
A womans beautiful appearance is your drug not your friend

17 posts in this topic

The addiction you get when you look onto her body, girlfriend or wtv, that amazing figure and features are all strong attachment mechanisms to trick your mind into over valuing her and to make you attached to a neurotic degree.

The prettier the girl, the more neurotic your attachment to her will be. Its a lot easier to have healthy relationships with women who are not as physically attractive because your going to be more secure, less competitive with the world around you and less bombarded by the mesmerizing effects a woman's figure and face has on your primitive animal brain. 

Edited by integral - Voice Everything Browser Extension

How is this post just me acting out my ego in the usual ways? Is this post just me venting and justifying my selfishness? Are the things you are posting in alignment with principles of higher consciousness and higher stages of ego development? Are you acting in a mature or immature way? Are you being selfish or selfless in your communication? Are you acting like a monkey or like a God-like being?

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Awww but I love it when my primitive lizard brain starts tingling, that's my favorite part!


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if you can’t handle the beauty because you aren’t right with yourself, then stay out of the kitchen. Some of the guys here are  fine with some heat and wanna eat something tasty. 

Edited by Lyubov

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Female beauty is a drug so strong that it can addict you just by looking at it. It's wise to only look at female beauty while touching it. Otherwise it's torture.

I left this forum because a moderator has a problem with me talking positively about myself and giving advice. This reflects the forum as a whole. This place is negative, bitter, hateful and anti success. If you don't notice this that's because you're one of them. I hope some of you benefited from my posts. Take care.

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This is why you beat your dick 100 times before you meet so it doesn't affect you... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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@universe "Real growth is an emotional release that you don't even think about it anymore" that's true, but i think there is something primitive about attraction that is hard wired and makes men stupid. A woman that is overly attractive effects the mind in a unhealthy way, its stress and a mental burden.  

Edited by integral - Voice Everything Browser Extension

How is this post just me acting out my ego in the usual ways? Is this post just me venting and justifying my selfishness? Are the things you are posting in alignment with principles of higher consciousness and higher stages of ego development? Are you acting in a mature or immature way? Are you being selfish or selfless in your communication? Are you acting like a monkey or like a God-like being?

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Haha yes, I know what you mean! :D

It's a bit like candy right?

You can still Grow out of it. After all there are plenty of beautiful women out there. Also the whole package is important. I'd much rather be alone than dealing with a raging Victoria Secret model in a bad mood, throwing tantrums and stuff.

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Struggling to snap out of it every day lol. I understand how it works, but that doesn't help much. It's like a spell, really. 

I've dated hotter girls than this current one too, but I'm still so damn hooked. It's like she's my Goddess now and there's little to nothing I can do about it. Stay and be mesmerized or walk away and give myself some time to sober up.

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I never fully understood this aspect, I am odd in that I take the enjoyment of not giving her the priviledge to engage in this princess type of thinking at times, so I never attracted that type of women so far, even after doing some game with experienced guys. It takes an extrem amount of abundance as well as either an extrem amount of development to realize that. 

All of these survival mechanism etc. Also at times it's similar to a spiritual experience seeing the beauty of a girl that is just breathtaking etc. Ever since I've been injured and I did not date "fully built" I notice how difficult it is to feel the loose of beauty and it's attachment I cried legit yesterday doing some baby workout at how weak I feel internally. When I read online articles and books about body language and girls legit cringing as well as writting me online "omfg you are so handsome", even guys. EVEN GAY GUYS LIKE WTF/TRANS does not matter. 

I grew up pretty narccistically as a guy having my looks beign validated by the women around me (friends of my mother), and there are so many odd dynamics there are also so many other factors at play, when I contemplate how feminity just causes "small t trauma" in some women as it's been opressed. I just think it's an odd dynamic of our times, like if it's a protective aspect of a guy feeling a bit protective of "his/her positively owned... women", then sure the attachment to beauty is just an attachement? It's a process then to let go. As feminity has been repressed and I get a lot of subconscious blame at times. I hope the new psycholgoist who is deeper in that sort of material can help me with that. 

At best you can appreciate each other as goddess and god without the crazy push&pull dynamic. Without going into the metaphysics of love, comaradery ironically gives the deepst form of bond, from what I've read so far. 

To me this is mostly delusion and manipulation, as well as "maya" better enjoy the play as long as it's there. At times even when I could do and did parts of the more developed courses about relationships. I wished there was a higher level of awareness of that, yet it's mostly the "craft of the man" to bring that sort of stability to the table, at least that is the kind of looks and expectations I get, when interacting with the opposite sex. Obviously there is beauty within the women/feminine aspect without the objectivity that is hard to deny! 

As far as I can recall beauty = holism = healing, I notice how healing "real beauty" can feel healing, it certainly has a strong desire component for me, when I dated women and even attracted women, where most guys play a discriminatory dynamic that is close to racism legit, and I've also seen that like it's partially disgusting and get's very primitive. The books on Leo' list on dealing with people, explains a lot of this apeish type behaviour and yeah, I don't think very advanced brain parts are beign activated in male and or females during this exchange. 

Although it can feel like a stage purple type opening for mystecism and spiritual awareness so to speak, for me it's mostly a passion -> lust -> love dynamic that plays itself out when I consider both inner and outer beauty. Physical apperances are ridiculous, beauty is also pain at times. Anyway. Here I go!

Beautiful apperance to me is mostly either desire and/or real beauty, seldom it's healing nowadays, and the feminism dynamic I see at times is as regressive as Andrew Tate I find, I dunno for me this still legit is the dark bonobo ages.                                                        

Edited by ValiantSalvatore

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At the same time, if she isn’t good looking I get bored and just want to be her friend 

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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On 1/2/2023 at 9:41 PM, integral said:

but i think there is something primitive about attraction that is hard wired and makes men stupid. A woman that is overly attractive effects the mind in a unhealthy way, its stress and a mental burden.  

Being stupid is a good thing once you get too smart. When you’re stupid and get more stupid that’s bad though.

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Funny ?, on my last mushroom trip, I was told to own the part of myself that like beautiful women. ?

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@emptiness dancing Me as well. I was told to love beautiful things and to built up my capacity to handle it

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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Meditation will short circuit that part of your brain over time.

It might get to the point where the hot woman will question your sexuality but ironically, that will make her want YOU more.  It is an excellent paradox.

At least we can all agree that women really are a beautiful thing huh?



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7 minutes ago, hoodrow trillson said:

Meditation will short circuit that part of your brain over time.

It might get to the point where the hot woman will question your sexuality but ironically, that will make her want YOU more.  It is an excellent paradox.

At least we can all agree that women really are a beautiful thing huh?




Theres nothing wrong with being with a beautiful woman. Life is meant to be enjoyed. That’s why I created them.

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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