
Patrick bet-David and Neil, on COVID discussion.

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   Here's a video that Leo Gura posted in blog of the discussion:

   My thoughts: Neil did a good job having a reasonable discussion, despite Patrick's libertarian and business bias. Classic Democrat versus Demagogue discussion, one who's more scientific, reasonable, all about logic and the hard facts, versus a guy who's all about clout, PR, rhetoric and combining fallacies to make himself look good.

   What are your thoughts and feelings about this video?

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I was ambiguous about this in the Covid times. I was the "my body my choices" guy and " nobody can force me to take the Jab" 

I didnt take the jab, but I got the virus, was not so bad but as I said to Mr engineer in the Woke Topic, I just can brag about passing covid times without the Jab because I am alive to tell the story. 

What come to my mind is when we see in nature what happens when a virius attack certain species,like fungus that attack trees or virus that attack Rabbits. In their case, one virius can put the specie in the brick of being erradicated from the system. I remember in Brasil I think the Cacau trees got infected by a fungus and was a hard work to save the crops, but just because there was humans involved in the saving, what if there was no humans invested is saving them and containing the virus?

I found the data about Cacao 

Moniliophthora perniciosa (=Crinipellis perniciosa) causes one of the three main fungal diseases of Theobroma cacao (cacao), the source of chocolate. This pathogen causes Witches’ broom disease (WBD) and has brought about severe economic losses in all of the cacao‐growing regions to which it has spread with yield reductions that range from 50 to 90%. Cacao production in South America reflects the severity of this pathogen, as the yields in most of the infected regions have not returned to pre‐outbreak levels, even with the introduction of resistant varieties. In this review we give a brief historical account and summarize the current state of knowledge focusing on developments in the areas of systematics, fungal physiology, biochemistry, genomics and gene expression in an attempt to highlight this disease.


When survival is in cause, no amout of woke ideias can save you. I prefer to be alive than to win an argument. Because while death there is not even need to arguments and debate. 

Just to be clear, when I say no amount of woke ideias can save you I am refering to the biases of woke or unhealty aspects and not saying anti-woke is good. When Bolsonaro said "Is just a little flu" I could see clearly he was blind to what was happening and was just trying to play contrarian. But he got ill. So for me to be anti-vax is not to be awake but is to be stupid. I didn't take the vax but I was not preaching around  that who took it was a obedient sheep, for me they were only scared as anyone in a epidemic could be and they bet into survive. 

I took my risk of not taking the jab and I could not be here to tell the story. 

Edited by Rafael Thundercat

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@Rafael Thundercat

9 hours ago, Rafael Thundercat said:

I was ambiguous about this in the Covid times. I was the "my body my choices" guy and " nobody can force me to take the Jab" 

I didnt take the jab, but I got the virus, was not so bad but as I said to Mr engineer in the Woke Topic, I just can brag about passing covid times without the Jab because I am alive to tell the story. 

What come to my mind is when we see in nature what happens when a virius attack certain species,like fungus that attack trees or virus that attack Rabbits. In their case, one virius can put the specie in the brick of being erradicated from the system. I remember in Brasil I think the Cacau trees got infected by a fungus and was a hard work to save the crops, but just because there was humans involved in the saving, what if there was no humans invested is saving them and containing the virus?

I found the data about Cacao 

Moniliophthora perniciosa (=Crinipellis perniciosa) causes one of the three main fungal diseases of Theobroma cacao (cacao), the source of chocolate. This pathogen causes Witches’ broom disease (WBD) and has brought about severe economic losses in all of the cacao‐growing regions to which it has spread with yield reductions that range from 50 to 90%. Cacao production in South America reflects the severity of this pathogen, as the yields in most of the infected regions have not returned to pre‐outbreak levels, even with the introduction of resistant varieties. In this review we give a brief historical account and summarize the current state of knowledge focusing on developments in the areas of systematics, fungal physiology, biochemistry, genomics and gene expression in an attempt to highlight this disease.


When survival is in cause, no amout of woke ideias can save you. I prefer to be alive than to win an argument. Because while death there is not even need to arguments and debate. 

Just to be clear, when I say no amount of woke ideias can save you I am refering to the biases of woke or unhealty aspects and not saying anti-woke is good. When Bolsonaro said "Is just a little flu" I could see clearly he was blind to what was happening and was just trying to play contrarian. But he got ill. So for me to be anti-vax is not to be awake but is to be stupid. I didn't take the vax but I was not preaching around  that who took it was a obedient sheep, for me they were only scared as anyone in a epidemic could be and they bet into survive. 

I took my risk of not taking the jab and I could not be here to tell the story. 

I am so glad you are here to tell your story??!

I did take the jab, got the virus, but the simptoms were mild, except the first night when i had a high fever.

It's funny how life works.

Back then we've had a right-wing government and they were enforcing very strict regulations, mandatory vaccinations,  limiting travel across the country etc. Many of their decisions vere unconstitutional. While on the position of power, they banned protests, using police violence and supression of the press etc.

Now we have a left-wing government and the rules regarding covid are gone. Everything is more relaxed and free.

It's so imteresting to me that for example in the USA the situation was oposite to that in Slovenia.

Edited by Bojan V

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@Bojan V In Portugal most people accepted the rules with no fuzz. Some ranting here or there but not in the level of descredit to the government quarantine rules. In the news of course people give their contrarian opinions but in the street level the commom citzen followed what was requested as a necessary unconfortable way to avoid more spreading. Different places have different ways to react to this events, Spiral Dynamic Reasons and culture. For me the Covid was chill psychologicaly speaking, I was going to many spiritual gatherings, Estatic Dance, even Contact Improvisarion where people touch each other in dance. Where I live there are plenty of communities doing permaculture and very flexible, so I was just Lucky for not being in a big city those times. Sometimes is just this: Pure Luck.

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@Bojan V

38 minutes ago, Bojan V said:

@Rafael Thundercat

I am so glad you are here to tell your story??!

I did take the jab, got the virus, but the simptoms were mild, except the first night when i had a high fever.

It's funny how life works.

Back then we've had a right-wing government and they were enforcing very strict regulations, mandatory vaccinations,  limiting travel across the country etc. Many of their decisions vere unconstitutional. While on the position of power, they banned protests, using police violence and supression of the press etc.

Now we have a left-wing government and the rules regarding covid are gone. Everything is more relaxed and free.

It's so imteresting to me that for example in the USA the situation was oposite to that in Slovenia.

   My jabs weren't too bad, and thankfully I got them in time before I got Covid-19, which made the symptoms more manageable. can't imagine getting them without inoculating my immune system to the virus it would have been worse than a proper fever and flu.

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@Rafael Thundercat

10 hours ago, Rafael Thundercat said:

I was ambiguous about this in the Covid times. I was the "my body my choices" guy and " nobody can force me to take the Jab" 

I didnt take the jab, but I got the virus, was not so bad but as I said to Mr engineer in the Woke Topic, I just can brag about passing covid times without the Jab because I am alive to tell the story. 

What come to my mind is when we see in nature what happens when a virius attack certain species,like fungus that attack trees or virus that attack Rabbits. In their case, one virius can put the specie in the brick of being erradicated from the system. I remember in Brasil I think the Cacau trees got infected by a fungus and was a hard work to save the crops, but just because there was humans involved in the saving, what if there was no humans invested is saving them and containing the virus?

I found the data about Cacao 

Moniliophthora perniciosa (=Crinipellis perniciosa) causes one of the three main fungal diseases of Theobroma cacao (cacao), the source of chocolate. This pathogen causes Witches’ broom disease (WBD) and has brought about severe economic losses in all of the cacao‐growing regions to which it has spread with yield reductions that range from 50 to 90%. Cacao production in South America reflects the severity of this pathogen, as the yields in most of the infected regions have not returned to pre‐outbreak levels, even with the introduction of resistant varieties. In this review we give a brief historical account and summarize the current state of knowledge focusing on developments in the areas of systematics, fungal physiology, biochemistry, genomics and gene expression in an attempt to highlight this disease.


When survival is in cause, no amout of woke ideias can save you. I prefer to be alive than to win an argument. Because while death there is not even need to arguments and debate. 

Just to be clear, when I say no amount of woke ideias can save you I am refering to the biases of woke or unhealty aspects and not saying anti-woke is good. When Bolsonaro said "Is just a little flu" I could see clearly he was blind to what was happening and was just trying to play contrarian. But he got ill. So for me to be anti-vax is not to be awake but is to be stupid. I didn't take the vax but I was not preaching around  that who took it was a obedient sheep, for me they were only scared as anyone in a epidemic could be and they bet into survive. 

I took my risk of not taking the jab and I could not be here to tell the story. 

   What would happen, is that without human interference, prevention and management, those specific funguses, bacteria or viruses, that effect a specific type of species, would brutally eradicate said species. It would be almost back to square one in nature's world of merciless natural selection. Nobody wants to be back to square one getting chased by a grizzle bear, or suffering from a new evolved strain of virus or some other type of disease without the latest in scientific research and technologies to at least correct the symptoms and try to fix and manage a problem.

   Illness is very much a part of nature, and illnesses evolve too, just like other forms of life, such is the nature of the world.

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@Danioover9000 My mom got the jabs, but her covid simptoms were a little bit more serious (dry caughing).

The doc said to her she would have to go to hospital, if she were not vaccinated.

Anyway, we were vaccinated by our own choice, not because of government mandates.

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@Bojan V

54 minutes ago, Bojan V said:

@Danioover9000 My mom got the jabs, but her covid simptoms were a little bit more serious (dry caughing).

The doc said to her she would have to go to hospital, if she were not vaccinated.

Anyway, we were vaccinated by our own choice, not because of government mandates.

   Good for you.

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Neil stressed in the video that the vaccines underwent trials and tests. The main reason to get vaccinated was to prevent the spread to others. That's been the main selling and pushing point of them and that's even been Neil's main argument in the video above. But Pfizer never even did trial testing for measuring or determining the transmission data of any kind during their trials. So if they didn't even test for the thing that they're selling it on the most, that's definitely a red flag in my view. Here's the source: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/-CCaJLR1zhQ



Edited by StormLight

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23 hours ago, Danioover9000 said:

What are your thoughts and feelings about this video?

I couldn't get through the first 5 minutes without getting too stressed out from the stupidity. As I get older I'm starting to resent democracy more and more - the fact a complete morons vote counts the same as mine or yours. What a fantastic system! I see mouth breathers on the road daily in cars and as pedestrians, utterly disregard traffic laws even a toddler can understand, because they think they are the center of the universe and their time is more important.

It's actually amazing to me civilization has held together and gotten this far.


Edited by Roy


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47 minutes ago, StormLight said:

Neil stressed in the video that the vaccines underwent trials and tests. The main reason to get vaccinated was to prevent the spread to others. That's been the main selling and pushing point of them and that's even been Neil's main argument in the video above. But Pfizer never even did trial testing for measuring or determining the transmission data of any kind during their trials. So if they didn't even test for the thing that they're selling it on the most, that's definitely a red flag in my view. Here's the source: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/-CCaJLR1zhQ

30 second video, really? That's what determins your opinion on the matter?

Good lord

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@RecursoinominadoThis was done in European Parliament. It was a quick overview of the matter in so people could see it quickly, I dont know what your problem is, I was just sharing one point out of many that could be made. 

If a drug company didn't test for something they claimed so strongly a product could do, then there's something going on there.

Good lord

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9 minutes ago, StormLight said:

It was a quick overview of the matter in so people could see it quickly

Not to people see it "quickly", but misunderstand it quickly.

10 minutes ago, StormLight said:

If a drug company didn't test for something they claimed so strongly a product could do, then there's something going on there.

You need, AT LEAST the FULL question and answer without edit. That's to say the LEAST. Its a complicated matter, trying to dumb it down in a 30s clip is to keep important parts out and misjudge it. 

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@Recursoinominado Here's the full video then for your listening enjoyment and everyone else's


My point was to get across that Pfizer admitted they did not do testing on stopping the transmission of the virus, and the video did just that. 

I provided that link as a last second thing in case someone needed to quickly verify my claim of the words I was speaking. I dont need to adhere to your rules of doing full context full spectrum info providing, I was courteous to provide a link so my claim could be verified. 

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27 minutes ago, StormLight said:

Here's the full video then for your listening enjoyment and everyone else's


That's the same video, buddy, are you serious?

30 minutes ago, StormLight said:

My point was to get across that Pfizer admitted they did not do testing on stopping the transmission of the virus, and the video did just that. 

She didn't say they didn't tested, she said they wasn't sure it would "stop imunization" (whatever that means). That would be discovered soon after it entered the market, which does not mean the vaccine wasn't safe and tested and served it purposed in preventing serious cases, hospitalizations and deaths.

Turns out that vaccines do decrease transmition (later it was proven) along side with all other benefits.

It is a social responsible choice even if it didn't decreased transmition but only avoided hospitalization.

Less hospitalization = more hospital beds available to treat serious cases = less deaths

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anyways, theres a video link I provided guys, just wanted to share a point. peace

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17 hours ago, StormLight said:

anyways, theres a video link I provided guys, just wanted to share a point. peace

   Dully noted, and shelved.

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20 hours ago, StormLight said:

Neil stressed in the video that the vaccines underwent trials and tests. The main reason to get vaccinated was to prevent the spread to others. That's been the main selling and pushing point of them and that's even been Neil's main argument in the video above. But Pfizer never even did trial testing for measuring or determining the transmission data of any kind during their trials. So if they didn't even test for the thing that they're selling it on the most, that's definitely a red flag in my view. Here's the source: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/-CCaJLR1zhQ



   Because trial testing took an addition 5 years to fully complete and full proof a vaccination, more or less. The main problem was that, based on available and incomplete information of a spreading virus in Wuhan, to the Chinese government's response, and the knowledge so far, in that timeline, it was very reasonable for those companies, Pfizer included, to decide to rush the trails ahead of time into mass producing vaccines for availability ahead of time, all due to the reports of the virus's high spread and the effects from footages of many hospitals filling up with people infected and ventilation equipment increasingly needed, to the point that warehouses had to be converted prior in China. That's a 5 year gamble risking and assuming that the virus wouldn't get as bad enough that I and my group can safely provide the vaccines. Not just vaccine production, but the policies by government and enforcing Covid lock down mandates via wearing masks and keeping a 2 meter safe distance.

   So, given what we've experienced so far, with 5 years of Covid, we can now imagine more accurately what would happen if governments didn't enforce Covid lock down mandates and safe practices, or that businesses elected to do a full vaccine trails and don't rush to mass production. I can safely say, that if wthey didn't take the precautions and more conservative approaches, we would have killed so many people, 10 million more, from mere negligence and choosing a laisse fare attitude towards Covid.

   To me, morally speaking, I can't see myself make the choice of not taking a vaccine, and wear my masks and keep distances and wash my hands more than usual, simply because I don't want to be a spreader for this virus. Becoming and being a spreader for this virus is me becoming guilty of third degree murder, and being guilty of being an accessory and accomplice to a mass murdering thing to those who have more weaker and more vulnerable immune systems, so fuck the virus, you'll never benefit from me spreading you you fuck.

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My opinion is this is low quality content to engage with.

There's much higher quality content available.

There is no failure, only feedback

One small step at a time. No one climbs a mountain in one go.

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@Recursoinominado @StormLight

20 hours ago, Recursoinominado said:

30 second video, really? That's what determins your opinion on the matter?

Good lord


19 hours ago, StormLight said:

@RecursoinominadoThis was done in European Parliament. It was a quick overview of the matter in so people could see it quickly, I dont know what your problem is, I was just sharing one point out of many that could be made. 

If a drug company didn't test for something they claimed so strongly a product could do, then there's something going on there.

Good lord

   Probably a EU bias.

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