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I’m all for equality but disagree with bigotry/racism towards straight white males

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This may bother some folks in here but I had to post this given what I’ve been coming across reading. 

Everyone knows how offensive, racist, and discriminatory the stereotype of the black male is and yet somehow that same logic fails to be applied to white males. It’s like a Christian approaching Islam like an atheist would, but failing to apply the same reasoning to their own religion. We all know not all straight white males are bigoted or racist, in fact many of them have contributed to fighting racial injustice. Guilt-tripping white kids for example isn’t going to make them want to fight for racial injustice, but instead destroy their self esteem. Sitting there assuming that all white males have it handed to them is disingenuous given the amount of white males who are homeless/also locked up in prison. It’s important to have a big picture view when going after a particular race or gender and as common sense as this is, it’s equally just as uncommon sense. 

Victimhood exists, no one is denying the oppression and inequality that persists today however, all of that comes with a huge -but-. There’s also a limit to it just like there’s a limit to the aggressors. These two tend to have a yin-yang relationship where one eventually becomes the other and the cycle continues. Think classic example of guy or girl getting their heart broke  and then doing it to others. Being the victim is not a free pass to being the aggressor.

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We all know not all straight white males are bigoted or racist

Most people are unconsciously bigoted and racist. There are numerous studies on this

And yea, obviously ideally no one should be racist to any race, but it's very different when the more powerful societal race is racist towards the less societally powerful race. Just like how it's worse when a 6ft5 120kg man hits a 5ft1 50kg girl than vice versa.

The power dynamic there means that racism going from more societally powerful race to less societally powerful race is much, much more damaging than vice versa.

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5 hours ago, something_else said:

Most people are unconsciously bigoted and racist. There are numerous studies on this

And yea, obviously ideally no one should be racist to any race, but it's very different when the more powerful societal race is racist towards the less societally powerful race. Just like how it's worse when a 6ft5 120kg man hits a 5ft1 50kg girl than vice versa.

The power dynamic there means that racism going from more societally powerful race to less societally powerful race is much, much more damaging than vice versa.

You could look at it two ways. The first is how you’re looking at it where you’re comparing one evil to a greater evil. The second way to look at it is as either right or wrong. When you look at it as right or wrong, then neither one of them is right and they’re both wrong. It just comes back to bite those in the ass fighting for injustice when they become the very thing they’re opposed against. 

I think that aggressors of any kind are generally misunderstood when they get accused of victim blaming because many times they’re blaming the victim because they are no longer being the victim. You lose your victim card the moment you sniff out or provoke situations in order to masquerade as “standing up for yourself”. There’s a difference between standing up for one self vs. doing it in bad faith. Saying the victim is always right is like saying the customer is always right-they’re not. Instead, victims are only -generally- right. Just like the left preaches nuance and says that women -generally- have a womb instead of saying that only women have wombs, the same nuanced thinking applies to victimization. That too is not as cut and dry as conservatives make women out to be either.

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This may bother some folks in here but I had to post this given what I’ve been coming across reading. 

Everyone knows how offensive, racist, and discriminatory the stereotype of the white male is and yet somehow that same logic fails to be applied to black males. It’s like a Christian approaching Islam like an atheist would, but failing to apply the same reasoning to their own religion. We all know not all black males are bigoted or racist, in fact many of them have contributed to fighting racial injustice. Guilt-tripping black kids for example isn’t going to make them want to fight for racial injustice, but instead destroy their self esteem. Sitting there assuming that all black males have it handed to them is disingenuous given the amount of black males who are homeless/also locked up in prison. It’s important to have a big picture view when going after a particular race or gender and as common sense as this is, it’s equally just as uncommon sense. 

Victimhood exists, no one is denying the oppression and inequality that persists today however, all of that comes with a huge -but-. There’s also a limit to it just like there’s a limit to the aggressors. These two tend to have a yin-yang relationship where one eventually becomes the other and the cycle continues. Think classic example of guy or girl getting their heart broke  and then doing it to others. Being the victim is not a free pass to being the aggressor.

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Tony Timpa a white guy, died the same way as George Floyd. Police was laughing at him being passed out while he wasn’t breathing, you can watch the camera footage on YT. No one batted an eye for him. 

There’s videos of black protestors requesting for white people walking by to literally kiss their boots such as this one: 

This same video actually disgusts many black people I’ve showed it to. You can easily see how these protestors don’t actually care about equality-they care about subjugating whites. 



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“We have two ears and one mouth so we can listen twice as much as we speak." -Epictetus

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