
No Fap Magnesticy in Game

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If you know how to do sexual transmutation (converting libido) you don't even to learn game. To any newbies, if you want to make progress fast learn how to yield this explosive power called libido. I don't even run game, my body just do all the work, because I conditioned my mind that fuckery with porn and masturbation is not allowed.

Powerful shit can happen if you stop cheating the mating hierarchy by fooling your body-mind you spread your genes while in reality you just played with their private part at home by watching pixels jumping on a screen. In the past people didn't need to study game because people didn't watch porn. If you have a need to learn game there is something wrong with you. The biggest ballers out there don't have to learn game. It is truly a waste of time. I wish somebody told me this so here I'm. Now I just look a girl in the face and she knows what is up. No need for game. Just exchange of energy is enough.

If you can yield your sexual energy like you would yield a wild horse, you don't have to push around a dead ass donkey. Your body-mind will do all the work for you like a work horse. And after that you will be able to use that horse for achieving other things in your life. Especially if you feel like a dead beat donkey you need to try sexual transmutation. If you have high libido it will be one of the hardest things you will do but it will be worth it.


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Are you referring to kundalini awakening when you mention sexual transmutation?

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9 hours ago, StarStruck said:

I don't even run game, my body just do all the work

True. Your body will automatically do things to get you laid if you build up your hornyness. Eye contact, verbals etc. It's almost like you can't stop yourself from making eye contact. It's like a magnet is pulling your eyes. I've done this magnetic eye contact with two girls and they both blushed. One of them even changed her hair the day after. After having had the same hair for 2 years lol. The power of eyes.

I left this forum because a moderator has a problem with me talking positively about myself and giving advice. This reflects the forum as a whole. This place is negative, bitter, hateful and anti success. If you don't notice this that's because you're one of them. I hope some of you benefited from my posts. Take care.

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What you are doing is game imo.

Sexual state transference has been around for ages.


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This just exposes you that you are creepy, horny guy looking to get laid this thread is bs i dont know who approved this mods ?

There is nothing safe with playing it safe.


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2 hours ago, NoSelfSelf said:

This just exposes you that you are creepy, horny guy looking to get laid this thread is bs i dont know who approved this mods ?


That's lame of you. Very donkey-like to say, and quite disparaging it is to hear from another conscious being. Why do you scare people like this? If somebody were to read this then the next thing they do would be to gravitate back to porn after being on retention

(granted that they believe and accept what you are saying)

and then experience orgasm to prove to themselves they were "just being creepy before" what does that prove to them? They are victorious in an orgasm?


Come on son, you can't talk a retention dude off a ledge. Even if they jumped you laugh at them for being up there. Loserthink.

"Holy fuck. Holy fucking fuck. That body of yours is absurd." -Sri Ramana Maharshi

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@vishnusavestheday Next thing they should do is go and learn game not dont learn game,grow themselves for them not women,saying no fap is solution is total bs,its like getting drunk to talk to a stranger,there is no problem with porn its a choice to do that just to satisfy their needs in that moment,that doesnt stop you from talking to a woman it just shows you are not strong enough and look for woman just for sex and making a big deal out of it.And beware all this bs is pointing something outside of yourself without going inside so if you look for a nofap for a solution is just like a non self development person looking for heroin.

Not seeing your are a creepy guy that looks women for sex(which should be automatic) is also the problem itself.

How can no fap help you talk to women etc. thats also like saying pre workout is going to give me best possible gains..

If you cant see this you are lost...

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@NoSelfSelf We could just be miscommunicating? I can acknowledge everything you've said, but I don't have the need to vocalize it the way you did?

16 minutes ago, NoSelfSelf said:

Next thing they should do is go and learn game not dont learn game,grow themselves for them not women,saying no fap is solution is total bs

Who says not masturbating is not an act of self growing? Why would you assume what a man does for his personal benefit is not self-developmental?

18 minutes ago, NoSelfSelf said:

its like getting drunk to talk to a stranger

Or masturbating is like getting drunk to be lonely. Since being on retention, my relationship with family has improved. I have felt loads less stifled with them.

20 minutes ago, NoSelfSelf said:

that just to satisfy their needs in that moment

Are you satisfying your needs? Or your desires? I unpacked them separately, but I suppose you could suggest needs and desires just collapse into nonduality, freedom, god-realization, liberation, etc in order to justify jerking off or not-so. the point of this topic is attraction though.


if the ideal is attraction then how would you suggest to me that a woman is more attracted to a man who jerks off rather than not, assuming all factors are held constant?


TL:DR i think we're just at odds, honestly. i've realized that we're probably falsely assuming that we're attracted to the same women...

we're probably not and that's the disconnect. maybe people on retention want to talk up different women than people who jerk off in general..

"Holy fuck. Holy fucking fuck. That body of yours is absurd." -Sri Ramana Maharshi

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@vishnusavestheday If you think not masturbating is helping you go for it! for me its a bs like changing my hairstyle and clothes to feel better about myself, then whats next becoming a rockstars so women can love me,driving a sportscar to being seen more attractive its so silly in my mind i dont see that as growth i see that as superficial things that has nothing to do with mind change...

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8 hours ago, AJBrew said:

Are you referring to kundalini awakening when you mention sexual transmutation?

It is related to each other but not the same thing. Kundalini is basically a snake (your dick).

4 hours ago, Eyowey said:

True. Your body will automatically do things to get you laid if you build up your hornyness. Eye contact, verbals etc. It's almost like you can't stop yourself from making eye contact. It's like a magnet is pulling your eyes. I've done this magnetic eye contact with two girls and they both blushed. One of them even changed her hair the day after. After having had the same hair for 2 years lol. The power of eyes.

True, some people are too into their porn addiction and they wonder why they feel like a beat ass donkey.. stop beating your dick and see what happens? if it was easy everybody would do it, yielding horniness and transmuting requires character.


4 hours ago, NoSelfSelf said:

This just exposes you that you are creepy, horny guy looking to get laid this thread is bs i dont know who approved this mods ?

It is not about suppressing it, transmutation is not repressing or suppressing. If a girl talks to me she will feel no desperate horniness. She will feel manhood.

The thing you don't understand, being dead beat is as bad as being desperately horny.

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I'll give you a counterexample. It has indeed been like this for me in the first year or two of retention (I could do 90 day retention max back then). Nowadays after 5+ years of energy cultivation I counterintuitively have more trouble with women. The energy is too strong which is in turn feeding my neuroses. I think your argument applies to "casual" retention ie nofap.

When the energy builds up you're swimming in stormy waters. This can hinder game. 

I wouldn't trade it for anything though. Fuck that. 

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@StarStruck thats the whole point its not about the energy that i dont like, its the thing that you think when you dont fap,then for some reason you will become a man and now she can sense that which is total complete bs(using no fap to be a man omg) but i said what i wanted to say dont wanna go deeper...last thing get jacked use man sprays dont stop at no fap go full delusional go get a passport to meet women in thailand go be on a purpose for women do whatever they say they want etc.

Edited by NoSelfSelf

There is nothing safe with playing it safe.


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3 minutes ago, NoSelfSelf said:

@StarStruck thats the whole point its not about the energy that i dont like, its the thing that you think when you dont fap,then for some reason you will become a man and now she can sense that which is total complete bs(using no fap to be a man omg) but i said what i wanted to say dont wanna go deeper...last thing get jacked use man sprays dont stop at no fap go full delusional go get a passport to meet women in thailand go be on a purpose for women do whatever they say they want etc.

Dunno why this triggered you so much. 

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1 hour ago, Kshantivadin said:

Dunno why this triggered you so much. 

He even didn't want to allow this thread if it was up to him.. This should hit some alarm bells for him and he should look into it. I'm certain there is some shadow stuff to work on. 

If you can't keep a nut in without being a freak that says something about the person. I can immediately recognize these people by their energetic vibe. They have something dead beat and incoherent about them.

These are the same people who can't fuck a bitch to save their life and have to pop dick pills to be with a girl which is a shame. Just imagine our warrior ancestors looking at us and what they are thinking.

Edited by StarStruck

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All men in the past did what they did to protect women and fuck women, porn in essence allows you to cheat the mating hierarchy. You are fooling your brain-body you are having sex with the most attractive ladies hitting the genetic jackpot while in reality you are just shooting your nut in a paper towel or a sock. All I'm saying is that there are cost to cheating the mating hierarchy. Everything you get without a cost (which is porn), there is a hidden heavy cost behind it that you can't see or don't want to see.

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16 hours ago, NoSelfSelf said:

@vishnusavestheday Next thing they should do is go and learn game not dont learn game,grow themselves for them not women,saying no fap is solution is total bs,its like getting drunk to talk to a stranger,there is no problem with porn its a choice to do that just to satisfy their needs in that moment,that doesnt stop you from talking to a woman it just shows you are not strong enough and look for woman just for sex and making a big deal out of it.And beware all this bs is pointing something outside of yourself without going inside so if you look for a nofap for a solution is just like a non self development person looking for heroin.

Not seeing your are a creepy guy that looks women for sex(which should be automatic) is also the problem itself.

How can no fap help you talk to women etc. thats also like saying pre workout is going to give me best possible gains..

If you cant see this you are lost...

@NoSelfSelf You're being closed minded. 


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@Ulax If being closeminded means not making game about the women then ill be the most closeminded person there is...

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@NoSelfSelf Not really a good look for this place when a mod has a fetish for verbally humiliating people trying to improve their lives even if the way they're doing it is a bit silly

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@Subtlety its a perfect look to sent a message that we dont tolerate bs here, but it seems there are too many people tolerating bs in general so its accepted as a norm....its like you asking me to close my eyes and let others going on a path thats not optimal,like tough love is whats not tolerated but mommy emotional love is tolerated even if it hurts you doesnt make sense to me...

There is nothing safe with playing it safe.


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