
No Fap Magnesticy in Game

27 posts in this topic

@NoSelfSelf And you do that with personal attacks? Anyone who doesn't have the right opinion gets called an idiot or a creep? Do you behave like this in real life or just on the internet where you don't have to worry about being slapped?

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@NoSelfSelf I just get real keyboard warrior arrogant know-it-all vibes from you, like you're taking out your frustration of being bullied in gradeschool out on struggling people and calling it "tough love". I'm not saying there's no place for tough love, but you've shown no signs of being capable of any other kind of love. You just seem like a cold and jaded person.

P.S. How come you can't write a single sentence without a typo? And what's with all the '...'? Are you intentionally trying to come off as a dick all the time, or are you just blind to how people perceive you? Why should anyone accept "tough love" from a guy who can't write a grammatically correct sentence to save his life?


Edited by Subtlety

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38 minutes ago, NoSelfSelf said:

@Subtlety its a perfect look to sent a message that we dont tolerate bs here, but it seems there are too many people tolerating bs in general so its accepted as a norm....its like you asking me to close my eyes and let others going on a path thats not optimal,like tough love is whats not tolerated but mommy emotional love is tolerated even if it hurts you doesnt make sense to me...

Excuse me? Sexual transmutation is a core practice in all major spiritual practices and for a reason. It is not BS, it is a proven method to awaken kundalini and awakening. What do you have to prove for other than being triggered and throwing a hissy fit as a mod misusing your mod privileges. Is this what actualized dot org stands for @Leo Gura

Edited by StarStruck

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1 hour ago, NoSelfSelf said:

you are just proving my point tnx 

Mind elaborating? Or is that beneath you, thy holiness?

I'm all ears.

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A little update: sexual transmutation has been transformational for me. Things that couldn't be fixed and understood intellectually, are energetically understood.

Talking with girls and flirting with them is the same: it all happens energetically. Yesterday I hooked a 10/10. These are rare to find to begin with. But she was truly the reincarnation of Persephone.

I walked into the venue, and she spot me energetically unmistakably, I spot her energetically too; too hard to not miss such a force of mother nature. And everything happened just based on flow.

The world is just a reflection of yourself. The kingdom of God is within.

Once you tap into this field, no need to learn pick up. Pickup still can provide some handy skills to navigate situations but it nothing more than the cherry on top of the cake.

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