
What is your hero's path / struggle?

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Everybody has a struggle within their life, a (personal) border to cross, an (inner) enemy to defeat, to face your inner fears and claim your glory or you won't and live as a coward. What is your struggle?


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My struggle is a struggle with intrusive thoughts and images. In a time-period of one second there can be maybe 10 or more of them. Some mundane, some bizzare, some violent, some benign. Many of them are involuntary, with some my will is included. The speed of many intrusive thoughts/images is so fast, people wouldn't believe it. Some are slower, but still a mess...

I am well aware that my intrusive thoughts are a simptom of unconsciouss traumas coming up on the surface to be resolved, to be seen and to be healed. And somehow i remain self-aware, self-observant and relatively coherent. I do resist often, but of course resistance is futile.

I've never heard of anyone having this type of Inner struggle. But i remain optimistic in a positive outcome of my struggle.


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Fear and disbelief that life is as good as can be.

"I believe you are more afraid of condemning me to the stake than for me to receive your cruel and disproportionate punishment."

- Giordano Bruno, Campo de' Fiori, Rome, Italy. February 17th, 1600.

Cosmic pluralist, mathematician and poet.

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Thinking i am not doing enough and lacking self esteem. 

I believe in the religion of Love
Whatever direction its caravans may take,
For love is my religion and my faith.

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I feel like there's definitely phases of this. In my past, the struggle was more with other people, as an adult the struggle is more against myself than with others. My fear of gaining but also not gaining the life I want. Trying to battle anxiousness and the limitations I've placed on myself. 


What about you @StarStruck

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Everything I believed was a struggle was a struggle. Everything I believed wasn't a struggle wasn't a struggle. 

It turns out that life is just what you make it to be.

A Call to Live Differently:

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My goal is to get financial freedom and go full time spiritual exploration (without stop being in society though) 


My struggles are permanent negative emotions , self blame of not acompish my goals and laziness.


The most I push for my goals the more preasure I feel and the more I suffer and the less I do, so don´t really know how to scape from this paradox I have been dealing with last 10 years.

Edited by RedLine

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3 minutes ago, Raptorsin7 said:

@RedLine According to @Lyubov this channel helped him take responsibility for how he was creating his emotions. Could be worth looking into.

I have experience release of my negative emotions by consistent practice of meditation and energy work

But guess what, now you add a new burden to the mind: the duty of pratice a lot of mediation and bioenergy to feel better!

Now we are in the paradox again...

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@RedLine This approach is about understanding how your beliefs and perceptions are creating emotions in the moment, so you can gain a greater understanding of how you create emotions and thus gain emotional mastery.

I've also felt release of emotion from meditation, but it came on formal retreat where I could meditate for like 10 hours per day.

You can ask @Lyubov more about the specifics of the process. But it looks promising.

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Emotional issues

There is no failure, only feedback

One small step at a time. No one climbs a mountain in one go.

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Saying I forgive you- even if you were to try to take my life.

(like Jesus)

putting the sword down 

Edited by John Paul

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