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Hey there,

I am new to this forum. Pardon me if I am in the wrong thread.

I am 30 year old virgin and somehow I can relate to that article that I read.

Except that I am a "softporn" addict. I collected maybe about 16 years, since I am 12, images and videos of women in pretty clothes and somehow I didn't realize how time flew by. I went to school, made an education  and all that, but I never asked girls out. Sometimes they approached me to ask for my number, but I didn't believe they wanted it seriously. And now I feel massive regret, that I didn't live life to the fullest. I just know that my most virile years are over, and I am kind scared of the future in this fast paced life. I do not really know how to deal with that and to cope with the fear of death.


I don't even know why I write, the only thing I can do is approach women and forcing myself to get out there, because I cannot change the past. Yeah I guess its just something to get it from my chest.

Sorry for my bad english.

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Welcome. Thirty is young, you have many many years to get what you want.

I would work on two fronts:

1. Work out how to meet as many women as possible. Don't put all your hopes in one thing. Are there any activities you like doing? Join a club doing that activity. Regular contact is the easiest way to meet someone. Be more sociable, go out as much as possible. Talk to as many people as possible (men and women). Learn how to have social energy.

2. Work on yourself. Improve your appearance, improve your diet, improve your fitness, sleep better, raise your consciousness, master something, work out your life purpose, learn empathy, give love. Actualize! Doing these things will make you 1000x more attractive, as well as improve your life.

BTW your English is excellent.

57% paranoid

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Your time WILL come :)


"I believe you are more afraid of condemning me to the stake than for me to receive your cruel and disproportionate punishment."

- Giordano Bruno, Campo de' Fiori, Rome, Italy. February 17th, 1600.

Cosmic pluralist, mathematician and poet.

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