
Please suggest tools, techniques, and methods to balance one's energy body/chakras?

35 posts in this topic

So I have been suffering a major imbalance in my Manipuaraka Chakra (Solar Plexus) for the past 2 years. Along with that, I have an imbalanced Mooladhara chakra as well.

My question is, how to bring balance to my chakras and cleanse them? 

I have tried-

  1. Isha Hatha Yoga
  2. Kriya Yoga (from the JC Stevens book in the booklist). Although only the basic Kriyas.
  3. Meditation
  4. Medicines and herbs.

I have in my mind, for trying in the near future-

  1. Advanced Kriya Yoga  (Navi Kriya, etc.)
  2. Qi Gong

But I want more methods. My current list of methods is exhausting and I have gotten little to no results. 

Anyone who has knowledge in this field, help me.

I want to correct the imbalance in my Manipuraka Chakra--- This is my main area of concern.  

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I'd say Reiki, but you would need to involve a second person. Some are advising self-reiki but in my case effects come nowhere near to what I get by working with a practitioner. 

Kriya yoga focused on chakra balance, not just basic stuff.

Meditation but with visualisation - really easy in terms of Solar Plexus. But I guess it depends on how big your imbalance is? Consistency is always a key ?

Some shamanic practices could do it quite quickly and without involvement of anyone else, but it really depends on your root cause.

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Do mulabandas on an empty stomach
Look at the diet. Eat only “whole foods”. 
look out for foods you didn’t know you are actually sensitive to- sweet, spicy, or something specific like pineapple or a certain spice, who knows. 

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1 hour ago, John Paul said:

Do mulabandas on an empty stomach

How many?

1 hour ago, John Paul said:

Look at the diet. Eat only “whole foods”. 
look out for foods you didn’t know you are actually sensitive to- sweet, spicy, or something specific like pineapple or a certain spice, who knows. 


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@Medhansh just go by feeling don’t have to be extreme. Do it on the out breath in combination with ujai box breathing with kumbaka at the top 

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@Medhansh in for four*
hold for four*
out for four*
mulabanda four*
in for eight*
hold for eight*
out for eight*
mulabanda eight*

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17 hours ago, John Paul said:

@Medhansh in for four*
hold for four*
out for four*
mulabanda four*
in for eight*
hold for eight*
out for eight*
mulabanda eight*

Ok. Thank you. 

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What would be signs of such imbalances? How would you know? 

Personalised Holistic Health Support 
I help others overcome health challenges that impact their energy, motivation, and well-being. Feel free to reach out for a confidential conversation about anything you're currently struggling with. 

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15 hours ago, Michael569 said:

What would be signs of such imbalances? How would you know? 

It is mostly a mixture of physical, physiological, and psychological symptoms. Since such an imbalance doesn't show up in any lab test or report, we have to rely heavily on the patient's own experience, and the guidance of an able expert who has experience with this stuff. Also, there are some methods to check this imbalance that have been used for hundreds of years. 

This problem is known very commonly in India, so if you speak to 5 random people, at least one of them will know one or the other thing about this issue. 

The exact signs and symptoms depend upon the direction in which the navel chakra has been imbalanced, and it also varies from individual to individual. Yoga experts nowadays have broadly categorized this imbalance into 8 directions, as shown in figure 1.

The green spot shows the approximate current location of my navel chakra. It is also related to an energy channel (Nadi), which goes from the heart to the calves via our navel. Just like the vagus nerve. The only difference is, being a Nadi, it doesn't have a physical existence. It is a major Nadi amongst the channel of the 72000 nadis in our body. It should ideally pass through the center of the navel, but in people with this disorder, it beats through the navel as well as the area around it. Mine beats in the navel and on the green spot, signifying my imbalance is in the top-left corner. We can check the palpitation by making the concerned person lie down, and then pressing down on and near his navel region with our thumb. This is one method of checking the imbalance. 

Another method is to check the distance between the left nipple and the navel, and then between the right nipple and the navel. Both should be equal. If the distances are unequal, we say that your navel chakra is displaced. This method is used only for males. We usually measure the distances with the help of a thread. (Figure 2)

Another method is to sit on a chair, and open both your arms straight to the front. Your arms should be at the shoulder level and your elbows should be straight. Then another person joins both your hands and matches your Surya line with the Chandra line. Then, he checks whether the last line of your pinky fingers match or not. If they are equal, you are fine. If unequal, you have this imbalance. (Figures 3 and 4: pics of a healthy person).

I have also attached the pic of my hands, which I checked a few months ago. (Figure 5). It shows a considerable difference. The last lines of my pinky fingers are unequal.

There are some other methods as well of checking the navel, but these 3 are the most famous, well-known, and reliable methods. Yoga Gurus and Ayurveda doctors use these methods. One person has been making proper graphical reports of navel based upon his checkup through the thumb-pressing method (Figure 6). It is a 3 inch circle around the navel and he makes dots for representing the palpitations. Big dot for a prominent palpitation, small dot for a comparatively less prominent palpitation. 

Other than these methods, we have symptoms. A navel displaced upwards will lead to constipation- because all the organs, especially the intestines, experience an upward pull and their motility is restricted. A downward shifted navel, on the other hand, will lead to continuous loose motions, because the intestines lose their holding capacity and quickly throw out any substance they receive. These are the general trends with navel displacement patients. And all patients will have lots of psychological troubles and mental fluctuations. Simply because the Vayus of the body are disturbed (more about this later). Then there are more symptoms like breathlessness (Diaphragm gets affected a lot by upward displacement of the navel chakra). 

I have an upward shifted navel(and slightly left), and I have constipation. No amount of fiber or exercise will help me(except forceful purging via laxatives, purgatives, etc.) in relieving my constipation. Because the navel is shifted upwards, and it has restricted the motility of my intestines.

Most people have a case of their navel being shifted upwards and slightly leftwards, like mine. The reason behind this is that the stomach bag is situated on the upper left side of the navel (Figure 7). The stomach bag, when it remains filled with gas for a long time, causes the navel to be displaced top-left. The gas rises up and gives the required pressure for the navel to get shifted. Obviously, this process takes years and is often accelerated by wrong diet, improper treatments, excessive medications, etc.

So that's that.

About the Vayus. Navel chakra imbalance is directly interconnected with the Pancha Vayus of the body- especially Samana, Prana, and Apana Vayus. (Figure 8). That is why navel chakra imbalance must not be confused with Hernia (whether Umbilical Hernia or Hiatus Hernia). Navel imbalance is not a dislocation of our abdominal organs. It is just a major imbalance of our Manipuraka Chakra/ Navel chakra, and our Samana, Apana, and Prana Vayus. It is a disorder on the plane of the pranayama kosha, not the physical body. We can only see its effects on the physical body. The cause is on the level of our energy body (Chakras, nadis, vayus, etc- Figure 9) In terms of Ayurveda and Vata-Pitta-Kapha, this disorder is a combination of Vata and Pitta imbalance. 

The most simple way to explain this is- the vayu starts functioning in an improper way, and the vayu starts working in a wrong direction (upwards in my case). Hence, it starts interfering with the normal motility and flow of our gastrointestinal tract. Thus, causing physical symptoms.

Navel displacement is not a very famous problem even among experienced experts in the alternative medicine field- Yoga, Ayurveda, Tibet, Chinese Herbal, and middle eastern medicine. Although all of them recognize it, still there are very few knowledgeable experts on this matter. Most of these experts rely on home remedies and quick fixes, which work if your issue is new (a few days/weeks old). But in chronic cases like mine (I have had this imbalance for more than 2 years now, and stomach ailments for a total of 4.5 years), these don't work. I require a proper analysis, diagnosis, and treatment. 

As far as I know, only one person in India has the proper and permanent cure for this problem- he's an ayurveda acharya. He is the one who makes these graphical reports (Figure 6). But he is not seeing patients currently, so that leaves me experimenting around on my own. He has cured thousands of patients with the same problem as mine, and he is my last hope. Although I personally know more than 50 people who are suffering from the same issue, not even a single one of them got cured. They are just like me- hopeless, confused, desperate, and depressed. All of us are trying, but we haven't got the cure yet. 

Although one thing worked for me till now. Isha Hatha Yoga, which I learned back in June, did a lot for my navel displacement. It gave me a lot of relief in my navel, relaxed my stomach, and even brought my pinky lines closer! It literally moves the lines of my hands over a period of 1 month. But then I got sick, plus the effect plateaued. I got significant relief, but it peaked and didn't move further. Then I had to quit it because of fever and cold. Funnily enough, when I restarted it in November, it didn't give me any relief. I did it for 25 days- 15 days only morning, and 10 days both morning and evening- in a hope of getting relief, but it did absolutely nothing this time. I don't know the reason- may be because the season is different? It is winter season right now, and June was summer here. Maybe because of climate? Maybe something else? After 25 days my practice broke once again because I got fever and cold, once again. Otherwise, I was planning on doing it for a longer duration- regardless of the results. And I will restart it tomorrow. 

Anyhow, this was my attempt to explain this seemingly complex and twisted topic of navel displacement to you, Michael! Hopefully, I was able to convince you that this is an actual issue, and that I am not a crazy, psychologically disturbed person selling you woo-woo stuff! xD

Please remember that I am not an expert in this matter- I am still learning. People have made lots of videos on this, but they are in Hindi, so it wouldn't be of much help linking them here.

Also, I found 2 research papers on this topic. These are very small-scale and simplistic research papers- but they do offer a lot of value to people like me who are stuck in this problem. I will attach those as well, so you can take a look. 

Figure 1.jpeg

Figure 2.jpeg

Figure 3.jpeg

Figure 4.jpeg

Figure 5.jpeg

Figure 6.jpeg

Figure 7.jpeg

Figure 8.jpeg

Figure 9.jpeg



Edited by Medhansh

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@Medhansh maybe you should pay a specialist if you believe this to be the root cause of your health problems.

It's unlikely that such person hangs around here

Personalised Holistic Health Support 
I help others overcome health challenges that impact their energy, motivation, and well-being. Feel free to reach out for a confidential conversation about anything you're currently struggling with. 

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I don't know much about this but recently a reiki healing session absolutely did wonders for me. I didn't give this woman any information about myself yet she was able to do some energy work that has been tremendous. 

That being said I did a chakra balancing session with some other lady years earlier and it was total bs. I've no idea how to tell if someone is legit or not beforehand. 

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13 hours ago, Michael569 said:

@Medhansh maybe you should pay a specialist if you believe this to be the root cause of your health problems.

It's unlikely that such person hangs around here

Okay. Thanks bud.

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13 hours ago, Butters said:

I've no idea how to tell if someone is legit or not beforehand. 

This is half of the problem. And I don't think there is any way anyone can tell precisely if an expert is legit or not beforehand. A lot of money, time, efforts, and emotional labour could be saved if I could somehow generate the ability to foresee the outcome of any treatment plan/s before even starting them. It would save me from a lot, a lot of bullshit. 

I do have my own past experiences and intuition for this problem. But my best ability right now is refined hit-and-trial, based upon my past experience. I know which system of medicine is capable of recognizing, diagnosing, and curing my issue and which is not. But that's a very wide spectrum. It doesn't help me much. It is still not enough to get to the point where I can precisely pinpoint a treatment or expert beforehand- whether it's going to work or not. And I think it's not even possible for a normal person to make such predictions. 

So that leaves a lot of dangling around and experimentation left for me to do. Well, well. 

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13 hours ago, Michael569 said:

@Medhansh maybe you should pay a specialist if you believe this to be the root cause of your health problems.

The issue is I am unable to find a competent enough expert. I will pay money, but to whom? I need at least 1 person capable of curing this disorder. Or atleast have some depth of knowledge about this issue, more than my knowledge. But it has been incredibly difficult finding such a person. 

Turns out, most people in the medical fields (alternative medicine as well) are sheep who went through the mass-manufacturing process of acquiring a medical degree and getting a job. They don't have the necessary expertise and experience to cure such subtle ailments. Sad state of medicine. Even sadder for people like me, who are stuck with a simple yet seemingly complex issue. 

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