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A small essay about consciousness work

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Reality began with the realization: I am.

long has passed since then and many wars were fought.
And nothing changed.
New experience is coming, Old memories are forever stored in the endless past.
I am, yet i don't have the faintest clue to who or what am I.
Every experience of me is not me, i am the one having it.
So The I that i am can never become the object of my consciousness.
What's the closest description of me that i can give to you?
1. I am nothing
2. I wear a mask called "Daniel"
This is how i feel myself to be.
Nothing wrong with the second point it is the play i choose deliberately.
And why dose anything exist at all?
Because experience is the only means through which i can know myself.
But because i am infinite(about that in the coming words) there is no end to 
knowing myself.
I am infinite because I am the only one who exists in my own reality.
No one or nothing besides me exists to limit me to be a certain way ,that is why i am
which ever way I want to.
It will help to illustrate it with a question:
What dose reality exist in?
And the answer to this question is:
And this is you!
What's the largest thing in reality?
What is the smallest object in reality?
A point.
Now to clarify what do I mean by "a point":
An object with zero volume.
And what is an object with Zero volume?
Both you and a point are "made" of the same thing.
It reminds me of the concept of a "strange loop" mentioned in GEB.
Reality loops from smallest to biggest and from biggest to smallest.
In this way there is no middle to this structure, each "layer" of magnification
is just as much the middle as any other.
And to us the most important layer is life.
After that, there is biology. After biology comes chemistry. And after chemistry
comes Physics.
The layer we reside in is not biological nor is it chemical and even it is not physical.
We live in our own world which I will call:


Chapter 2 - Life.

In our layer of reality there are no atoms or dancing molecules.
There is geometry , form , pattern , psychology .
May be the atoms live their own lives in their little world minding their own business.
This means that the most beneficial to us would be to study this layer first, before
setting our gaze upon smaller worlds.
Notice that we can study what is smaller than us, we cant study what is bigger- it will
be like electrons trying to study humans.
What can I tell you about life:
It gets easier with time.
We seem to learn how to navigate in it better as we grow, but is there a limit?
Our death limits our development to some finite amount.
See how much progress humanity made since we started standing on the shoulders
of our predecessors.
Now how can we maximize our development through life?
Each experience can teach us something new if we pay enough attention.
One girl can make the same progress in a day as another in a year. So to expend we can raise our consciousness.
One more thing we can do is learn from others.
Like a child that learns from his mother we can learn so much just by accepting
the aid of the experience of our fellow beings.

Now how did the concept of "The play" came about?
Because of my first awakening experience:
I sat under a red leafed tree in the garden at the back of my mother's house and it dawned  on
We are all playing a game here, nothing serious and deep down,
NO like REALLY deep down you know who you are and you are just kidding yourself.
Since then I had the idea of "The play" as being the reality we live in.

Chapter 3 - The play

"The play is the way,
The Island the Philosophy"
This i wrote in a notebook long ago not knowing where it would lead me.
Just wanted to add that here.

Now what is The play?
We all play it... We get up and its on.
The true meaning of this word combination is that there is nothing serious going
on. This is all to be enjoyed and taken lightly. And not as it may seem that there
is something artificial because of the connotation of a game or a show in a theater.
Knowing its a play dose not mean you don't have to survive somehow.
There are rules to this play of ours and the consequences of not following them
can be death.
But note there is no written crypt to this play, its up to us to make it what it is.
Each one adds his own unique part to The play and makes it that much more 
interesting. There are villain's of course but what is a good play without any villain's ?
Maybe they are soulless monsters , if you ask me there is only pity to be felt here.
And there are more important roles of course.
I have a feeling that reality wont end until each ones voice has been heard

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