
Dude is still tripping after 2 month (datura)

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Does anyone know what happend to this guy or know someone who experienced similar things? 

Hope he did not used the gun lying back behind him

Edited by OBEler

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Datura is a powerful dissociative and time dilation effects are common. It's either fake or he's just in the middle of a normal trip thinking months have passed.

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Legend has it..

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@thepixelmonk no look at his beard and hair, they were almost equal growing. If you dont shave for 2 month thats the result


Also back in 2008 almost not anyone was interested in fake or click bait like now just for views or going viral. That was a different time. 

Furthermore this is the only Video from him on youtube. He is not a youtuber

Edited by OBEler

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45 minutes ago, OBEler said:

@thepixelmonk no look at his beard and hair, they were almost equal growing. If you dont shave for 2 month thats the result

Also back in 2008 almost not anyone was interested in fake or click bait like now just for views or going viral. That was a different time. 

Furthermore this is the only Video from him on youtube. He is not a youtuber

None of that convinces me. Psychedelics do not work like that.

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Remember when we thought this COVID pandemic was gonna be over with a year ago?


(but also, Linktree @ joy_yimpa ;-)

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Holy crap!!

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Yeah, I'm sure this is real. Those who know datura know it can be one of  the most fucked up things you can do. You get real hallucinations, often forget that they have taken it and get confused and somtimes trip for days. You can go to erowid and read a few reports on that. 

I've also read a few reports where poor people had effects for months and years and had hddp and were in need of antipsychotics for years.

Edited by Starlight321

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If he’s actually had effects for two months, chances are that datura triggered some latent condition in his neurology unless he has some crazy rare condition that wouldn’t allow his body to metabolize the substance properly. 

What did the stage orange scientist call the stage blue fundamentalist for claiming YHWH intentionally caused Noah’s great flood?


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8 hours ago, Starlight321 said:

I've also read a few reports where poor people had effects for months and years and had hddp and were in need of antipsychotics for years.

Curiosity killed the cat.


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I know people in my high school who going crazy tooking datura after 3 years

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It's not a psychedelic and it's not a dissociative.

It's a deliriant.

The effects are very different from psychedelics and also from dissociatives.

They make you instantly forget that you took something, and then they make you see people that are not there and have conversations with them. Your connection to every day reality can entirely disappear and you can be walking around in a hell / dream world.

The effects can easily last multiple days.

No one knows if they are safe to take when one has a predisposition for psychotic states, but common sense would have to say no.

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@OBEler what's exciting about datura? I'm curious. 



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@Tyler Robinson it's not worth to take datura. Just for hardcore psychonauts who really want to explore insanity and have nothing to loose. 

You can  damage your Brain for the rest of your life even with a microdose. Because you cannot Know how potent is really is

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@OBEler thank you so much for telling me. I'll be careful not to take it. 



 Be careful being too demanding in relationships. Relate to the person at the level they are at, not where you need them to be.

You have to get out of the kitchen where Tate's energy exists ~ Tyler Robinson 

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