

Can one live without empathy in our modern world?

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My definition so far comes from science and psychology.

Basically that it has two parts

  1. Emotional empathy: this is the caring and concern for others part.
  2. Cognitive empathy: this is the ability to accurately imagine and predict the feelings, thoughts, and experiences of others.

I learned about this from Simon Baron Cohen's book on Leo booklist about autism.  

Autism: emotional empathy > cognitive empathy

Psychopathy: emotional empathy < cognitive empathy

So, people with autism do care about others, they just have a difficult time putting themselves into others' shoes and predicting their inner experiences.  This leads to difficulties in socializing.

Whereas people with psychopathy care little about others but have the ability to accurately predict what they are thinking and feeling.  This is why they can be good manipulators and be socially charming.


Edited by Matt23

"Just a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down"   --   Marry Poppins

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I´d say its the stage yellow pov to see yourself as the other person and feel his/her feelings as if they were yours. In that way you relate to the joy/pain/X and emphasise. 

Common empathy out of feeling pity or wanting the "good feeling" of being a caretaker is just selfishness in the end.

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