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Bob Seeker

Beginning the long treck of Life Purpose

1 post in this topic

I just invented some purposes to pursue a few days ago.

I think it is just better.

Otherwise I will think about getting laid or obsess about how to navigate my life, which is just too much self-importance style reflection, it wears you out.

I ordered some magic truffles and am planning to have my first good-sized trip. Unless this smacks me in the face and tells me I'm wrong about pursuing these purposes, I am making them the center of my life.

I want to not have to feel like garbage about not having women or not being enlightened or what not. 

I've tried pickup and I could have done it but I literally just concluded that it is stupid (for me) because it felt so immature and pointless.

So I'm a virgin haha!

My life doesn't make sense to me.

A Call to Live Differently:

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