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John Paul

The three simple principles (advanced)

3 posts in this topic

Remind yourself that anything beyond what is written here is the process of deconstruction unfolding, in other words your ego’s need for meaning running itself out.

Principal #1: Consciousness

Whatever happens in every moment that appears to be happening, remember this one word: Consciousness. Return to the second and third simple principals without mind.

Principal #2: Discipline 

Always be conscious. Never sacrifice your physical health unless it’s for the third simple principal. Never sacrifice your financial health unless it’s for the third simple principal. Drink the water, eat the healthy food, don’t eat anything else, move and heal your body every day, go to sleep at night, save your money, don’t waste your money, earn more money, buy investment properties.

Principal #3: Family

Besides simple principal number one, your family is your everything. Without the love that you share with these chosen few, you have nothing. If you don’t know how to love, you’re in luck:

Happy 2023. Let’s go.

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@John Paul , I hope you don’t mind me expressing my opinion, but what an interesting combination of values you have here! Consciousness as opposed to mind – quite an advanced value on the spiral, discipline – stage Blue (?), family, which “is your everything” – deep Purple!

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consciousness is how well you see, discipline is making yourself sit in order to gain consciousness, family is who you share with

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