Something Funny

How Do I Learn To Commit 100%

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Fantasy is what matters. And if you don't naturally have any fantasies that sprakle feeling in you, then exploring the external world more will stimulate that. There will come fantasies that will build feelings of belief, excitement, faith, certainty, joy, power, freedom, etc in you. And when it starts to feel realistic to you, you will wake up with purpose. And that's a feeling that overpowers all of your laziness. Feeling purposeful in relationship to a really meaningful goal that excites you and lets you feel amazing. 

Mechanically setting goals because you lack feeling doesn't work. Set goals in relationship to the fantasies you're having. And not random fantasies, but powerful fantasies that feel amazing.

And don't force fantasies. Or don't force feeling in relation to fantasies. Let your body speak. Your mind and inner vision will follow.

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@JonasVE12 I do have fantasies and feelings. And I can get really motivated by them and start working on something. The issue is that after a day, 2 days, a week, a month I start forgetting them, loosing focus, and quit.



Death and decay 🥀

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You need a powerful fantasy. Something that convinces you. If you have to convince yourself constantly, it is not powerful enough. You need to let go a little more and do other things. Like losing yourself in something small, but something that gets you in the now, into feeling. Explore the external world more. Do something that allows you to stop overthinking. Then suddenly you may be hit by that fantasy and it is just so powerful that you can't control it. It becomes a purpose that is so convincing that you change for that purpose and you become connected to it so much that you surrender your ego and you become that thing. Nothing will stand in the way. And you need to be able to destinguish a weak fantasy from a strong one. And just stop giving attention to weak fantasies. It is all related to the feeling you're gathering around that fantasy which gives it power. Change only comes from feeling the power of a fantasy and then letting it guide you to take the right action but that will come by itself. The only thing that matters if connecting to that fantasy and building the fire through imagination, inner exploration and also out exploration of that fantasy. Don't take action on it for a few weeks when fantasies arise. If you really want it, it will stay. Don't rush yourself. And if it is worthwhile, it will only become stronger. So strong that it will let you take action because you can't control yourself anymore. Just be honest with yourself when fantasy or goals arrise. See things with discernment.

Consider what you're feeling when being with the fantasy. Excitement? Purpose? Adventure? Do you believe in it? Do you believe you can achieve it? Do you enjoy the images it gives you when visualizing both the process and the end result? Can you feel the growing sense of accomplishment and the freedom that comes with it when you see those images of you working towards that goal? Allow many days to explore if those feelings arise in relationship to the fantasy. Keep an open eye and even look for things to make the fantasy stronger. 

If it is worthwhile, you'll feel a sense of certainty and willingness. And then you commit on that journey.

Now you'll have a reason to eat healthy. And to meditate. You just need to get a higher purpose to connect those to. And then you'll be commited to integrate those. If it feels relevant and important to that higher goal, you'll be commited.

Why would you do hard work that requires effort if you are not truly excited and convinced? There is a future vision for you that will excite you and that is big for you. Just let go of small things and look for your biggest possibility. Just don't be needy. Sometimes you just need to explore a little more of the external world.

I've only ever had 2 worthwhile fantasies. And they both came from the external world. Trying to construct fantasies is mostly just desperation. It needs to flow into you. 

I'd love to hear from you what your fantasies are. Why you chose them. How you got to them. I'd love to hear everything. 

Why did you choose programming 16 hours on the weekends? Why do you want to do that? 

Why do you want to eat healthy?

Why do you want to meditate 1 hour a day.

I'd love to read everything. Just everything the goal means to you. Even if it ends up being 20 pages, I love to read it all.

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SMART goals:







Ya... I'd also say that if you feel like you "should" have the motivation, or you "should" has such-and-such a work ethic and your motivation sin't coming from some more genuine place, I doubt it'll work out.  

Maybe try taking a less hard-nosed approach.  Sounds like you've been really amped up by the common narrative of success and the "grind" culture. 

Not saying you don't have discipline and practice etc.  

But just that maybe your ideals aren't realistic in terms of the effort and hours you put in (and what you put them into).  

Use the snowball effect:  -->  pick something you genuinely like to do and are interested in --> then schedule times in to doing that thing that may seem small but can add up.   Eventually you may build up the discipline etc., to do that thing for longer and longer periods.  


"Just a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down"   --   Marry Poppins

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On 09/01/2023 at 11:03 PM, Something Funny said:

- okay, I am not going to eat crap ever again

- I am going to meditate every day for a year

These kind of decisions I found can be best made with abrupt personality change.

You think about and then come to the conclusion that you are now that person who is not eating crap and meditates every day.

The key factor is, if you want it or not

You make a logical and emotional decision to be that person.

That means if you decide for it, you will never again want it the other way.

So you have to let go of the part of you that used to do it different.

You will from that point on never feel like your old self.

It is a big sacrifice, you will feel it.

Out of that a new identity is born.

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Did you think about the why? also learn a lil habit or discipline building, you lacking basics. come on, you better than this..

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