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Paul Reiser's "Hood" series. Wholesome novelty.

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I'm not even kidding. Bear with me. Try and look into the books by Paul Reiser "Couplehood" "Babyhood" and "Familyhood" in that order.


It puts normality into perspective. It's very good at reminding us of the novelty of simple life and its very gratifying sublime-ness. And I'm not going to lie. It gave me the most realistic take of long-term relationship standards. And it made me smile. It's pretty funny.


When I first looked at the title, I thought it was a play-on the phrase of Buddha-hood, a title of becoming. I really don't know if I was being extra deep on that one. Maybe that's the point. etc etc. blah blah blah


To put the books simply, they are just collections of chapters of categorical insights surrounding average human relationship development. Nothing special, unless we are over-developed in unique-ness and divergence. Then it's very special :) 

Seek some clarity for Pete's sake! Be honest! lol



"Holy fuck. Holy fucking fuck. That body of yours is absurd." -Sri Ramana Maharshi

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