
Will the whole world be prepared for the day China invaded Taiwan?

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There’s been more and more and more talk about China invading Taiwan, especially ever since Russia invaded Ukraine and tensions between China and Taiwan have been constantly escalating.

Considering that China has the second largest economy in the world and has become the world’s largest trade exporter, if or when China invaded Taiwan, then will the whole global economy be in a severe recession or depression? How will the global be ready to handle such a major turn in events?

Furthermore, if or when China does invade Taiwan would that start World War III?

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I don’t believe the world can ever be prepared for stuff like this but what we can do is work on ourselves and collectively try our best, stand by our values, etc. 

No one knows, the future is uncertain as always. As of now China doesn’t appear to be preparing an invasion and if they were to it would take a year minim (I read this somewhere). It took Russia years to prepare the war Ukraine and it took almost a year to stage the invasion this year. 

I would say Russia’s shortcomings in Ukraine have definitely given China pause over invading Taiwan and they are closely assess how this will shape future conflict and how things are resolved in the future. 

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24 minutes ago, Lyubov said:

I don’t believe the world can ever be prepared for stuff like this but what we can do is work on ourselves and collectively try our best, stand by our values, etc. 

No one knows, the future is uncertain as always. As of now China doesn’t appear to be preparing an invasion and if they were to it would take a year minim (I read this somewhere). It took Russia years to prepare the war Ukraine and it took almost a year to stage the invasion this year. 

I would say Russia’s shortcomings in Ukraine have definitely given China pause over invading Taiwan and they are closely assess how this will shape future conflict and how things are resolved in the future. 

I am incline to agree with you that China has probably become more hesitant about invading Taiwan because of how the War in Ukraine has been playing out. You're also right about how it does take a year or more for any country to get ready to seriously invade a country or start a conventional war with another country. 

But what should we do if China's invasion of Taiwan does cause a major global recession or unprecedented global economic depression?

Edited by Hardkill

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Yes, it's probably the number one most planned-for military scenario in history.

I'd be worried about scenarios that nobody is talking about. What if China invaded and claimed much of eastern Siberia for instance?

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1 hour ago, Hardkill said:

I am incline to agree with you that China has probably become more hesitant about invading Taiwan because of how the War in Ukraine has been playing out. You're also right about how it does take a year or more for any country to get ready to seriously invade a country or start a conventional war with another country. 

But what should we do if China's invasion of Taiwan does cause a major global recession or unprecedented global economic depression?

I don’t know. The thing is events like this are basically impossible to accurately predict how they will play out, what to do beforehand, etc. There are just too many moving pieces. I think what the USA has been doing so far are about the best and wisest moves we can expect from any world leader or political body. Geopolitical security has largely rested on the idea of diplomacy, mutual economic growth and deterrence through weapons (nukes and arms races to more advanced stuff). I think this is one of the reasons we need to really push society to evolve past dictatorship type power structures and more towards democracies where power is distributed throughout. Seems like it takes just one isolating lockdown to drive a dictator to acting on their imperialist fantasies. 

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16 hours ago, Hardkill said:

But what should we do if China's invasion of Taiwan does cause a major global recession or unprecedented global economic depression?

Who is we? If the last 5 years have taught me anything it's that there's no we. YOU better have a plan if things overnight get 3x more expensive. That should be something you've been working on and keep actively working on. If that happens and you're not ready, your country will let you starve and die on the streets as they do every day with homeless people and people that can't make it.


16 hours ago, Stovo said:

Yes, it's probably the number one most planned-for military scenario in history.

I'd be worried about scenarios that nobody is talking about. What if China invaded and claimed much of eastern Siberia for instance?

This is a very wise comment. I personally would say there's 0% chance that China invades Taiwan. It militarily, economically, and geopolitically makes no sense, it would ruin their country.  


Owner of creatives community all around Canada

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Noone genuinly gives a fuc@ about taiwan. Everone is busy trying to survive. USA will turn taiwan into another ukrain and blame it on china. common man is super deluded . common man can be made to believe in anything through the media

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When I was talking to this Chinese girl, I asked her about Hong Kong and she told me that it is rightfully a part of China and that it should be subjugated. I guess she would say the same for Taiwan. China believes it owns Taiwan and Hong-Kong, Serbia believes it owns Kosovo, Turkey and Iraq believe they own the Kurdish people. What the war between Ukraine and Russia showed is that conflict is inevitable. Even if nuclear war never happens, you will always have small, proxy wars, which will create problems for all the world (i.e. death, suffering, financial instability). If you trully want to survive a nuclear world war build a bunker in the woods and stock supplies. If you want to live a quality life when proxy wars happen you ought to have a source of increasing income, since costliness grows.

Edited by TheGreekSeeker

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@Hardkill As long as the US Navy continues to patrol the South China sea, there will be no invasion of Taiwan by China.

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