
Thoughts and insights

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Theologians have some Kick-Ass lines:

"Wir lieben oder sterben, so sind wir des Herrn" Röm 14.8.

in English: "We love or die, so we are the Lord's." 

How I read it: We are both closest to god when we love or die. 🌹💀

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I recently read a poem about how it feels to be homeless. This is what I find interesting about it. A homeless person probably won't articulate their hurt so transparently. What they lack for that is self love and self acceptance. So it's a very weird and rare view to bring a low view of reality all the way up to something poetic. 

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Does this level of reality exist?

Waves out of metal, fire out of ice, happiness out of wooden blocks. Is there a place where the qualities of reality exist in shapes but not manifested in a consistent paradigm?



I wanted chatgpt to add more examples for the list. This wasn't what I had in mind but its still an interesting list:

Light out of shadows

Music out of silence

Life out of stone

Strength out of feathers

Warmth out of snow

Colors out of darkness

Time out of stillness

Joy out of tears

Flight out of roots

Dreams out of reality


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On 15.4.2024 at 7:18 PM, Jannes said:

The deepest beauty in the most ugly:

The more ugly something is the less you can see relative beauty in it because relative beauty is beauty relative to other ugly things. So when you find the most ugly thing in the world and try to find beauty in it and there is nothing more ugly to compare it to you can only find metaphysical beauty in it because metaphysical beauty is above comparison. So paradoxically the the most ugly things reveal the biggest picture of beauty. I snapped an even better picture which brought me to this thought but I cant find it anymore. :/  



I finally found this quote from Camus again. Thanks @Max_V

In the depths of winter,
I finally learned that within me 
there lay an invincible summer.

- Albert Camus

Camus quote is analogous to my thought. It just focuses on a different facet of reality (like beauty, goodness, "invincible summer", ... ) which absolute perspective can be found when it's lacking in the relative perspective. 

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little poetry 🌹:

auf Deutsch: Wie fühlt sich eine Rose während sie sich öffnet?

in English: How does a rose feel as it opens?

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Watched this 3 times already. There are so many things I like about it. He seems so authentic and unfiltered which is rare. And there are many elements of his life which I want to integrate as well like the passion to work on a project for 2 weeks straight. 


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I love this scene. It's a great motivation for contemplating ones "shadow". 

The ending that by accepting ones "dark side" you have control over it seems like a pretty intelligent interpretation. 

People who hide their "dark side" from themselves are really scary because they won't see it coming when their "dark side" takes over. From my memory: As Joran Peterson puts it: When a person hasn't integrated their shadow and there comes a coincidence in their life where 5 things trigger the person at the same time they might explode (their dark side) and they might do something very terrible because they didn't see that dark aspect of themselves growing inside them. So better be aware of that part of yourself. You should let it out in a controlled environment and then learn to tame that part of yourself. 


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Two aphorism which nail different perspectives of what it means to be a men

masking your weakness with moral superiority vs not being men enough to act feminine 

If you avoid both traps then you have a pretty solid base of a men imo. 


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Thoughts are free

What a beauty of a song. This song is so insanely deep I am contemplating a lot about it. It's so rare that a song really gets to me. Most of the time it's so much fantasy. This song was created and heard in the political context of rebellion against different oppressors in different times in Germany. Which is awesome. And it even implies certain metaphysical principles that thoughts can be disconnected from physical influences so it can be applied to your everyday life so well. Should you always just live in your own thoughts disconnected from reality? No, you should obviously engage in reality to a certain degree. You should also not go into fantasy when life gets tough. But there are so many things where you maybe found something beautiful in reality and yet groupthink talks you out of it. So you are simply outmatched and it is much better to not confront the outer world with your inner world otherwise your inner world is going to get damaged. You can take your inner world (for example spiritual insights) with you as long as you believe hard enough you can. No physical force can take it from you. 


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Another Dalton like idea:

A boss that is utterly incompetent but very active and a team that knows that but still loves their boss so much and would never put themselves above him so they put in all their genius to support the boss in making the ideas work. Because the supporters of the boss dont face the consequences of any major decisions they are all freed up from survival thinking and can make very creative decisions and because the boss is so incompetent he often goes in strange lines which create opportunities for unusual solutions to problems. 

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Another Dalton like idea:

A person with such insane charisma he completely breaks normal rankings. But he has a partner/ pet/ or friend which is absolutely hideous but the person gives that thing all the approval so society recontextualizes that things as something with high worth. The nasty smell gets recontextualized as it gets a backstory like that the thing might be very natural or too above things to care about smell and the shyness as cute or intelligent and stuff like that. 

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I have bought chatgpt4 finally, now I can post cool art. 


How did you get it out?

Sometimes we get really hurt but we cant get to the source of the pain because we are caught up in life so the pain accompanies us. It can become such a part of our living reality that it can seem impossible to relief that pain. But sometimes we are lucky and our pain is directly addressed and can be pulled out by the source. And then it feels like an impossible object like a twisted needle just got pulled out of you with perfect precision. If you had pulled it out with force you would have pulled out all the meat alongside it. 


Bild 14.07.24 um 00.54.jpeg

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Another dalton like idea "4":

Energy vampire humming bird. 

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Sex at the metaphysical level:

An Instagram post from Desiree Nicks Playboy shoot. She is the oldest German Playboy with an age of 66 (while shooting). I won't show any pictures of her here that's not what this post is about. What interests me is her developed understanding of sexuality at this age. And this post of her particularly struck me. It's often said that metaphysically the reason why sex feels so good is because it's the process of two opposite parts coming together and becoming whole. And that feels good because the universe wants to be itself/ united. Well doesn't this picture capture that just perfectly? 


Bild 23.07.24 um 12.17.jpeg

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Immature superhero.  (Another Dalton-like idea 5)

A Superhero who gets away with exactly the things mature people talk him out of. Imagine how much damage it would create if such a superhero would be popular for kids. Well we got some very immature role models nowadays so I thought this picture could describe some of that in humoristic fashion.

DALL·E 2024-07-30 19.18.08 - Create an image of a child superhero who defies common sense and safety warnings given by experienced older people. The child superhero should be depi.jpeg

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This video of Schopenhauer really made me aware of an idea I had about navigating the world because it is analogous to Schopenhauers its simply in a different domain.
I always had a very high moral development and because of that got easily abused. What I did was that I consciously integrated the appearance of an immoral person in my persona so that I could get along. No sane actually immoral person would do that because it usually gets disadvantages. But for me I wouldnt get abused as easily because people thought I wasn't moral but because it was more of a persona the people that really cared would see through the disguise and find their way to me. And it worked. I had forgotten though that I even integrated these mechanism into my psyche but now I understand why I did that. If you are more developed in spiral dynamics than your environment then it might be a good strategy to act less developed then you are on the surface. On the cognitive level it could mean acting like a fool, on the moral front it could mean acting like an asshole. Of course integrating that effectively takes a lot nuanced thinking. You dont want to actually be an immoral person or an idiot and you dont want to harvest the downsides of that appearance too much. So it's also about integrating hints so the right people can see through the disguise.


Bild 02.08.24 um 14.41.jpeg

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Qualia is Absolute (improved articulation)

Qualia is Absolute. Experiences which seem to not be part of Qualia like science, mathematics, atoms, .. have qualia characteristics. Like 2+2 = 4 has a certain experienceable quality (qualia), a scientific model has a experienceable quality (qualia) and everything you have ever experienced of an atom is qualia. The thought that there is something that isn’t qualia has an experienceable quality and is therefore also qualia.



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Reality shows and hides things from you

I woke up from a dream and it seemed like my engine lacked a little behind. Like I almost had my eyes opened yet I was still in a dream state. Then I suddenly saw the light around me which was hidden from my consciousness before. It was such a suttle but interesting direkt insight. That’s what consciousness does it can hide and show certain things from us. Its remarkable when you have a direct insight into it.

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Brainwashed with core beliefs

Until very recently I always swam with my fingers opened. I did it because I had a swim teacher when I was 6 years old and when we practiced swimming on land she taught me the technique of doing the swimming motion with fingers spread which I did. As soon as I grew a little older I developed enough common sense to know perfectly well that it didnt make logical sense to keep the fingers spread because water would get through the holes and therefore you would have less area to use to push the water away to repel yourself forward. But still I swam that way because somehow the things that you are taught in childhood are just burned into your brain and just have more authority over other things. So only recently I was finally able to let that old idea go. There are many other very fundamental things about the nature of reality which you are told when you are young which are way less obvious. So it's very reasonable to assume that I am driven by some core beliefs which probably dont match reality at all and getting myself to question those will probably take some exceptional work.

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Look at dat frog (critique of society)

Lion: Yo look at frog other there doing frog things.

Tiger: Look at him being all green like a frog. 

Lion: He is such a frog dude.

Tiger: Yo frog why you doing all that frog things why dont you catch a fish or something?

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