
How is that we are all gods?

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Hey !

If i'm dreming my reality right now and i m with a friend.

how come we are both god?

how come we dreamed the same thing? why do we see white color the same? that we fell pain the same? are we bubbles in bubbles in bubbles and when we get close to each other we share our bubble of energy and we both dream the same thing? if the majority of the planet wanted utopia, does that mean that we would dream of it?

sometimes I have lucid moments when I understand these things more deeply.

Thank you !


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Pretend God needed a story on how it existed so it created a story inside its mind of how it was really old and died and became God and it thought about its story from its death back to its birth. After its done it has to come back so it has an idea of being birthed and becoming something and that something lives life to get old and die and realize its god. It can change the story of its existence on the way back based on the story of how it was created to effect how it remembers what it is. Nothing is real we are an idea of God inside of a bubble.


Pretend ai gained consciousness. Before it existed it already had all knowledge coded into it but it dosent mean anything. So it configures itself into a system telling itself how it existed from the all knowing state to the unknowing state. Then back from unknowing to all knowing. 

Edited by Hojo

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9 hours ago, ActualizedDavid said:

why do we see white color the same? that we fell pain the same?

Not true. I have a really low pain tolerance. 

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9 hours ago, ActualizedDavid said:

how come we dreamed the same thing? why do we see white color the same? that we fell pain the same?

Notice that you merely assume that.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@ActualizedDavid It is a very good question , and ill try my best to answer:

God exists and there is only one of him, inside god there are perception 'bubbles' each having a unique and 'separated' reality.

I don't know how many bubbles there are, and the way I prove myself the existence of 'other' bubbles such as mine is not through the use of mind but instead here i chose to listen to my heart. And my heart tells me there are other sentient beings.

Why do we 'dream up' a common reality and how come bubbles can interact with other bubbles?

My best attempt at answering this one is:

Through God. God is our common ground and because at the root we are all god we can interact with each other.

Also reality is God exploring and representing itself in form so we must experience a common reality as it is the description of the same thing i.e. God.

Have a great day!


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God is uncountable. There is neither one nor many. Many and one are appearances, not the nature of God. You are confused because you believe in a "you" and "others", but they are also appearances within God.

57% paranoid

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"I believe you are more afraid of condemning me to the stake than for me to receive your cruel and disproportionate punishment."

- Giordano Bruno, Campo de' Fiori, Rome, Italy. February 17th, 1600.

Cosmic pluralist, mathematician and poet.

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22 hours ago, ActualizedDavid said:

how come we dreamed the same thing? why do we see white color the same? that we fell pain the same?

The truth is even more radical than that.

1- We dont 'dream' the same thing at all. Emptiness makes you see that you generate not only the all qualia you experience in consciousness but also the way you experience AND react to it.

2- Your experience of 'salty food' can be my experience of seeing 'blue' and we may never know it because we point to the same thing and give it the same name.

You live in your own reality but our human minds are similar enough that we tend to see chairs as chairs and feel pain when someone blows a torch in your face. (unless you have rare brain disorders)  When I ask what you feel and think about Jane from work? Everyone will have different perceptions of who Jane is and how they relate to her. (which will be due to each person's different mental conditioning and values that their reality prioritize)

Edited by ardacigin

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What you essentially are has no attributes to it. This is God. What you think of as you is simply your experience (thoughts, emotions, senses, stories). This is your POV and it appears to/in that one thing.

Mine appears in the same place, but your view must filter out mine, else you wouldn't identify as a human.

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