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Discussion on Dosing with Stashes in General

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I might be in the process of procurement... I'm just curious to open the discussion about how long one could microdose daily and viably, when should they increase dosage, should they take regimented cycles instead, or should they just dose normal-to-lightly and go about daily life?


It does sound stupid to say, but it has been done to just have "normal" unstructured days where you have minimal errands to just trip throughout the day. You can hate me for it, that I don't "respect the chemical" but that nonsense does disservice rather than active inquiry and investigation. Why not have iconoclastic trips that collide with your day-to-day life sometimes? Again, "normal-to lightly," and sometimes integration happens best in witness to the idolatry we succumb to in daily life.


Tell me about your experiences in having a psychedelic stash if you so feel inclined! 

"Holy fuck. Holy fucking fuck. That body of yours is absurd." -Sri Ramana Maharshi

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Psychedelics should be mcirodosed in cycles for best results. For example, you should micro dose for a week and take a break for a few days and do integration work. Do this until all of the psychedelics are gone and then recycle a few weeks or months later. The issue is doing psychedelics for just personal development, which can become a crutch for daily living. 

Psychedelics is meant purely for God realization, so anything other than that can wasteful - since you can accomplish plenty with other non-psychedelics chemicals, such as nootropics. On the other hand, microdosing psychedelics can help with personal development and other aspects of life. But, it's better if it's combined with strong spiritual interest and work. It's like using psychedelics to be more confident but having a bunch of ego-deaths - that shit doesn't go hand-and-hand. Microdosing psychedelics is not an issue, though - especially if your aim is spiritual gains.

You won't be disrespecting the psychedelics in doing such - everyone who says other wise is full of shit. 

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