
high protein meal plans?

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I’m looking to get around 180-200g of protein a day spaced out over three meals and one snack. I’d also like to get around 300g of the right carbs.

I’m finding it difficult to do this however and just eating lots of chicken is so boring.

For the people here getting strong, what do you do for reaching your daily protein?

I’ve found whey is the only way lol 

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That doesn’t sound too difficult. Choose carb sources that are also good protein sources for example legumes and choose healthy fat sources that are also good protein sources for example tofu and nuts. Besides chicken and whey there are also many other mostly protein sources for example lean beef, tuna, many organs like chicken hearts, lean quark, prawns, …

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5 hours ago, King Merk said:

Try carnivore ;) 

Is it even useful to eat that much protein on a carnivore diet? I think carnivores want to stay in ketosis right and too much protein stops the ketosis so you want to get mostly fats. 

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@Jannes it depends on the style of carnivore diet.

Personally I get the best results from a high fat, moderate protein, zero carb version (~225ish grams PRO per day)

So that doesn’t kick me out of ketosis.

That said there’s plenty of people out there that do carnivore/animal based and aren’t aiming to be in ketosis such as Paul Saladino’s approach.

Ive played around with carnivore plus low toxicity carbs approach with pretty good results too (think just eating animal flesh and fruit or white rice) 

Edited by King Merk

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Here’s an example of what I ate one day for 217g protein, 320g carbs, and 76g fat. 

Lean meats, protein powder, Greek yogurt, eggs, fish, and protein powder mixed with oatmeal (actually tastes delicious) were my common foods to be at or above 200g of protein each day. You’ll also notice powdered peanut butter there too which is a good way to add flavor and some protein for not that many calories. 








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I get a lot out of tracking my food in an app on my phone, where it shows macros and whatnot. Theres a lot of good youtube videos on high-protein meals and prep, Joe Delaney makes my favorite ones. I've tried all his recipes and they're all top notch. I've heard it's ideal to get your protein mostly from actual food instead of whey- I limit myself to two scoops a day or like 1 scoop and a bar. Cheers

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On 3.1.2023 at 1:36 AM, King Merk said:

@Jannes it depends on the style of carnivore diet.

Personally I get the best results from a high fat, moderate protein, zero carb version (~225ish grams PRO per day)

So that doesn’t kick me out of ketosis.

That said there’s plenty of people out there that do carnivore/animal based and aren’t aiming to be in ketosis such as Paul Saladino’s approach.

Ive played around with carnivore plus low toxicity carbs approach with pretty good results too (think just eating animal flesh and fruit or white rice) 

Interesting. I will try the diet out for experimentation when lab meat becomes widely available.

What I don’t get about the diet is what exactly it is that makes it so special. Ketosis + high nutrients isn’t something you can only do with a carnivore diet. You could even get there with a vegan diet.


Edited by Jannes

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21 hours ago, Jannes said:

Interesting. I will try the diet out for experimentation when lab meat becomes widely available.

What I don’t get about the diet is what exactly it is that makes it so special. Ketosis + high nutrients isn’t something you can only do with a carnivore diet. You could even get there with a vegan diet.


Meat, especially beef is way more nutrient dense than any plant food out there.

Break down the macronutrients and micronutrients of a pound of beef verses a pound of any vegetable and the beef blows it out the water.

What makes it so special is the anti inflammatory nature of it. Most people are constantly feeding themselves high toxicity foods like wheat, dairy, leafy greens, etc and having an autoimmune response in reaction to those foods.

Grass fed organic beef doesn’t cause an autoimmune response. 

Lab meats are shit too assuming they’re made of hyper processed and highly inflammatory soybeans like most other fake meats are 

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1 hour ago, King Merk said:

What makes it so special is the anti inflammatory nature of it. Most people are constantly feeding themselves high toxicity foods like wheat, dairy, leafy greens, etc and having an autoimmune response in reaction to those foods.

There is literally no evidence of any plants causing autoimmune disease. This is just a flat out speculation and quackery in low carb community. Even for gluten, other than for coeliac patients which is a genetic disorder, gluten is not harmful for anyone.

Dairy, might, potentially have proinflammatory potential buy it is mostly conditional on people with inborn lactase deficiency or an autoimmune destruction of the brush border enzyme surface. Might also be more prevalent in children who were not breast fed but that's just my speculation 

I guess when you say toxic you mean that they contain antinutrients? Those actually seem to be mostly beneficial unless overdosed for example making kale juices or cassava soups 3 times a day...same way a rational person will not overdose on anything. Foods that contain highest amounts of lectins, phytates (like beans and whole grains) and stuff like that actually seem to contribute to longevity.

For people with plant intolerances who thrive on plant free diets, it is most likely they are just avoiding the issue of damaged microbiome or damaged intestinal liming. Once this os fixed, people can carefully and slowly reintroduce plants. I've seen this happen a few times. It can be done although it is not easy.

But to each their own. I don't think we need to propagate myths of "toxic" plants which is clearly a bs. Open to persuasion with a convincing argument. 

Edited by Michael569

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1 hour ago, King Merk said:

Meat, especially beef is way more nutrient dense than any plant food out there.

Break down the macronutrients and micronutrients of a pound of beef verses a pound of any vegetable and the beef blows it out the water.

Pound for pound maybe but meat is way higher in calorie then plants. You gotta compare the nutrients per calorie. Also you don’t need double or triple the needed amount. Getting more can actually become toxic especially with meat sources because your body can’t deal with an excess amount. (iron for example)



Lab meats are shit too assuming they’re made of hyper processed and highly inflammatory soybeans like most other fake meats are 

No its actual meat made in a lab. 

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Chickpeas, beans, lentils, peas,nuts, seeds(chia seeds, hemp seeds, sesame, poppy seed, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds,) are some other sources of protein, you could also incorperate. Grains also hold some amount of protein as does every food.  Although i do not believe in modern high protein diets promoted by the industry. (Not saying you dont need protein)

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I love some of these meal plans on here. I try to go for lean meats with less fat like turkey and chicken. Then implement high protein pancakes, 25g protein yogurt, egg whites, tofu, and finish the day with an anabolic icecream that has protein powder and peanut butter powder. 

Edited by AJBrew

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@Michael569 whenever I eat wheat I develop back pain, can’t breathe through my nose, develop a bloated stomach, get rashes on my skin and my gums become inflamed to the point of bleeding.

I’ve been tested for celiac disease and don’t have it. There has to be some sort of toxin in it causing this?

When I cut it out symptoms disappear. I can literally see the information disappear whenever I cut out these “toxic” food.

Personally I’ve gotten rid of gingivitis through the carnivore diet. 

What is causing this? Why is it that when I eat exclusively meat that I look and feel my best? How is it that there are thousand of people online who remove their medical conditions such as kidney disease, eczema, acne, etc from cutting out plant foods?

I’m genuinely curious, how do you explain this?


I’m not dogmatic about this. Carnivore is not for everyone. If someone eat plans and feels great and healthy with that diet then I support that.

My issue is with people that push “plants are healthy” on everyone including people like myself where they’re obviously not and causing a multitude of negative side effects 

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