The 117th Congress was actually one of the most productive sessions in US history?!

By Hardkill in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events,
According to wikipedia "Despite Democrats holding only razor-thin majorities in both chambers during a period of intense political polarization, the 117th Congress is considered by political scientists to have been one of the most productive sessions of Congress in U.S. history. Some political scientists have described the legislative accomplishments of this congress as the most significant and sizable since those of the 89th Congress when President Lyndon B. Johnson passed many of his Great Society policies. Major policies enacted by the 117th Congress include the landmark Inflation Reduction Act, American Rescue Plan, Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, Postal Service Reform Act, Bipartisan Safer Communities Act, CHIPS and Science Act, Honoring Our PACT Act, and the Respect for Marriage Act." I knew that Biden and the Democrats in Congress ultimately got a lot of done, especially considering how extremely divided the US has gotten politically in recent years and the fact that they really only had razor-thin majorities in both chambers of Congress during Biden's first two years of his presidency. However, I wasn't sure before if this Congress would be considered by experts to be such a historic success. Obviously, the Dems weren't able to achieve nearly as many successes as they did during the New Deal and Great Society eras, but apparently all of successes they achieved during Biden's first two years as president basically measure up to all of the historic successes they made during Obama's first two years as president. This should definitely be considered an historic win for Biden and the Democrats.
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