
For the ❤️ of the ocean ? - SHARKS

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This will be a thread celebrating and sharing the beauty and alien world of the ocean.

Starting with my all time favourite:


And most of all, the Threshers

Thresher Sharks can be found in many places in the world, currently there are three types of Thresher Sharks in the oceans. 
The best place to see them is in the Philippines on a dive site near the tiny island of Malapascua called Kimud and Monad shoal.
Kimud and Monad shoal are basically sunken islands but the top is around 12 meters below the surface.

The Thresher that is seen here is the pelagic one, it's the smallest of the Thresher, average about 3 meters from head to tail. Usually the tail is the size of the body. They come there usually in the early morning to let them self be cleaned by cleaner fish. They're completely harmless for humans.

For a long time it wasn't sure why they had such a long tail. There were speculations but never any proof on video, until 2012 when it was filmed near Pescador Island on the west side of Cebu, Philippines.
They use it for hunting.


Edited by OmniNaut

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What to do when you are approached by a large shark.

Without proper training don't go looking for it. But if you encouter this while snorkeling or swimming it's good advice.

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One time a shark was swimming in the ocean minding its own business and I come out of nowhere and bite him. Taught him a lesson.

Edited by Leo Gura

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2 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

One time a shark was swimming in the ocean minding its own business and come out of nowhere and bite him. Taught him a lesson.

Damn… you just can’t leave the BS alone, huh?(Buddhist Sharks) 



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6 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

One time a shark was swimming in the ocean minding its own business and come out of nowhere and bite him. Taught him a lesson.

@Leo Gura Did you find the illusive Jaguar Shark yet, Leo Sizzou? ?

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@OmniNaut I am the Leopard Shark.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@Leo Gura So if I rub your bold head it would be scaley? ?

Btw, the Leopard shark aka Zebra shark is still on my fish wish list to see one day. They have a beautiful flowing shape.


Edited by OmniNaut

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My girlfriends are shark bait.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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13 hours ago, Sidra khan said:

Bait = food

Means to get rid of them you have presented them to shark to be eaten ?

No. They prefer the girlfriends exclusively. I guess they taste better. 

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Just now, Sidra khan said:

That's profound ?

Well you can imagine how Leo must taste. C'mon now. It's all just chicken. And these sharks are probably tired of ordering from KFCs. They don't wanna eat the same old chicken. :D

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Just now, Sidra khan said:


I can't imagine, I want to stay professional :D if sharks are that bored we can offer them some fresh pieces from that's are no longer needed here e.g .....

I wonder that double quote problem is with my phone or it's the forum ?

It's the problem with the forum, not your phone. Please don't throw your phone out the window from anger lol. The phone loves you after all. xD

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27 minutes ago, Enlightement said:

Well you can imagine how Leo must taste. C'mon now. It's all just chicken. And these sharks are probably tired of ordering from KFCs. They don't wanna eat the same old chicken. :D



Nothing will prevent Willy.

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Just now, Schizophonia said:



Rename it to The Krusty Leo. :D the sharks will love it. 

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