
What has happened here since March?

26 posts in this topic

I noticed sections have been changed and there are different mods. Was there another controversy with members? I noticed there are less online. 

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Welcome back!

New sections to spice things up I guess. Also, you're talking nine months, it's just the natural churn of members/mods. I'm sure in another nine months it'll be different yet again.

57% paranoid

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I had a hard time coming around after that guy killed himself after going deep on 5-MeO. 

Drugs are pedaled around here with zero moderation by teens and college aged young adults and it’s wholly irresponsible. 

But that’s freedom I guess.

Free speech = 

1st question

“Can someone help me with enlightenment?”



”go smoke 5-MeO DMT or you won’t know shit”


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6 hours ago, SourceCodo said:

I had a hard time coming around after that guy killed himself after going deep on 5-MeO. 

Drugs are pedaled around here with zero moderation by teens and college aged young adults and it’s wholly irresponsible. 

But that’s freedom I guess.

Free speech = 

1st question

“Can someone help me with enlightenment?”



”go smoke 5-MeO DMT or you won’t know shit”

This forum is alright if you avoid the spirituality section and anything to do with that here and psychedelic drugs. It’s always been a dumpster fire and filled with dangerous advice, and assumptions from people who believe they are “advanced”, but I heard some long time members got banned which maybe helped? I haven’t followed Leo’s videos for over a year but I do like the forum he made for just general life improvement, politics and dating advice. 

Edited by Lyubov

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Call it a schism, or two.

Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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@SourceCodo who killed himself after going deep on 5. never heard about this and i am longterm user here

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@Lyubov Why do you think that anything regarding spirituality on this forum should be avoided? Have you tried psychedelics and/or to become enlightened? This is a genuine question, I haven't got a clue about spirituality. A couple of years ago when I watched Leo's videos about God and Enlightenment I thought I was getting crazy. This is what you mean? But now I avoid them and I slowly pace myself into spiritual work without going too fast so as to give a panic attack to myself.

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On 3.1.2023 at 4:04 PM, Lyubov said:

I noticed sections have been changed and there are different mods. Was there another controversy with members? I noticed there are less online. 

Don't know if you mean this but around that time @Nahm was banned. There was an another forum and a bunch of people left this place and/or got banned for connections to the other forum.

Everyone is waiting for eternity but the Shaman asks: "how about today?"

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Step by step, follow your heart

God-Realize, this is First Business. Know that unless I live properly, this is not possible.

There is this body, I should know the requirements of my body. This is first duty. We have obligations towards others, loved ones, family, society, etc. Without material wealth we cannot do these things, for that a professional duty.

There is Mind; mind is tricky. Its higher nature should be nurtured, then Mind becomes mature and Conscious. When all Duties are continuously fulfilled, then life becomes steady. In this steady life God is available; via 5-MeO-DMT, ... Living in Self-Love, Realizing I am Infinity & I am God

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11 hours ago, TheGreekSeeker said:

@Lyubov Why do you think that anything regarding spirituality on this forum should be avoided? Have you tried psychedelics and/or to become enlightened? This is a genuine question, I haven't got a clue about spirituality. A couple of years ago when I watched Leo's videos about God and Enlightenment I thought I was getting crazy. This is what you mean? But now I avoid them and I slowly pace myself into spiritual work without going too fast so as to give a panic attack to myself.

I believe the majority of people here are not ready for serious spiritual enquiring and this community does not have the safety nets in place for catching people who go off the deep end into the ocean but don’t yet know how to swim. It’s like giving the most powerful fireworks to a child. Most people would benefit much more focusing on the other sections on this forum than the spirituals section and psychedelics section. There are some great discussions here how to really improve all areas of your life and this is mostly a positive environment.

Yes, I have done a number very powerful Ayahuasca ceremonies. Anyone here who is actually wise will tell you doing these substances does not automatically earn you stripes or make you “more developed” than others who have put the work in elsewhere. 

I would listen to yourself and use it as an indicator that what Leo is prescribing is not working and not the right fit for you. There is so much more to spirituality than What’s here and the language used here. I think you are wise for pacing yourself and focusing on what’s right for you. 

Edited by Lyubov

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On 2023-01-03 at 1:24 PM, SourceCodo said:

I had a hard time coming around after that guy killed himself after going deep on 5-MeO. 

Drugs are pedaled around here with zero moderation by teens and college aged young adults and it’s wholly irresponsible. 

But that’s freedom I guess.

Free speech = 

1st question

“Can someone help me with enlightenment?”



”go smoke 5-MeO DMT or you won’t know shit”

beautifully put, arrogant elitsm, mainly from leo, which then spreads to his followers, casting down onto his lost users, saying " fools", "ignorant", "deluded", which then negatively motivates an already, low self esteem people to take action on something dangerous and extreme and something theyre not ready for. His arrogant condescending tone he uses towards people is a clear red flag and needs to be immediately called into question from himself and how its affecting others. If what Leo is portraying is advanced work, he needs to stop with the condescending high-horse tone of guilt and demoaralization towards others who don't get it, its almost like a flaunt and some will inevitably take the challenge and end up with disaster. This outcome that affects some, but not all, needs to be taken into consideration as it is an effect on people.

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7 hours ago, StormLight said:

beautifully put, arrogant elitsm, mainly from leo, which then spreads to his followers, casting down onto his lost users, saying " fools", "ignorant", "deluded", which then negatively motivates an already, low self esteem people to take action on something dangerous and extreme and something theyre not ready for. His arrogant condescending tone he uses towards people is a clear red flag and needs to be immediately called into question from himself and how its affecting others. If what Leo is portraying is advanced work, he needs to stop with the condescending high-horse tone of guilt and demoaralization towards others who don't get it, its almost like a flaunt and some will inevitably take the challenge and end up with disaster. This outcome that affects some, but not all, needs to be taken into consideration as it is an effect on people.

For me if I felt Leo teachings where making mind and life getting unstable I would  stop visiting the channel for some time and come back when got my system stable again.

Personaly his content made my personal psycadelic trips much better, intense but better. And a lot of clarity.

Is really difficult and/or impossible to control what people will do using the content you share. Some people can get triggered even with very simple non-dual teachings. I know this because I talk with people everyday, and when the content of conversation start going Meta they signal to me that I when to far or to much for them to grasp, so I need to hold on. But thank God Leo don't hold on when he make his videos because there was so much I would never hear from anybody If I would wait. 

So the boundaries of what to share and what to hold on is subtle. Something that for one can serve as a healing balm can be for other a strong poison. Each one needs to feel what dose they can cope with. And the guy always give warnings whenever is necessary. 

Edited by Rafael Thundercat

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By the way at 31:00 of this podcast there is a important warning. If you are not grounded in reality and you mind is not stable just go and do the grounding work first.


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@Rafael Thundercat arrogance, (especially in spirituality lol) when spirituality is all about being humbled and less so inside the ego, is a huge red flag, considering his elite superiority complex which is now hilarious to me at this point. It's like hypocrisy slapping people in the face and people still cant see it. Having deep inside doesn't give someone the right to be a dick and lord over people. Its so funny at this point

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19 hours ago, StormLight said:

beautifully put, arrogant elitsm, mainly from leo, which then spreads to his followers, casting down onto his lost users, saying " fools", "ignorant", "deluded", which then negatively motivates an already, low self esteem people to take action on something dangerous and extreme and something theyre not ready for. His arrogant condescending tone he uses towards people is a clear red flag and needs to be immediately called into question from himself and how its affecting others. If what Leo is portraying is advanced work, he needs to stop with the condescending high-horse tone of guilt and demoaralization towards others who don't get it, its almost like a flaunt and some will inevitably take the challenge and end up with disaster. This outcome that affects some, but not all, needs to be taken into consideration as it is an effect on people.



Edited by roopepa

Everyone is waiting for eternity but the Shaman asks: "how about today?"

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This is not "advanced spiritual teaching". It is an ideology, a belief-system, projection of insecurity, and feeding from insecurity, to create an image "better than you". Manipulation.

It is a dick-measure hamster wheel covered up as "spiritual work" and philosophy.

The "dangerous and extreme" - thing is also just total crap. Spirituality is not 'inherently risky'. There isn't "you're not ready for this yet, do the grounding work" etc. Total bullshit. What seems risky, is taking a bunch of psychedelics in order to gain insights, to finally be not-ignorant, not-dumb, fearless and selfless enough in the crooked judgement of some guy on the internet. He tells you what's the right insight. He tells you what you should know, 'be aware of' in order to not be an ignorant 'low conscious' baby. ? And you eat it up, believing it's true and very important. When really it's a trick, manipulation to hide insecurity and seem better than others.

Have you heard any "spiritual teacher" ever give this same impression about the path? Do you notice this is conjecture, something you have heard here, on this forum and these videos? Do you see how this is an Actualized bubble?

Eventually it boils down to this: belief that a you has fear, and your fear is keeping you from X. And that a you need to be brave enough to face your fear... To get somewhere, or be something else.

That ? is total bullcrap. And fundamentally based on insecurity, guilt and shame. There isn't a self which could have fear, or be fearful.

Spirituality is NOT scary. It is a joyful, fun, relieving discovery, not terrifying. If you feel like shit about the so-called 'spirituality', you've been led astray.

Edited by roopepa

Everyone is waiting for eternity but the Shaman asks: "how about today?"

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2 hours ago, roopepa said:

Spirituality is NOT scary. It is a joyful, fun, relieving discovery, not terrifying. If you feel like shit about the so-called 'spirituality', you've been led astray.

To get and/or grapple with some insights, you literally need to go insane. It is quite uncomfortable for the mind.

But if you are grounded and skilled in this kind of work and have generally made a better life for yourself and the ones around you, then it would be easier for you to handle it. That is how I understand it.

Leo himself had said on multiple occasions that his work is about inquiring about truth and getting and sharing insights. Which is not integration and certainly not about feeling pleasant, joyful, or comfortable.

I am not denying that these might be some of the effects of this work, as u have already pointed out, they certainly are. But during the event and sometime after it, you are bound to be at least a bit psychologically unstable.

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1 hour ago, Yog said:

To get and/or grapple with some insights, you literally need to go insane. bubble. Conjecture. Assumption. Belief. Misinformation.

Everyone is waiting for eternity but the Shaman asks: "how about today?"

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