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Victor van Rijn

Some weird tech developments

2 posts in this topic

I'd be cautious with this kind of videos. it's quite misleading and fear mongering. It's not made clear that this video was just a hypothetical video to start a discussion about this topic and where we could be in a few decades if technology advances this far from now on and the video is not made from the same scientist who do the research. To make it clear, this factory does not exist. Though the phtalates part is in a big part true and I agree with the overall message but he exegerrates quite a bit and takes info out of context and this channel doesn't seem very reliable from the way this is twisted.

I find babies from artificial wombs quite controversial from the ethical point of view. 

On the one hand this could really help people, especially women with fertility problems or women in their late thirties. The researchers who develope this who are not the people who produced the video intend to develope this for babies born prematurely. But yeah, this might just be a starting point.

On the other hand there is the danger of the designer baby which could be abused.

But realistically there are so many conservatives which will set strict rules for usage and control of this technology. 

However, I think that in a few hundred years from you will be able to design your children, maybe in more or less strict boundaries but it's going to be a normal thing. 

Also there are other ways which this technology could open up like lab grown meat or a way of creating single organ organisms from stem cell although both brings along ethical problems on their own.

Edited by Starlight321

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