
Thoughts and insights

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Reality is made out of weirdness:

Reality is made out of weirdness. A scratch, warmth, spit in your mouth, whatever sensation (although the smaller and more subtle ones are suited better for this realization) it may be, when you inspect it subtly and very closely and not give it names it becomes mysterious and weird and loses all its normalness. Everything around is simply seems to be normal, but it's actually very mysterious and weird. As if you take things out of reality when you inspect them long enough. 


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What connects reality?

I recently discovered an idea from Hegels philosophy which name I forgot but here are some examples of it. A thing is more than the total of all of its parts: Just like a painting is more than the summary of its strokes or a song is more than the summary of its lutes. All of it smashed together gives a completely new quality. But when looked at the total the individual parts loose their individuality, the strokes or lutes from these examples would go under when looked at the total. 

This thought made me realize that every state of consciousness is completely unique. Even if let's say you are calm and happy at this moment and a few seconds later a little something happened/ got added now there is a completely new state of consciousness because its a new composition of individual parts. So from this I thought of reality in infinite pictures as in infinite states of consciousness. There are no levels of something. Like there aren't levels of calm. What you call slightly calm and a slightly bit more slightly calm are very unique states of consciousness. They could be one percent different and that would separate them as unique states of consciousness. 

So why are these states of consciousness connected, are they connected, why do we believe they are connected?


(This is not to be confused with thinking about a different state of consciousness while "being in another state of consciousness". Because that's not possible. The state of consciousness in that case would be the state of consciousness that believes that there is split between doer and happening which both happen in one state of consciousness. )


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Human science is a way for the universe to experience its structures through human eyes. Because science only works when it touches reality the science that humans invent is a part (even if it's a very limited one) of reality. 

Humans turn reality inside out. They take the structures of reality and built inventions with them. What would humans built if they were infinitely intelligent? That might be a strange loop situation where they would built themself. But that would mean that they end up right here. 

Edited by Jannes

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Happiness is about getting many elements which you have control over to get along. It's starts at a bacteria level, to the body, to your personality (which is about getting many part personalities to get along), society, the solar system. 

Which level of magnification is the most harmonious? As they all harmonious and it's simply the magnification at all which gives a view but takes away the understanding as a whole that it seems there is something unharmonious at all?

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Lost a post in this thread. That poem won't leave me! 


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Okay so I can't grasp my hand because it's an always changing thing in time. When I slowly move my hand forward, the hand a moment prior to that would grasp the hand right now but that's not THE HAND RIGHT NOW.

When we speak of something grasping something else we speak of two objects. The hand can't grasp itself because for that there would need to be an object that grasps and an object that is getting grasped. An object can't be itself and its opposite at the same time and still manifest. Existence means duality, when opposites collapse they delete each other. 

Then because it's a finite object. If the object of the hand were instead two hand on top of each other the question would be why can't the two hands on top of each other not grasp themselves. So no amount of size increase would solve that unless it would be infinite. 



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If the universe is much more intelligent in its design then any human can comprehend. If a single cell is more intelligent than any human invention how can it be that humans dominate earth? How can humans dominate an unbelievable intelligent world if their inventions they come up with are far less intelligent? Because it's not about the content of the idea but rather that humans come up with ideas at all which is a trait far more intelligent than any of the other intelligences around. 

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Your ego didn't create your ego. And for that reason you also can't control it. 

Ultimately there is nothing wrong with bad/ selfish acts that you do because you have an ego forced upon you that you can't take off and which is to strong for you to have any chance of beating. There is nothing you can do to escape that situation. So ultimately there is no reason to feel bad about yourself.

What a mindfuck!

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The perfect world of ideas:

First scribbled approach 

In our everyday life we always condemn things as good or bad, as stupid or intelligent, as more or less adequate.

I recently had to read about the mechanism of trauma and had a debate with my parents about if trauma is basically a perfect mechanism or if it has flaws. 

In my opinion the trauma mechanism is absolutely perfect. When a psychological overwhelming experience takes place our psyche makes defense mechanisms so our psyche won't take damage/ so that we can take action. The negative experience is getting pressed into the unconscious. When the danger is over the experience comes back up to be resolved. Thats a perfect mechanism imo.
In my parents opinion trauma is bad because it stops us from archieving our goals and it is something that needs to be confronted.
Of course I didn't disagree with this statement with my previous statement it's simply a different lense of looking at something. One in a personal kind of way and one in an objective distanced kind of way and these different ways of looking at something give or take away meaning from something. In this distanced objective way of looking at trauma I could only see perfection, in the personal kind of way I could only see helpful or flaws.
One is wrapped around the content of what is happening, the other around the idea behind it. "You fucking asshole", the content of that can of course be judged, but the mechanisms behind it might be perfectly reasonable. Maybe the person saying that needed to express their frustration in such a crude way, to relieve their psyche for a moment. 
When we judge something we basically judge its limitations. We say, why aren't you less limited?
Can it be possible that there is a perfect world when we see things as bad? Yes because us seeing things as bad is part of also just a perfectly adjusted mechanism with an intelligent function.

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The total and its individual parts:

Hegel: "The total is more than the total of all individual parts." A painting is not the total of all individual strokes. In the paintings there are no strokes, the painting is its own quality where the strokes go under and loose their individuality. When we look at the strokes themselves the painting looses its being.
Now the universe might be something like that. It might be looked at a total but then all the individual parts loose their individuality. But when we look at all the individual parts, the total of the universe looses its meaning.

A cell is a total of molecules. An organism is a total of cells. A polulation is a total of organism. ... the universe is a total of ...
We have a set point in that hierarchy. To understand the world or the universe we might have to change ourselves because we need to be higher on the hierarchy but a perfect understanding would mean that we would loose all of our individuality.

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From the distance objects can seem "mushy". Yet if you zoom into everything no "mushiness" can be found, it's all concrete objects. Mushiness is simply a lack of consciousness. 

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Interesting topic in a talk with a psychologist:

In the pursuit of complete authenticity what are we when we work through all traumas and all labels that we put on ourselves? Will we even be real then?

What is an apple without the name apple, without the label sweet and fresh, without a picture in our mind, without science lenses, ... ? Well it will be reality. An apple is not its symbolic forms it just is ... reality. When we take away all our identification we will just be like an apple is. We will be reality. Whatever remains then. It's not a bug that this can not be grasped because if it could be then that would be a concept. 

Edited by Jannes

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Is the chicken egg problem a strange loop?

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How would it feel like when all the suffering you felt in your entire life would get compressed into 1 sec? Or one millisecond? If the suffering of the entire universe would be compressed into it? How would it feel like to get a very low percentage part of that super compressed suffering? How would I feel after it? Is it a good exchange, your whole life suffering in one second and then you are free from all suffering the rest of your life. It's probably the mind thinking in strange loops, nothing is won or lost in that. Still I am so curious how that would feel like. 

For some reason I wondered about this for years so I finally wrote it down. But I have no idea what the source of this curiosity is..

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"Ego death"

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Thoughts on racism:

I recently made a mistake about racism because I thought about how racism worked wrong.  

Here is how I thought about racism. 

Racist are the things we say about people that dont match reality. Those things who do match reality are not racist. 

But this view is shortsighted because our perception of reality is limited. In other words, we only notice a certain amount of it. And it's important to select the right things you perceive. 

Which brings me to this example. I say that it is reacts to say that black people are black. 


Not because it's untrue but because it shapes our perception of reality. 

Black people are black and White people are white Black people are black and White people are white 

Black people are black and White people are white Black people are black and White people are white 

Black people are black and White people are white Black people are black and White people are white 

Black people are black and White people are white Black people are black and White people are white 

If you said that all the time you would notice these differences more. 

Is it the right thing to do to deceive yourself into anti racism (for example all races are the same) though? You might simply limit your perception of reality in that regard and focus more on other things. 

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ideal idea of a snack on lsd:

A thought about a recent LSD trip that got back to me. I saw all kinds of graffiti art on lsd and probably because I was hungry I saw some kind of food. It was something hefty, fatty, maybe the idea of a little cheese, maybe the idea of a little salami, but nothing very specific. It didn't really have a form physically or taste wise.

I remembered a talk of Jordan Peterson where he talks about how when men look for a girlfriend what they have before they got a real girl is the ideal girl the womenness so to say before reality shapes it and gives it all sorts of edges so that it can manifest. So in order to have a real girlfriend one has to sacrifice the ideal in their mind. 

This can be analogous to this nonspecific food I saw on lsd. It was the ideal thing but it wasn't anything in particular. It wasn't a hamburger, it wasn't lasagne, it wasn't pizza, it wasn't a sandwich, it wasn't a steak, it wasn't noodles, .. it was something superior to all of it, it was the ideal thing. 


I wonder if thats what plato means with his ideology/ Allegory of the Cave.


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Being mature means, you get joy out of doing the right thing. If you haven't discovered that you get joy out of that, you are forced to take immature love because you always take love in the best form that is available. 

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Changing by staying the same - Staying the same by changing PARADOX:

The more you change the more you stay the same. In the reverse way how Star Wars looses its spirit by trying to hold onto it.

From Leos Blog George Lucas Explains Star Wars: You can't "hold on to the spirit that started all this" because spirit is dynamic"

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