
Pickup at techno clubs?

37 posts in this topic

Do you enjoy pickup at clubs where lots of molly and drugs are involved? Here in the Netherlands we have fantastic underground techno clubs and I love the environment and friendly atmosphere. 

Sometimes I get a little confused as some people really don't want to talk while other girls are practically taking their clothes off in front of you or girls kissing each other. 

It's pretty great, but on the other hand sometimes I just have lots of conversations with random guys and girls and it tires me out, then I'm exhausted and not seeing the pull opportunities anymore. Like social exhaustion. 

I don't like the after effects of molly so I prefer 2cb, though I wish I could take Molly every weekend lol. 

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Yes, I love it 

I love techno

I love women 

I love women that are into techno

There isn’t much more to say here

Tons of great sex to be had with some really beautiful women if you’re into this music and lifestyle 

I love underground, techno parties/clubs and I also love big more well known events like Awakenings, ADE, Tomorrowland, After Life, etc. 

if I enjoy nightlife it’s techno/house, rave with a good dj, or a fancy bar

not those table heavy monstrosities that charge some silly cover and are filled with normies who like the pop/rap music playing with the corny MC yelling in the mic 

Edited by Lyubov

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@Lyubov dude everybody knows chicks love corny DJs who yell into the mic as the drop approaches 

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1) You shouldn't be high when doing pickup. Ever.

2) Don't waste your time trying to pick up girls who are high on Molly. Their state will crash soon and you'll just be babysitting an emotional mess, not having sex.

Whenever I meet a girl on Molly in the club, I just immediately move on another girl. I don't wanna deal with her bullshit.

Pulling girls who are drunk or high will come back to bite you in the ass. Focus on more sober girls.

Other than that, it doesn't matter the location as long as there are girls you like there. Approach every girl you find hot, talk to her, screen her quickly for being too drunk or too high. You should be screening for the pull right off the bat. If she's not pullable, don't waste your time, move on to the next girl. Keep your game tight. You're not there to waste time on nonsense.

Edited by Leo Gura

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The whole thing is set up to prevent people from getting laid in my point of view. Loud music so you can't hear each other. Alcohol so you can't see each other with a clear mind. The alcohol is then used as an excuse to dump someone. ''Oh I was just drunk that's why I went with him'' Then there's the security guys and ''woke'' guys who will attack anyone who's being ''creepy''. The only people who get laid in clubs are people who are hyper calibrated AKA people who sold their soul to the cult called society.

I left this forum because a moderator has a problem with me talking positively about myself and giving advice. This reflects the forum as a whole. This place is negative, bitter, hateful and anti success. If you don't notice this that's because you're one of them. I hope some of you benefited from my posts. Take care.

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5 minutes ago, Eyowey said:

The only people who get laid in clubs are people who are hyper calibrated

Don't make silly excuses.

You can walk in sober to the loudest nightclub in the world and just grab girls by the arm and talk to them while at ease in your own body.

Practice doing exactly that.

In the end it's so fucking simple. There's nothing to game but just walking up to a girl and casually talking to her and then telling her to come with you. Everything else is just distractions, excuses, and BS. Nothing special is needed. No special gimmicks, lines, or techniques.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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1 hour ago, Leo Gura said:

1) You shouldn't be high when doing pickup. Ever. 

@Leo Gura I heard you talking about using a DMT vape pen. 

Edited by ZenSwift

I forgive my past, I release the future, and I honor how I feel in the present. 

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1 hour ago, Leo Gura said:

There's nothing to game but just walking up to a girl and casually talking to her and then telling her to come with you.

I agree. The only thing that complicates game is decades of brainwashing that says I'm a worthless creep who shouldn't dare to talk to women. But I consider myself psychologically very strong so I will pull myself out of this hole.

I left this forum because a moderator has a problem with me talking positively about myself and giving advice. This reflects the forum as a whole. This place is negative, bitter, hateful and anti success. If you don't notice this that's because you're one of them. I hope some of you benefited from my posts. Take care.

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3 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

1) You shouldn't be high when doing pickup. Ever.

2) Don't waste your time trying to pick up girls who are high on Molly. Their state will crash soon and you'll just be babysitting an emotional mess, not having sex.

Whenever I meet a girl on Molly in the club, I just immediately move on another girl. I don't wanna deal with her bullshit.

Pulling girls who are drunk or high will come back to bite you in the ass. Focus on more sober girls.

Other than that, it doesn't matter the location as long as there are girls you like there. Approach every girl you find hot, talk to her, screen her quickly for being too drunk or too high. You should be screening for the pull right off the bat. If she's not pullable, don't waste your time, move on to the next girl. Keep your game tight. You're not there to waste time on nonsense.

So it sounds your whole ordeal for going out is to have sex? :S A lot of girls are with friends and from my experience they just don't ditch her friends because her friends going home while she is going with you, she will be shamed. I don't aim for same night pulls, I don't know, perhaps I'm missing out on a lot of action.

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5 hours ago, John Paul said:

@Lyubov dude everybody knows chicks love corny DJs who yell into the mic as the drop approaches 

Maybe for whatever you’re listening to. What he’s talking about is not that and the djs I listen to don’t really ever do that. It’s obnoxious 

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I’ve noticed techno-specific clubs tend to have a much higher ratio of guys to girls, at least in the UK. 

In normal clubs here by 3am the dance floor is filled with couples making out, grinding etc. but in techno clubs here I see maybe one or two couples doing that on the whole dance floor. Often by 3am it’s approaching 80-90% guys

So in terms of actually meeting girls who are down, normal clubs are probably better

I also feel like people in techno clubs (again, in the UK) are less friendly and more cliquey overall, and it’s much easier to find people who are really up themselves

But I’ve met girls in both types of clubs 

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Just now, something_else said:

I’ve noticed techno-specific clubs tend to have a much higher ratio of guys to girls, at least in the UK. 

In normal clubs here by 3am the dance floor is filled with couples making out, grinding etc. but in techno clubs here I see maybe one or two couples doing that on the whole dance floor. Often by 3am it’s approaching 80-90% guys

So in terms of actually meeting girls who are down, normal clubs are probably better

I also feel like people in techno clubs (again, in the UK) are less friendly and more cliquey overall, and it’s much easier to find people who are really up themselves

But I’ve met girls in both types of clubs 

It’s like this in most US and UK nightlife. Sausage party. You gotta start going east in Europe the more east you go the more man to woman ratio reverses.  

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2 hours ago, ZenSwift said:

@Leo Gura I heard you talking about using a DMT vape pen. 

This is just for experimentation.

99% of my game is sober.

1 hour ago, StarStruck said:

So it sounds your whole ordeal for going out is to have sex? :S A lot of girls are with friends and from my experience they just don't ditch her friends because her friends going home while she is going with you, she will be shamed. I don't aim for same night pulls, I don't know, perhaps I'm missing out on a lot of action.

1) I do have a bias because I live in Vegas. In other towns you can collect phone numbers more and set up dates. But you still should not waste your time on girls who are not interested in sleeping with you. Girls love to waste your time so any guy with experience will optimize his game to reduce that.

2) If I am out socializing my aim is clear, to create romanic relationships. No need to BS yourself about that. I don't care if it's a same-night pull or a number for a date sometime later. Both are fine by me as long as it leads to something. I don't go to a club to party. Partying gets old really fast and you should have much better things to do with your life.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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4 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

This is just for experimentation.

99% of my game is sober.

1) I do have a bias because I live in Vegas. In other towns you can collect phone numbers more and set up dates. But you still should not waste your time on girls who are not interested in sleeping with you.

2) If I am out socializing my aim is clear, to create romanic relationships. No need to BS yourself about that. I don't care if it's a same-night pull or a number for a date sometime later. Both are fine by me as long as it leads to something. I don't go to a club to party. Partying gets old really fast and you should have much better things to do with life.

@Leo GuraDo you envision yourself running actualized and in a long term committed relationship with a woman as part of your vision for your Life?

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4 minutes ago, Greatnestwithin said:

@Leo GuraDo you envision yourself running actualized and in a long term committed relationship with a woman as part of your vision for your Life?

Yes, either that or monk-mode. I would probably be happiest in monk-mode in the end. Eventually I will probably outgrow the need for sex and even human contact. Remains to be seen. I got no problem with long-term relationships though.

Edited by Leo Gura

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14 minutes ago, Lyubov said:

It’s like this in most US and UK nightlife. Sausage party. You gotta start going east in Europe the more east you go the more man to woman ratio reverses

I’d like to see what it’s like there actually. I think it’d be cool.

There are places here were the ratio is pretty even but it’s usually either the more exclusive or harder to get into clubs or the most popular non-techno clubs

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Techno music won't draw in the hottest girls. You gotta follow whichever music your type of girl is into. In Vegas that's EDM and big name DJs.

Techno and hip-hop draw lower quality girls in my experience such that I don't even bother going to those places. Hardly worth it for me. But your tastes may vary and as a newbie you just need lots of practice approaches so anything will do.

Edited by Leo Gura

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6 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

Yes, either that or monk-mode. I would probably be happiest in monk-mode in the end. Eventually I will probably outgrow the need for sex and even human contact. Remains to be seen. I got no problem with long-term relationships though.

@Leo GuraThe latter feels more that would be outside of what's predictable for you. I wonder if although you know you have capacity for both. Given that we've been a yes to this experience (life), why not plunge ourselves into experiencing it all, including a romantic relationship.

I've found the work never ends when we be with someone. They point and reflect to many of our blind spots, unconscious stuff.

Edited by Greatnestwithin

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@Greatnestwithin In the end all your relationships are just monkey games.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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3 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

@Greatnestwithin In the end all your relationships are just monkey games.

@Leo GuraYes and a game we've said yes to, to begin with. So I hold this with sacredness and not just/ only monkey games. 

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