
Mindfulness Concern

8 posts in this topic

If mindfulness helps me get more joy out of a nice good meal wouldn't that also mean that something thats painful will be more painful? I dont get it. Lol. Still gonna meditate regardless just a little concern.

Edited by x_x

Real eyes, realize, real lies.


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The traditional explanation is that pain and suffering are not one in the same. For example if you were to stub your toe, then you would feel physical pain, but how much it will cause you to suffer, if at all, is up to you. One person stubs his toe and screams to the heavens. He punches a door, and spends the next hour complaining. The next day he tells his co-workers about it, even though the physical experience has long since subsided. He is still choosing to suffer from the experience long after it has occurred. 

Alternatively, the same person may stub his toe, and because he is well practiced in mindfulness, his reflexive response is to still his body and mind and allow the experience to arise. He feels the pain as it radiates through his toe into his foot, stays with it and allows it to subside. Was it really so bad? He goes about his day. 

Generally speaking, most of the suffering in life is not 'inherent' so much as it is resistance to something that is occurring. This can be discovered by taking note of the things that trigger you and cause you suffering, and by injecting mindfulness into the experience the next time it occurs. It is by pushing against the experience that suffering and attachment arise, and this experience of resistance can compound upon itself the more mind energy is placed into it. Eventually one believes that the object of suffering is outside when really it is the attitude, focus and resistance that is being unconsciously chosen that causes the suffering. 

Initially when engaging in meditation and mindfulness practice, it is possible that one becomes more aware of the suffering that has been suppressed, but that very awareness begins to unravel it.  

As a general rule, when clear focus/awareness is placed on love and happiness, the happiness increases, and when it is placed on suffering, the suffering releases. The dynamics of why it should be this way become clearer as you practice. It is one of the miracles of life. 

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Mindfulness helps to become aware of reality the way it is without the mental filters, perceptions and illusions. It also helps in emotional processing and stability, which means you're able to handle emotions pretty well. People who are less emotionally balanced experience little joy out of everyday joyful experiences like eating, spending time with family, watching tv, listening to humourous conversations, but get easily upset, angry, irritated even at the slightest provocation. 

On the other hand, people who are emotionally stable and balanced enjoy and experience deep fulfillment in everyday events and don't get easily upset or offended when something bad happens. Their positive state of mind acts as an antidote to the negativity around them. Thus they loosen up when times are bad and learn to deal with bad situations very effectively, practically and without judgment. They can differentiate between the feelings of real pain and perceived pain and detach from anything that is redundant. They are not going to whine like crybabies about something but deal with it constructively. Mindfulness not just radiates outwards but it  actually radiates inwards. It's mindfulness of the mind. You become more mindful of who you are. Mindfulness is not just experiencing things, but cultivation of a mindful mind that knows how to be calm, stable, perceptive and mindful while dealing with the outer environment. 

  1. Only ONE path is true. Rest is noise
  2. God is beauty, rest is Ugly 

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@x_x I agree with @Arman , he explained beautifully.

Pleasures accentuate and pains attenuate when you are fully aware. This realization has changed my life, the difference is of day/night.

So go ahead and do not worry.

My Blog : : Pure Experiences : : Pure Knowledge

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This is a great thread. Thank you guys. Everything is already so well said. I'll contribute an 'actionable' that I use sometimes. 

I think a great excercise in mindfulness, is to go through your day not talking. Just observe. 

You'll become more aware of when you would have reacted. Just notice those reactions but don't say anything or react. After a while, you become free to choose pro actions.

Edited by Nahm



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@x_x You're welcome.

  1. Only ONE path is true. Rest is noise
  2. God is beauty, rest is Ugly 

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