Why do you work?

By bloomer in Personal Development -- [Main],
Why support a society that rewards you with nothing. Life is for enjoying. Not for slaving away for a shit system designed to exploit you and entrap you in endless debt so you're forced to work for your banking political elite. It's modern day feudalism. They siphon all the tax money to themselves, bail out their friends award subsidizes to their buddies, line their pockets when hard workers in construction, agriculture, factories etc… struggle to get by with broken backs. Just because a lot of us didn't get a college scam degree doesn't mean we should have to break our backs and suffer indignities for a barely liveable salary for the rest of our lives. Shit needs to change. Only the wealthy get to enjoy life and their money makes them money. Where everyone else just works as slaves to make them wealthier. The only carrot they have is the bare minimum pittance to keep the work horse prodding along and that's no longer working. Obviously you can't expect to make six figures doing customer service or some other low level entry bullshit ass job. BUT STILL the conditions are worse now and fucking boomers flipping burgers as teens made enough money PART-TIME at the minimum wage to rent two-bedroom apartments. Working full-time today requires you have roommates at best. There is no "just work harder!" solution. Civilisation has dangled the carrot in front of the worker mules for so long that it forgot to give the mules some basic feed to keep it going. Just because society is fucked and there is no carrot, instead an endless stick, whacking people and burying them in debt. A lot of people who complain about having to work also never seem to want to do anything else meaningful with their lives. Neets always brag about being able to sit around and play video games but never talk about doing anything to improve their lives with all of their free time. Just seems like wasting their life in a different form out of spite and laziness. You shouldn't be some bum wasting your life on bullshit. You should work and when you work you should because you 1 enjoy what you do, and 2 to support a necessary and important industry. Obviously being good at your job and like most things if you are good at something you enjoy doing that gives you an immense sense of satisfaction on a daily basis. Work is good what isn't good is being exploited and working for a shit system. Going without the important satisfaction of being competent and skilled in a job can cause a lot of distress. But when working hard gets you nowhere. You earn your living, and the cost of living keeps outpacing your earnings. Owning a house goes from a couple years away to out of reach in a very short period time. It's rational to be demotivated. It's also rational to sidestep the scam that is college education.  
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