Rafael Thundercat

Writing Skills development

7 posts in this topic

What are the best quality sources you guys know and use to improve your writing skills? 

Websites, books, podcasts, apps..

I mean, not only writing a novel, although writing stories are amazing,  but more about the structure to write,  in a way that make your message more readable and generates congnitive flow in the reader. 

More about the order of delivering the message is a organized way. Like for example the heros journey  model that is used as the arc to stories.

But probably there are other models for different functions like if you want to write about a topic that you like. Ex: The power of Sound- How sound can be used as a healing tool. Or when you plan a workbook. 

So in this case what could be the sequence of explanation that would  make more sense to use as structure to built the text? A structure  that makes intuitive sense for the reader. 



Edited by Rafael Thundercat

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Find your fave writers/books and copy their structure and style.

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Write stuff that YOU like to read.


Write a fuckton. Write every damn day.

Utilize Bone Writing practices. See the Book: Writing Down the Bones by Natalie Goldberg

Edited by ZenSwift

I forgive my past, I release the future, and I honor how I feel in the present. 

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Read the books who you want to copy the structure of, and the more you read that author the more his/her way of thinking and flow will be ingrained in your mind. Then do the same for many other authors. Make sure to write everyday as well. Eventually you'll develop your own style.

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I learned copywriting from those guys who wrote a sales copy on American Express, which made billions. https://www.awai.com/

Assignment was to copy it by writing it down with pen and papper, 10 times or more.

They said something about neurons and stuff. 

Take a piece of writing you really like, write it down on papper 10 times.

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I am following this Dan Koe guy, that I can see by his Blog that he follows Leo Gura too, because he have similar way of speaking, so he is in a sense Emulating Leo and of course putting his own style on writings and YouTube videos

He was one that made me resparke my desire to write more and to perfect the craft. And will be extra hard to me because English is not my first language (I am brasilian).

But is worth to take a look in his media and way of delivering his message.


Letting clear that I did not made any of his paid courses so I am not endorsing him. After doing th me course I will be able to say if is top content or not, but the free blog delivers a lot of juice. 

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11 hours ago, ZenSwift said:

Write a fuckton. Write every damn day.

I concur. That's the only way I've improved. But also be critical of your own writing. Always try finding the "best" way you can to get your point across. 

Another option is to use ChatGPT to improve your style and grammar, not to be lazy, but to see where you can improve.

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