
Has anyone discovered Coral?

68 posts in this topic

6 hours ago, Carl-Richard said:



You're still upset about me typing you as Green-Yellow.  But maybe that was a bit to generous, in light of your true views.

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6 hours ago, asifarahim said:


What was the secret to your success 

It's not anything specific I did.  Just being receptive to new information from a young age, and always staying open-minded & sceptical.  Being a NeTi is a bit of an unfair advantage though, ig.


6 hours ago, asifarahim said:

Can you give your top 5 books or resources 

Tom Campbell's Trilogy.  Ken Wilber's work.  But books and resources will never be enough, you only really learn from innate curiosity pushing you to discover things for yourself.

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31 minutes ago, thisintegrated said:

You're still upset about me typing you as Green-Yellow.

Why would I be upset about somebody typing me the same as I type myself? xD

Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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1 hour ago, Carl-Richard said:

Why would I be upset about somebody typing me the same as I type myself? xD


Weren't you meant to be trying to discredit me or something?

But yes, I'm accurate with typing people.


54 minutes ago, Michael Jackson said:

@Carl-Richard @thisintegrated I am a stage coral, if you need help just ask;)

I won't disturb you while you're still on the shitter.

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24 minutes ago, thisintegrated said:


Weren't you meant to be trying to discredit me or something?

But yes, I'm accurate with typing people.


I won't disturb you while you're still on the shitter.

@thisintegrated no worries, I am pooping all over this forum anyways.

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26 minutes ago, thisintegrated said:

Weren't you meant to be trying to discredit me or something?

By typing you as the type I actually think you are? Notice how I've never before talked about what I think your type is. I've only shared my disagreements about your interpretation of SD as a model. I didn't change my mind about anything because of some personal stuff, only about whether I should share it or not.

Edited by Carl-Richard

Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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1 minute ago, Raptorsin7 said:

Forum drama about people's SD level is the best kind of drama xD

As long as nobody questions the fact that I am stage coral, all is fine.

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My personal opinion is that Coral is a very silly "stage".  First, you likely don't know ANYONE that is actually Turquoise, (not even Leo), because the entire Spiral Dynamics model is basically a Yellow construct.  It can't really transcend itself, so any idea of "what is above it" is really just fuzzy from the perspective of the model.  Leo still instructs and speaks from a highly abstract and conceptual (aka Yellow) framework--he thinks stuff like "going meta" and "strange loops" is the tits, when in reality these are just subcomponents of the left-brain dominated yellow perspective.  One of the only persons I've encountered that is genuinely and generally at what I would consider Turquoise is the author Iain McGilchrist.  Turquoise represents a return to the implicit, the unspoken, aliveness, and the felt dependently arising relationship with the world and life.  Because of this, the idea of Turquoise even being part of a model becomes silly.

So-called higher stages (Coral, or any of Ken Wilbur's silly Mega-overmind nonsense) is really just a Yellow person fantasizing.  Leave the models, leave the frameworks, and start feeling and living and communicating with life at its essence.  Art, poetry, and music can be doors, but beware that they can also be left-brained traps like anything else.  The real litmus test: if it is a conceptual idea in your mind, it is no higher than Yellow.  Beyond Yellow is pure experience.  And beyond that, is enlightenment.

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7 hours ago, thisintegrated said:

 Being a NeTi is a bit of an unfair advantage though, ig.




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7 hours ago, thisintegrated said:

Tom Campbell's Trilogy.  Ken Wilber's work.  But books and resources will never be enough, you only really learn from innate curiosity pushing you to discover things for yourself.

Can u name the specific book of ken wilber and tom campbell

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I suppose Coral would be something like what Leo has talked a lot before:

"I am God, I am everything there is: Absolute Consciousness. There is only the Absolute Self".

If Yellow was individualistic, and Turquoise was collectivistic, conserned with selflessness and self-trascendence, Coral should be again individual centered, but in a really complex and advanced way that would seem too insane and nonsense even for Yellow and Turquoise people.

I think of it like the Absolute Solipsism Leo had talked about before. He even published a video about it, but of course, he deleted it fast because we are not really prepared to understan about it, it just seems too crazy and impossible for all of us (and maybe even for Leo).

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On 1/21/2023 at 2:56 PM, Lauro Chapa said:

I suppose Coral would be something like what Leo has talked a lot before:

"I am God, I am everything there is: Absolute Consciousness. There is only the Absolute Self".

If Yellow was individualistic, and Turquoise was collectivistic, conserned with selflessness and self-trascendence, Coral should be again individual centered, but in a really complex and advanced way that would seem too insane and nonsense even for Yellow and Turquoise people.

I think of it like the Absolute Solipsism Leo had talked about before. He even published a video about it, but of course, he deleted it fast because we are not really prepared to understan about it, it just seems too crazy and impossible for all of us (and maybe even for Leo).

that resonates, coral starts dealing with solipsism, becomes more complete and actualized in teal

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Coral is when you realize that there is no such thing as Spiral Dynamics lol.

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28 minutes ago, ivankiss said:

Coral is when you realize that there is no such thing as Spiral Dynamics lol.

Wrong, that’s turquoise. In coral you realize that evolution, in fact, goes on. But evolution becomes something completely different. It’s not longer something physical or on the outside, it’s an evolution of the absolute itself (which is of course already completed.. that’s the paradox nature of the absolute).

the absolute IS evolution

The Secret of this Universe is You.

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@vibv I wanted to add: 'preferably sooner', but didn't.

You don't need to reach any stage in order to realize SD does not actually exist. It's just a model.

The Absolute might be seemingly expressing itself through evolution, but in actuality, there is no such thing either. It's a hallucination.

Edited by ivankiss

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1 minute ago, ivankiss said:

@vibvYou don't need to reach any stage in order to realize SD does not actually exist. It's just a model.

The Absolute might be seemingly expressing itself through evolution, but in actuality, there is no such thing either. It's a hallucination.

Of course it's just a model, but a pretty useful one to describe evolution.

Evolution is real. The absolute couldn't exist without it, or at least not experience itself, which is the whole point. To discredit it as "just a dream" or a hallucination is just a temporary notion that, too, will pass. And you will think "THANK GOD" when you find out.

The Secret of this Universe is You.

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Now that I come to think of it, I would even go further and say evolution is the process by which the absolute creates itself. It is Absolute Becoming.

The Secret of this Universe is You.

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