
Reaching Stage Yellow: Give me a Guide

18 posts in this topic

I first watched Leo's series on Spiral Dynamics about 3 years ago, and it's taken me that long to realize I am nowhere close to Tier 2.

Contrary to the beliefs of my past self, I am actually still mostly Orange, not even that Green yet. For a few months now, I have been gently but persistently, been reminded of my Tier 1 thinking by life. I have caught myself so many times just falling into your usual Orange/Green monologues. I do not stop myself because I believe I need to let these play out. What's disabling to me is that even though I notice these patterns in me, I see no better alternative. Actually, it's better to say, I understand no better alternative, even though I have listened from more advanced thinkers what the better alternatives are.

Truth is, I am not even that attracted anymore to listening to speakers from higher stages. This is because, before, I watched these things to feel good about myself. To have superior opinions, I understood these points sure, but never embodied any of them. I have never been an advocate of strictness, I do what I feel I need and that which I feel I want, emotionally, mentally or physically; so I never forced myself to consume any content past my level of development. Such content that I did consume, was because of my lower needs of Acknowledgement and Ambition, that I still am largely operated by; In a very Orange sense.

I want to consume media of a higher development for the sake of growth, not for egoistic conquest anymore. I used the word "Guide" in the title deliberately, in hopes that Stage Yellow folks are attracted. In truth, I just need some advice. On my own, I'll be rewatching many of Leos(and other's, who are presumably Yellow) videos and read posts about Stage Yellow to get a better idea of what I need to do anyways, but I thought I should also make a post here so that maybe I'll receive some good advice.

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@Swarnim I struggle with some of these things too.

I think doing inner work is gonna be key imo.


There is no failure, only feedback

Do what works

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Ground and clarify what you want to achieve first, then go do it. What skills do I want to develop? What is learning? What stands in the way of my learning? When I learn what happens in my experience? How can I master learning? Formulate questions like these without worrying about models.

Edited by UnbornTao

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Red: I will threaten you with violence

Blue: Swearing and blaspheming is intolerable

Orange: I must win the argument

Green: You must show compassion and see the other person's viewpoint

Yellow: The structure of the forum makes people behave in a certain way

It really is just having a bigger picture view of things. It's the ability to constantly go meta and zoom out, and also to understand what makes things tick, and how things fit together. It takes a certain mindset. That's my interpretation anyway.

57% paranoid

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Consciousness - Systems thinking, unbiased perceptions, rationality with higher awareness

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1) Good for you for the self-awareness and honesty. That's a great starting point.

2) The solution is quite simple: dive deeply into Orange and accomplish some work and results within it. Don't worry about Tier 2 right now. You can still watch Tier 2 videos, they ain't gonna killa ya, but the bulk of your actual development work should be within Orange. Give yourself at least a couple years to freely explore and master Orange.

3) Drop the idea that you need to already be at Tier 2. You are where you are. You sound very young so this is natural. Tier 2 is something for you too look forward to, like looking forward to your retirement. Give yourself time to space out your development. We are talking about 10-20 year time horizons here. Take the pressure off yourself.

4) Enjoy working within Orange. There is some great stuff within Orange to learn and master. There is plenty of healthy stuff within Orange, and you can avoid the toxic Orange stuff.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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On 2023-01-12 at 5:14 PM, Swarnim said:

I first watched Leo's series on Spiral Dynamics about 3 years ago, and it's taken me that long to realize I am nowhere close to Tier 2.

Contrary to the beliefs of my past self, I am actually still mostly Orange, not even that Green yet. For a few months now, I have been gently but persistently, been reminded of my Tier 1 thinking by life. I have caught myself so many times just falling into your usual Orange/Green monologues. I do not stop myself because I believe I need to let these play out. What's disabling to me is that even though I notice these patterns in me, I see no better alternative. Actually, it's better to say, I understand no better alternative, even though I have listened from more advanced thinkers what the better alternatives are.

Truth is, I am not even that attracted anymore to listening to speakers from higher stages. This is because, before, I watched these things to feel good about myself. To have superior opinions, I understood these points sure, but never embodied any of them. I have never been an advocate of strictness, I do what I feel I need and that which I feel I want, emotionally, mentally or physically; so I never forced myself to consume any content past my level of development. Such content that I did consume, was because of my lower needs of Acknowledgement and Ambition, that I still am largely operated by; In a very Orange sense.

I want to consume media of a higher development for the sake of growth, not for egoistic conquest anymore. I used the word "Guide" in the title deliberately, in hopes that Stage Yellow folks are attracted. In truth, I just need some advice. On my own, I'll be rewatching many of Leos(and other's, who are presumably Yellow) videos and read posts about Stage Yellow to get a better idea of what I need to do anyways, but I thought I should also make a post here so that maybe I'll receive some good advice.

   Whatever stage you feel you are mostly predominant in, is where you need to master to completion. Stage orange? Master the pursuit of material success up to a degree, better house, better car or garage, better marketing, better business skills, and train whatever valuable skills you have, so that that itself is the marketing value. Also, basic self-help, and massive action taking on those exercises and applying those concepts to your life, if it's listing specific goals and implementing habits, do that. Reading enough? Do that. Exercise enough, although this needs research for yourself, do that. Meditate enough everyday? Do that. Get into the doing and having cycle early, everyday, do that. Don't like being rational, and logical enough? Do that. Maslow's hierarchies of needs, master the first two rungs first before going into the third rung, you don't want to date, PUA and get a GF when you're broke, struggling financially and job hunting and unemployed. Basic stage orange mastery plan: Stage orange values are independence and being an individual, work ethic, facts and numbers, statistics, data, listing, business, marketing, providing value via making products or services, you strongly believe in financial independence and a deeply stage orange person believes in merits, in skill, in competency and mastery and that everyone is capable when they pull themselves up by their bootstraps, focus and dial in, the disciplined and military mindset (although the military is largely stage blue with some red and orange values).

   Master that, until you get a bit tired with capitalism, and the monopoly mindset. Question then becomes, will your integrity be the same? be lower and be tempted into doing the hustler's life? will you resist the the temptations of the capitalist dream? Because, there's stage green mind you, after stage orange, so, and I promise you it'll be hard to fully master orange even for me, and much more harder mastering green. If it takes you 2-5 years to master, train and integrate stage orange, 10 years of integrating stage green, assuming you are wise enough to manage the orange values and are brave and courageous enough to pass the transformational dilemma to get to stage green, and finally yellow. Stage yellow I bet will be even more difficult as you need to finetune your way of thinking abstractly, broadly and holistically whilst being able to think like stage orange. Because, when you do finally get into stage yellow, you also will have to integrate the prior stages too, which gets very interesting but very difficult.

   Good luck!

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On 1/12/2023 at 7:14 PM, Swarnim said:

I first watched Leo's series on Spiral Dynamics...

Watch it again.

"I believe you are more afraid of condemning me to the stake than for me to receive your cruel and disproportionate punishment."

- Giordano Bruno, Campo de' Fiori, Rome, Italy. February 17th, 1600.

Cosmic pluralist, mathematician and poet.

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Understanding Power versus Force is key to get into yellow, but your energy is more well spend on creating a great foundation. A lot of people underestimate the power of SD blue: integrity, character, self-discipline, duty and love. Orange is just a cherry on top of blue in my opinion; in the same way yellow a cherry on top of green. SD blue and green are very steep.

Edited by StarStruck

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@Danioover9000  I am interested in your description of Green, can you describe it and why do you think it will take longer to integrate?

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17 hours ago, Eternal Unity said:

Watch it again.

I am right now! I grab some snacks, a pen and a notebook. Gonna binge watch at least 3 stages.

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there is a course in Dubai, I find Really Powerful in turning Green to Yellow
DM me for its Name..

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@Leo Gura Thanks for your response. I am curious, how does spirituality fit into the model? I have worked and gotten to a few realizations on my own and am able to generate the states sober quite frequently, but apart from that I am still Tier 1. I remember you said Mystical experiences can happen at any stage, but what about having a deep enough understanding to relive those experiences at will?(not enough to embody, though.) At first I thought Spirituality is something reserved for Stage green and higher, and that real Spirituality begins after reaching Yellow. Also, my second question is, how would you describe Turquoise?

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How old are you? 
I heard a Turquoise Guru saying there happens a transformation for someone, every around 20 years or something like that..
I was born Green, at 21y.o. I reached Yellow,,
what I mean is, you'll reach yellow really easy, don't worry about it, Just keep doing what your doing!

6 minutes ago, Swarnim said:

I am curious

I love that. <3   

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2 hours ago, Swarnim said:

but what about having a deep enough understanding to relive those experiences at will?

Any stage.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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If you have the intention, it will happen naturally through contemplation. The next step can be hard for us who have a lot of karma- taking the action steps to integrate, actualize, and then embody and move into turquoise.

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